Thursday, 17 March 2022

Prime Minister Says More People Allowed at Events, Children no Longer Need to Self-test

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - The COVID situation allows for further relaxing restrictions, so more people will be allowed at public events and hospitality establishments to stay open longer, while the self-testing of children in schools is being revoked, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Thursday.

There will no longer be restrictions on the number of people allowed at events for which COVID certificates are required. Bars and restaurants can stay open until 2 am. Also, pre-school children will not have to self-isolate.

Restrictions will also be relaxed for sporting competitions, cultural events, fairs and other economic and tourism events taking place indoors, as well as religious services.

Speaking at cabinet session, Plenković said the consequences of infection with the Omicron variant were much milder than before, "but we must stay on high alert, the virus is still here and has the gravest consequences on some citizens."

He added that 70.6% of adults have been vaccinated with at least one dose.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated section and select your preferred language if it isn't English.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Jelena Milić Appointed New Serbian Ambassador to Croatia

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - Serbia's new;y appointed ambassador to Croatia is Jelena Milić, a long-standing civil society activist and former director of the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, it was said in Belgrade on Wednesday.

Milić, born in 1965, was appointed by a decree of President Aleksandar Vučić which goes into force on Thursday.

From April 1997 until February 1999, Milić worked on a Serbian Helsinki Committee on Human Rights project for the return of Serb refugees to Croatia. 

In the late 1990s, she actively supported the non-violent Resistance movement, which contributed to the fall of Slobodan Milošević.

Milić established the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies in 2007 and was its executive director until its closure last year. The centr advocated Serbia's EU and NATO membership.

She is considered well-versed in Serbia's relations with the EU and NATO as well as in Russia's influence in the Western Balkans and the status of Kosovo.

Milić's appointment as Serbia's ambassador in Zagreb in the middle of campaigning for parliamentary and presidential elections in Serbia has been condemned by the conservative right opposition.

The NADA coalition said that "because of decades of representing positions contrary to Serbia's interests, one can conclude that Croatia and NATO got an ambassador, not Serbia."

The Patriotic Bloc called Milić a "long-standing NATO lobbyist" and that her appointment was "a huge insult to the 250,000 expelled Krajina Serbs."

For more, check out our dedicated politics section.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

We Certainly Didn't Send Drone Towards Croatia, Ukraine Defense Minister Says

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - "Ukraine is investigating the incident with the unmanned aerial vehicle that crashed in Zagreb last week and it certainly did not launch it towards Croatia", Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov said on Thursday.

"I am in daily contact with my Croatian colleague, we are talking about that. We are investigating the incident and I assure you we are not the ones who launched that drone towards Croatia. Croatia is our friend and we would never do that", Reznkov said.

He was taking part via video link in a meeting of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, the Security and Defence Subcommittee, and the EU-Ukraine parliamentary delegation.

Responding to a question from Croatian MEP Tonino Picula, Reznikov recalled that Ukraine had been among the first countries to recognise Croatia and to send it weapons during the 1991-95 war.

He said the drone incident raised the question of NATO's security system.

"The drone flew over several member states. How come you didn't see it? Why didn't you destroy it? Can you cover your own airspace?", Reznikov said, describing his question as rhetorical.

For more on this, check out our dedicated politics section.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Opposition Says VAT Cuts Welcome, but Late

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - The government's proposal to cut VAT on food and gas is welcome but late and insufficient, the parliamentary opposition said on Thursday, while the ruling HDZ said the cut was timely and that it would help citizens weather the price rises.

"The government's proposal is going in the right direction, but the fact is that it's late and it's not enough," Social Democratic Party president Peđa Grbin said ahead of a debate on amendments to the VAT Act whereby the government wishes to buffer the energy price hikes and protect living standards and the economy.

Grbin said the government should introduce other measures, too, and asked what it was doing to ensure incentives for enterprises so they could work in these crisis times.

Marijan Pavliček of the Sovereignists said they mostly agreed with the government's measures but asked why the amendments to the VAT Act did not go into force on 1 March.

"This blow is unbearable and the government should have reacted much sooner and much stronger," Nikola Grmoja of Bridge said, calling on the government to further cut excises on fuel.

Stephen Bartulica of the Homeland Movement said this was too little too late and that the government reacted only when it absolutely had to.

Marin Lertoić of the Istrian Democratic Party said they supported any relief of households and businesses.

