Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Minister Says Wife's Employment in Line With Law

ZAGREB, 6 April 2022 - Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Minister Ivan Paladina said on Wednesday that his wife's employment was in line with the law, that he did not see anything controversial about her salary, and being registered as receiving minimum wage was not a tax cheat.

"My wife was employed and registered in line with the law, as many other employees in private firms. I don't see anything contentious about that," Paladina said in Sisak.

"I have paid extremely high taxes and contributions for a large part of my career and I did not complain about it because it was in line with the law. It is all right to pay taxes in line with the law," said the minister.

Asked how he had acquired a number of land plots in Slavonia, Paladina said that it was a larger number of plots that had not been bought from the IGH construction company but were taken over based on claims from IGH bonds which he had acquired on the market and via a public auction.

"None of it is of Russian origin, everything is of Croatian origin. Everything I declared in my declaration of assets is a result of my work as a manager, my ventures as an entrepreneur and investments over the past 15 years or more," he said, adding that he had never held a public office before and had worked in the private sector and in line with market conditions.

Asked about his stake in the Kupari Luxury Hotels, Paladina said that it was not about a procedure to transfer stakes but a procedure to exit the company.

"I initiated that procedure two years ago and a court case is underway. It has not been completed and I cannot influence the dynamic of the proceedings, it's not correct to compare it with the transfer of business stakes," he stressed, adding that he did not sell his stake because there had been no buyers before just as there were none now.

Asked about the value of his declared assets, Paladina declined comment.

"A certain portion of the amount is an estimate. The amounts I declared are visible. I have worked and made money my whole life, you can see from my loans that I also risked a lot, it turned out that I worked and invested well," said Paladina.

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Tuesday, 5 April 2022

New Construction Minister Owns Many Properties, Has Two Big Loans

ZAGREB, 5 April 2022 - According to new Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Minister Ivan Paladina's declaration of assets, he has a monthly income of HRK 114,500, owns a flat in Zagreb and numerous building plots in the Slavonia region, and has two loans, one of HRK 10.1 million and one of €305,000.

Paladina's monthly pay is HRK 18,432 net and each month he also receives HRK 19,276 and 76,500 from assets and property rights.

He also has receivables from a security totalling HRK 19.4 million.

The new minister owns a flat in Zagreb worth HRK 2.72 million which he bought with a loan as well as four smaller properties, three worth HRK 123,000 each and one worth HRK 22,000.

The value of the building plots in Slavonia is estimated at almost €1 million.

Furthermore, Paladina owns a 10% stake in Kupari Luxury Hotels and is the sole owner of the Delta consulting company. Management rights in both will be transferred within the legal deadline.

Paladina's wife is employed in Delta, where her monthly pay is HRK 4,000 net. Each month she also receives HRK 19,276 from assets and property rights.

The couple own an office building in Zagreb estimated at over HRK 6 million, a flat estimated at over HRK 1 million, and a yard estimated at HRK 1.25 million. Their savings total HRK 1.25 million.

Paladina also owns a vessel estimated at HRK 255,000 and his wife a Mercedes estimated at HRK 90,000.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)
