Thursday, 10 March 2022

HT And Nokia Test 25G PON Broadband Optical Network

ZAGREB, 10 March 2022 - Hrvatski Telekom (HT) and Nokia on Thursday tested in Rijeka Nokia's 25G PON broadband optical network, a new generation of optical networks that significantly enhances the speed of data transfer, HT said.

The first national testing of Nokia's network was performed in HT's Rijeka laboratory, as part of which high speeds were achieved, of 20 gigabits per second.

"25G PON technology is ten times faster than GPON technology, whereby HT enabled a gigabit broadband connection for the first time in 2007. It is also two and a half times faster than XGS-PON technology that has been in use in HT's network since 2021," the company said, adding that HT's equipment was ready for 25G PON and that adjustments of the main systems to enable its commercial availability were not necessary.

The commercial use of the technology will be possible once user services for the network are developed.

HT says the biggest advantage of the 25G PON optical network is its high capacity, cost optimization, broader use, and simple introduction in HT's existing optical network.

HT expects the new optical network to facilitate the development and introduction of advanced, high-performance solutions such as big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, 5G transport via PON, and ultra-high capacity wholesale services.

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