Grozdana Perić of the HDZ said these amendments would help citizens weather the energy price hikes and that over the past six years the government had found solutions to crises and stabilised public finance.

The opposition fears that the VAT cuts on key foodstuffs and gas will not result in lower food prices.

Davor Bernardić of the Social Democrats said that when VAT was cut in 2018, food became more expensive.

He said foreign retail chains would have discounts for a week and then prices would soar, adding that Finance Minister Zdravko Marić would be responsible for millions of kuna ending in the pockets of foreign retailers, just as it was in 2018.

The government has proposed reducing VAT from 25% and 13% to 5% on children's food, edible oils and fats, butter and margarine, live animals, fresh meat and fish, vegetables, fruit, eggs, seedlings, fertilisers and pesticides, fodder for animals, and tickets for concerts, sporting and cultural events.

The government also proposed a 13% VAT rate on natural gas supplies and heating from power stations, firewood, and menstrual products, among other things, and a 5% VAT rate on natural gas deliveries from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

The VAT cuts are estimated at HRK 2.1 billion.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Croatian-Spanish Fusion Project Starting Soon

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - In two to three weeks Croatian and Spanish scientists will start to examine materials necessary for building an EU power plant where electricity will be produced by fusion.

The Croatian and Spanish science ministers, Radovan Fuchs and Diana Morant, respectively, signed in Madrid on Wednesday an agreement green-lighting the DONES (Demo Oriented Neutron Source) project.

The EU wants to build the first demo power plant where electricity will be produced by the fusion of two lighter hydrogen atoms into a heavier one that releases huge amounts of energy. Currently, materials used to build power plants are unable to withstand such high temperatures and radiation.

In order for the construction of the first demo plant to begin in 2035, it is necessary to find the required construction materials.

"Croatia and Spain will examine materials from which fusion reactors should be made in the future... because we are talking about high intensity radiation," Fuchs told Hina.

Croatia and Spain agreed in 2018 to examine the materials together as part of the DONES project. A facility will be built in Granada, Spain and local scientists will work together with colleagues from Zagreb's Ruđer Bošković Institute.

Fuchs said the project was worth €400 million and that Croatia would participate with €30 million, the rest coming from Spain.

"This opens a whole range of possibilities for the participation of high tech companies building such experimental plants," he said, adding that Croatian companies are interested, too.

Fuchs visited Madrid as part of a Croatian delegation led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, who met with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sánchez, who mentioned the future cooperation on this project at a joint press conference.

Fuchs said today's agreement was just the start of the whole story and that the project "begins in two or three weeks. There will be intensive traffic between Granada and Zagreb."

Croatia and Spain were among the countries that applied for the DONES project, submitting the documents required to the EU Fusion for Energy (F4E) body.

An F4E task force assessed that the locations the two countries proposed for the project, Spain's Granada and Croatia's in the Moslavina region, were both suitable but that Granada was more ready as a vacant technological park. The Moslavina location, an empty building site, serves as a backup location.

The Spanish Science Ministry said that since 2018, when the cooperation was agreed, Spain and Croatia had participated together in several European projects as part of the EUROfusion project.

"This is yet another step in the science cooperation between Spain and Croatia", said Minister Morant.

The ministry said the construction of the facility in Granada would create 1,000 jobs, including for 400 top scientists from all over the world.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Plenković Announces Stronger Cooperation With Spain

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - Wrapping up his visit to Spain on Wednesday evening, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković announced the further strengthening of bilateral relations in economy, science, culture in the Mediterranean as well as cooperation in international issues such as the Ukraine conflict.

"Spain has extended strong political support for Croatia's entry to Schengen, the euro area and the OECD. We appreciate the cooperation in the Mediterranean", Plenković said after meeting with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

Plenković was the first Croatian prime minister who visited Spain since 1996.

"I took the opportunity for talks on Southeast Europe as well, on the need to reform the election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We want that law to be just for all three constituent peoples, so that they can elect their true representatives", he said, adding that Croatia will support BiH on its EU path.

The situation in BiH is not in Madrid's focus.

Sánchez said they confirmed that they would strengthen the bilateral relations and commended the cooperation with Croatia in the Council of the EU.

This year marks 30 years of bilateral relations between the two countries.

After meeting with Sánchez, Plenković met with Congress of Deputies President Meritxell Batet for talks on parliamentary cooperation and the humanitarian repercussions of the Russian aggression on Ukraine.

He was then received by King Felipe VI at the royal palace.

