Tuesday, 19 January 2021

2021 Split Marathon to be Held in September

January 19, 2021 - The 2021 Split Marathon will not be held in February like in previous years, but in late September. 

Dalmacija Danas reports that one major sporting event that has gathered several thousand runners in the city of Split in recent years is the Split Marathon. The event is usually held in February, and last year, for example, it was held on February 23.

The second marathon in the newer edition, which the organizers are preparing in this calendar year, has now been moved to autumn, more precisely to September 26, 2021. The starting time will be "at dawn", i.e., at 7:30 am, so the participants can avoid running through unbearable heat. 

The new date was revealed by Kristijan Sindik, the president of the Organizing Committee, on the official Split Marathon Facebook page

The marathon itself gathers 800 competitors and runs a little more than 42 kilometers, while the half marathon sees around 2500 runners. It is important to include the recreationists, children, organizers, track security, police, and other city services, gathering around 4000 people in one place.

The Split Marathon is an event presented by the city for some time to position itself as a sports and tourist destination for many international competitors who have the opportunity to run the track and enjoy the beauties of Split and the surrounding areas.

The Split marathon is the third-largest in the region, with only Ljubljana and Belgrade ahead, which is to be expected considering the number of inhabitants. Split, however, is said to be the best organized.

The Split Marathon event saw a record number of participants in 2020, or over 4,000, who ran on the Marathon and Half Marathon routes below. 

The Split Marathon route:

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica – Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Solinska ulica – Splitska ulica – Krešimirova ulica – Obala pomoraca – Krešimirova ulica – Splitska ulica – Solinska ulica – Hercegovačka ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – ZrInsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Obala Lazareta – Obala kneza Domagoja – HŽ Bačvice – Plaža Bačvice – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Put Firula – Spinčićeva ulica – Šetalište Kalafata – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – OKRET – Šetalište pape Ivana Pavla II – Šetalište Kalafata – Spinčićeva ulica – Put Firula – Šetalište Petra Preradovića – Hatzeov perivoj – Ulica Matije Gupca – Prilaz braće Kaliterna – Plaža Bačvice – HŽ Bačvice – Obala kneza Domagoja – Obala Lazareta – Hrvojeva ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Marmontova ulica – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

The 20th edition of Split Half Marathon ran on an AIMS certified track: 

Route: Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – Marmontova ulica – Ulica kralja Tomislava – Zagrebačka ulica -Manuška poljana – Livanjska – Ulica Domovinskog rata – ulica Zbora narodne garde – Ulica Domovinskog rata – Stinice ulica – Put Supavla – Lora – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Stadion Poljud – Osmih mediteranskih igara – Zrinsko Frankopanska – Ulica 7 Kaštela – Matoševa ulica – Šetalište Marina Tartaglie – Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića – Obala kneza Branimira – Trumbićeva obala – Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda – FINISH

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