Saturday, 27 June 2020

Split Restaurant Zrno Soli First in Croatia to Receive Adriacert COVID-19 Safe Certificate

June 27, 2020 - Split Restaurant Zrno Soli is the first restaurant in Croatia to be certified COVID-19 safe by Adriacert.

Dalmacija Danas reports that leading auditors of TÜV adria and Adriacert, i.e., project leaders Ph.D. Damir Ježek and quality control Joško Bekavac and other associates of the Exquisite Quality platform, on behalf of Adriacert, awarded the SARS-CoV-2 certificate of technical safety measures to restaurant Zrno Soli in Split. This certificate confirms that Zrno Soli operates in accordance with the highest standards and guidelines following legal health care measures and the Act on the protection of the population from infectious diseases and related ordinances, decisions, instructions and recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health and other competent bodies and institutions.

A detailed independent review established that all measures were taken for safe operation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their strict adherence was ensured, with emphasis on the adoption and implementation of best practices and standards, while maintaining quality communication with restaurant guests.


All restaurant guests must disinfect their shoes at the entrance with a special mat and should disinfect their hands. In addition, there are mini disinfectants on the tables that the guest uses during their visit to the restaurant, and can take them with them, too. The restaurant is cleaned and disinfected several times during the day, both in the hall and in the kitchen. In addition to cleaning and disinfection, spacing was implemented between the tables, according to the recommendations of the Civil Protection Headquarters, and the tablecloths are changed after the departure of each guest, as is the practice already.

The obtained certificate is further proof that Zrno Soli prioritizes its guests, their well-being, protection and safety.

Adriacert Ltd. is an international certification body that covers Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro, giving top-level professional certification services to raise business capability. 

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