Speaking to the press afterwards, Plenković said the meeting was cordial. They exchanged views on bilateral and European matters.

"Faced with new security challenges, we are strengthening our partnership within the EU and NATO", he wrote on Twitter.

King Felipe VI vacationed on the Croatian coast in the past and an official visit is being arranged.

Plenković wrapped up his visit by meeting with the Croats living in Madrid at the Croatian Embassy, telling them to continue to develop cooperation in all areas.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Croatia Reports 2,032 New Coronavirus Cases, 9 Deaths

ZAGREB, 17 March 2022 - In the last 24 hours 2,032 coronavirus cases, out of 7,190 tests, and 9 related deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national COVID-19 crisis management team said on Thursday.

There are 11,073 active cases, including 696 hospitalised patients, of whom 42 are on ventilators, while 7,388 persons are self-isolating.

Croatia has registered 1,079,397 coronavirus cases to date and the death tool is 15,392.

To date 56.9% of the total population, or 67.68% of adults, have been vaccinated against COVID, including 65.64% of adults fully.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated section and select your preferred language if it isn't English.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Remote Work in Style: Win a 5-Star Sun Gardens Dubrovnik Workation

March 17, 2022 - Join the momentum of the Croatian remote work revolution and win yourself a luxury 5-star Sun Gardens Dubrovnik workation. 

The English language is constantly evolving. 

Words that are my everyday currency in 2022 - blog, social media, digital nomads, Instagrammable - simply did not exist 20 years ago. And listening to my kids chatting to their friends, I sometimes wonder if I am still a native speaker of English anymore. 

Last year, among the many new English words that I learned was one which I now realise is going to be absolutely huge, and it represents a seismic change in the future of work. 



I have seen it also spelled as Worcation, and even Workcation. A combination of two aspects of daily life which have been distinctly separate until now - work and vacation. But now, with the location independence offered by the remote work revolution, a concept which is becoming increasingly mainstream. 

Instead of driving to the office in your home town in the States each day, and coming home to the usual day-to-day existence at home, now the opportunities are endless.  You can be just as productive via your laptop during the working day, then have a coffee on the riva in Split, or a cocktail on Stradun in Dubrovnik to unwind after another productive day. 

The Croatian digital nomad story is still very nascent, but it is becoming acknowledged as one of the most dynamic in the world. Only the second country in Europe to offer a digital nomad visa/permit (which came into effect on January 1, 2021), Croatia has been very active in promoting this sector, and nowhere more so than Dubrovnik. 


Host of the first-ever digital nomad conference in Croatia back in October, 2020, as well as the pioneering and award-winning Dubrovnik Digital Nomads-in-Residence program in April, 2021, Dubrovnik is continuing its push as an innovative remote work destination with the recently-announced Work. Place. Cuture. conference, a collaboration between the City of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Tourist Board, Saltwater Nomads, and Total Croatia News - the conference which brings work from anywhere to absolutely everywhere. Join remote professionals and destinations from around the world as they inspire a global workforce who have greater location flexibility than ever before, and the destinations which are reinventing to support them through policy, infrastructure and community (more on the official website).

Public-private partnership has been key to Dubrovnik's success so far, and the buy-in from the private sector is demonstrated by the very exciting offer from award-winning 5-star resort, Sun Gardens Dubrovnik - in partnership with the Dubrovnik Tourist Board and Saltwater Nomads - which is offering a fantastic Win a Workation offer. 


The winning team will enjoy a 1-week stay (between 1 and 9 May 2022) at the 5 Star Sun Gardens Dubrovnik and have the chance to partake of a specialty workshop – strategy planning, team building, wellbeing and leadership are among the options available. The all-star team will also present at the Work. Place. Culture. Conference on 5-7 May 2022.


The winning team will stay in 2 x 2 bedroom residences. Each bedroom has a kingsize bed and ensuite with shared living area.


Enjoy free access to the sports centre – with gym and facilities, and free access to group trainings such as functional training or pilates.


Laze by one of the pools overlooking the Adriatic sea, or access the spa centre – with indoor swimming pool, gym, saunas, jacuzzi, relaxation area (massages and treatments additional).

Are you part of a team working remotely for the past couple of years, whose only contact with your colleagues has been through Zoom? Why not come together, relax, reconnect and reinvigorate in Paradise?


If your team would like to apply to win this Sun Gardens Dubrovnik workation and an unforgettable 9 days in the Pearl of the Adriatic, you can apply here. Applications are open until April 8.

