Works on the Sewage System in Klis to Start after the Summer

By 28 January 2016
The Mayor of Klis, Jakov Vetma held a meeting with representatives of the agency Eco Kastela Bay, County Road Administration and the gas distribution, where further coordination of activities regarding the works on the sewage system Belimovača-Megdan were discused. According to Dalmacija News, the long awaited sewage system works should start after the end of the tourist season this year.

Certainly, the most significant project currently at Klis is the revitalization of the Klis Fortress, where more than a million kuna has been invested so far. By now, the eastern parts of the Proveditore´s residence are done and currently the western part is undergoing the reconstruction. All works should be completed by the end of this year. In order to fully revitalize the fotress, it would take a lot more resources. For the overall reconstruction around 180 million kuna would be needed. EU funds could solve the problem, but in order to apply for the money, several problems would need to be solved. One of them would be the legal ownership issues. Not to stand still and waste time, Klis municipality want to proceed with other projects, such as the sewage system.

Read the whole article here.
