Thursday, 28 October 2021

Government to Extend Deadline for Population Census Until 14 November

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - The Croatian government will extend the deadline for the completion of the population census, which should have been finished by 29 October, until 14 November because of difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said at a cabinet meeting on Thursday.

"Considering the present circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, where our census-takers are encountering certain difficulties on the ground, and following consultations with the director of the National Bureau of Statistics, the government will today extend the deadline for the completion of the census until 14 November," the prime minister said.

Plenković said that the extension would give enough time for the census to be completed in the remaining small pockets of the country and to be done in the best possible way.

For more, check out our politics section.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

1,326,000 Citizens Self-Enumerate by 3 PM Sunday, Says Statistical Office

ZAGREB, 26 Sept, 2021 - More than 1,326,000 Croatians have self-enumerated by 3 pm on 26 September in the first phase of the 2021 census of population, households and dwellings, the national statistical office said on Sunday.

According to data on the number of persons who have self-enumerated at the e-Građani portal, most or 403,183 of the people who have self-enumerated live in the City of Zagreb.

Zagreb is followed by Split-Dalmatia County, with 132,662 self-enumerated citizens, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, with 113,518 citizens who have completed census questionnaires online on their own.

The first phase of the 2021 census, during which citizens can self-enumerate, ends at midnight on Sunday, by which time all citizens who wish to self-enumerate, can do so.

On Monday, 27 September, the second phase of the census starts, with census-takers conducting the census by visiting households. Census-takers will take from citizens who have self-enumerated the control codes that prove that they have successfully self-enumerated.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.