Check out the magical Old Town and Sun Gardens Dubrovnik video teaser above - why would you take a workation anywhere else?

To learn more about the destination, check out the Total Croatia Dubrovnik in a Page guide, and also visit the official Sun Gardens Dubrovnik website.  

For more news and features about digital nomads in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Meet Ivana Jozic and Her Approach to Gaining Confidence in Public Speaking

March 17, 2022 – TCN had the opportunity to meet Ivana Jozic and talk about her work, including the Speak Through Fear project, an approach to enhance public speaking capabilities, guiding participants through a personal process to unlock their potential, and encourage effective presentation.

There comes a time when everyone must be in front of an audience, albeit small, or at some point be interviewed and perhaps feel unsuitable or not sufficiently prepared. It happens every day and almost to everyone, be it a professional or a family circumstance. Society itself puts us in front of these daily trials which sometimes become fears.

As always, some people feel more confident and more relaxed than others who get blocked and cannot express themselves just for the simple fear of doing it. Those who are looking for a solution and help in this field could rely on the professionalism of Ivana Jozic. She was born in Zagreb but has built her incredible career as an actress and dancer in Antwerp.


Credit: Masa Lucic

Ivana studied dance at the School for Classical Ballet in Zagreb and the London Contemporary Dance School, but she also studied acting at Drama Studio London.

She started working with the Belgian visual artist, theater director, choreographer, and writer Jan Fabre in 2003 in several performances; she also toured for four years with Fabre’s solo Angel of Death, a worldwide success that won the Golden Laurel Wreath at the MESS International Theatre Festival as the best overall performance. In 2008, Fabre has written and created another solo for her: Another Sleepy, Dusty, Delta Day. She is regularly teaching in Jan Fabre Teaching GroupWorkshops and is still actively performing.

Thanks to her background in education and being professionally active in arts for over 30 years now, she is very well acquainted with the difficulties and limitations that stage fright can create. And that is precisely why she developed an approach for people outside the realm of performing arts and who are presented with the challenge of public speaking, guiding them to overcome their fears and insecurities when on stage, be it an actual stage, podium, a meeting, or an interview. 


Credit: Goran Lepen

In her approach of Speak Through Fear, she points out that we always need to find a way to have a strong relationship with what we are saying. How can we convince others if we are not convinced ourselves? This is the question that we must always answer. Thanks to this redefinition of the person’s motivation in the speaking situation and by guiding the person to a genuine approach towards public speaking, everyone can find the most natural and best way to reach it. 

When did you start this teaching project?

The idea of ‘Speak Through Fear’ teaching/coaching has been present for a long time. I have been teaching in theatre workshops for many years, and at some point, I realized that I could draw parallels working with people outside of the artistic realm on public presentation. Since there is a significant demand for this kind of practical approach to the public presentation, I have decided to create a coaching program. The project started in 2020 as a result o the long-term experience I have as a performer and a teacher. I find it challenging and refreshing to share it with people who are not necessarily directly connected to arts but who can significantly benefit from the mechanisms of presentation skills I am incredibly familiar with.

What kind of professionals and people attend your workshops? 

The workshops are for anyone who wants to improve their public speaking and presentation skills. We have a wide range of participants: creatives who need to present themselves and their work, big companies, managers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, executives, policymakers, representatives of the EU institutions, NGOs, students, sales & marketing experts, real estate agents, yoga teachers, and other professionals. These are not always people having some fear and obstacles when facing a public speech, but they can also be very experienced with public speaking, but nevertheless want to work on the improvement and development of their skills and appearance, both online or offline. And this workshop is created for both categories in order to feel safe and supported while learning how to deal with fear or challenges in the arena of public presentation.

How many people are in your working groups?

It is a workshop designed for every individual type of job. Otherwise, the experience of the participants becomes too passive. Therefore, I have limited the number of participants from 4 up to 10. Everything above that would not be fair and would not give a chance to the participants to experience what I am aiming for. For people who would like a more individualized approach, I also work with them in 1-to-1 individual mentoring, including short-term and long-term mentoring consisting of monitoring, advising, and guiding the person in their process and development.


Credit: Masa Lucic

What’s the difference between the various coaching courses we have now and this one? 

