He is the man who persuaded Carpe Diem to open before 18:00, offering quality breakfasts and daytime service, before moving round the bay to propel Hula Hula into one of the top beach bars in the world.
Probably the most popular foreigner to live on the island of Hvar, when you saw the twinkle in the eye of Wolfgang Schulze-Boysen, you knew that something amazing was around the corner.
Wolf left Hvar some time ago and, apart from helping me with the start of Total Munich, he has been looking around for his ideal project, and he has finally found it.
I am flying to Munich tomorrow to work on the new Total Munich site, and I will be putting away my shorts for the summer this evening, and looking forward to the new challenge (and occasional Weissbier), but one of my first ports of call will be to visit Wolf, with whom I spent some time last winter, and it was only then that I understood the magic of a life between Austria and Hvar. Skiing all winter, chilling on the beach all summer. Perfect.
Wolf has taken on this place halfway between Kufstein and Innsbruck. With a ski-lift, 55 beds, 200 seats inside and 200 out, it will not be long before the Wuf magic turns it into one of the must-visit ski attractions in Austria. Here is what Wolf posted on FB earlier:
Dear FRIENDS , my name is Wolf.......many of you might not know me, I am one of the original "Creators" of Hula Hula. My body has left 2 years ago, my soul way before.................i had created a place to lose yourself, and i got lost myself..............NOW , after a horrendous 2 year search of myself and a new "home" , my place has found me:::::::
HECHERHAUS 1887 meters in the austrian Alps, above a town called Schwaz, Tirol . There is a Chairlift ( Skiing) in front of the house, and thats it.
While Hula Hula is a place to loose yourself, this is a place to find yourself ! So: time to decide...................i will be happy to be your host & friend..................those who know me, know that with me , you get both in one "package"..............
Hope to see one or two of you up here,,,,,,,,close to heaven !!!!!!
If you feerl like it visit us on FB: HECHERHAUS................
I wish each and every one of YOU a most beautiful day !!!!!!
see ya !!!! Wolf