Thursday, 30 December 2021

Gov't Adopts 2022 Plan of Legislative Activities

ZAGREB, 30 Dec 2021 - The government on Thursday adopted a plan for legislative activities in 2022, envisaging 195 laws, with the Justice and Public Administration Ministry expected to put forward 33 bills and the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of the Interior 30 bills.

Twenty-one bills refer to the assessment of the effect of legal regulations, 78 bills refer to the euro changeover, and 11 laws will be amended in the context of indicators determined in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The government adopted a conclusion obliging the competent state administration bodies to fully meet the obligations taken over and entrusted the Legislation Office to regularly report to it on the implementation of the plan as well as on the implementation and status of procedures for the assessment of the effects of regulations and consultations.

The government also adopted a draft program for the takeover and implementation of the EU's acquis in 2022, as well as a draft plan for the alignment of Croatian legislation with the EU acquis in 2022.

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