The main difference is that it is a workshop of a practical nature. What does that mean? It means we are not sitting and talking (only), but we tend to test public presentations in practice and, in this way, give participants a possibility to experience and learn. I am using relaxation exercises to enhance focus and concentration and several physical activities to liberate the body and voice. And then, the main part of the workshop is working on each participant’s speech individually. In that way, participants have a chance to test their speeches and, together with me, find out how to improve the speech itself and the way it is presented. There is no specific technique to master. Each participant is encouraged to find their own most authentic and comfortable way. I am guiding them in that process. Participants’ feedback we have received so far is overwhelmingly positive. Recently, one of my participants told me that this was a unique experience for her after she attended many different public speaking workshops. She emphasized the importance of this practical, rehearsing part, and exercises we are doing at the workshop, which is missing from many other public speaking workshops.

You hold your workshop mainly in Antwerp. You have scheduled two workshops in April, the 2nd in Brussels and the 9th in Antwerp. What about Croatia? Last year you organised a workshop on the island of Vis. Will you replicate this year? 

This year, we will organize a workshop again on the island of Vis for a limited number of participants. It will be a 3-day public speaking workshop from 9th to 12th June in a format of business gateway for clients from all over the world. Far away from busy lives, this workshop will combine work with the amazing nature of the enchanting island of Vis, good food, excursions, and relaxation. Along with deep individual coaching and intensive work with me on improving participants’ skills in public speaking, participants will be given a chance to find peace and concentration, allowing their innate skills and talents to develop.  We are preparing a special offer, and soon you will know all the details. Places are limited to a maximum of 12 people, so I would like to take this opportunity and invite all the interested people from Croatia as well, to register already to reserve their place and join us in this unique opportunity of professional development on a beautiful Vis! This would be also a great opportunity for them to meet, connect and network with other international business professionals. You can find all the information on our Speak Through Fear website.

For more, check out our lifestyle section 

Thursday, 17 March 2022

35 Million Kuna Dubrovnik Marina Makeover to Allow for Bigger Yachts

March the 17th, 2022 - The Dubrovnik marina (ACI Dubrovnik) is undergoing a massive 35 million kuna revamp in order to allow it to accommodate larger yachts and other such vessels.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Suzana Varosanec writes, the Dubrovnik marina (ACI) is now at the end of the development project through capital investments in which it has undergone the largest infrastructure works in the last 30 years. This is the key of this investment for much-needed development in order to properly keep up with current nautical trends.

In the new season, the Dubrovnik marina will be ready to answer an increasing number of inquiries for vessels of 20 metres in length and more, and there are more and more of them coming in, as confirmed by the director of ACI Marina Dubrovnik, Leo Ajdukovic.

"In order to remain at the very top of global nautical science, the constant development of infrastructure and services is needed. Therefore, the demolition of the pier and the construction of the coastal wall in the marina is underway. These works will enable the entry of vessels which are four to five metres longer than before, which is in line with nautical trends.

The vessels that come to our marinas, especially to the Dubrovnik marina, are growing every year. The reconstruction will provide as much as 220 metres of new shoreline for larger ships. The reconstruction of the infrastructure in the entire marina is also being carried out, which includes water supply and drainage, electricity and installations, and lighting. The value of the construction of the coastal wall and the reconstruction of the infrastructure stands at around 35 million kuna,'' stated Ajdukovic.

The deadline for completion of the construction of the coastal wall is scheduled for the beginning of this year's tourist season, the deadline for completion of the infrastructure reconstruction is scheduled even earlier, and all activities going on in the Dubrovnik marina are doing so smoothly.

In the next phases, the construction of a service zone is planned, which will be the largest in the southern part of the Adriatic, which will significantly increase the level of nautical services on offer.

The new service zone will centralise several service units on an area spanning ​​more than 1000 m2, which are currently located in several places in the marina. It will be one of the most modern and largest service zones in this part of the Adriatic. Within it, hangars are planned that would enable work on vessels even in rainy weather, which is a great advantage and will significantly increase the efficiency and quality of their offered services. All of the necessary documentation is currently being prepared for all of the above.

It is also envisaged that some services will be provided by business partners, as in other ACI marinas, so the decision on possible additional employment will be made by the business partner in charge of running that service.

Furthermore, the reconstruction of the Sorkocevic palace is planned, which is protected as a cultural asset and entered in the Register of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture. This is a project that was initially estimated at around 60 million kuna, but in the conditions of rising prices for energy, fuel and construction materials, there is an expectation that they will "revise" the value.

All this, they are convinced in ACI, will position the popular Dubrovnik marina among the ranks of those at the very top of global nautical tourism.

For more, make sure to check out our business section.
