Friday, 4 March 2022

Bosniak Leader Says Croat Side Unwilling to Reach Agreement on Election Law Reform

ZAGREB, 4 March (2022) - The leader of the Bosniak Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Bakir Izetbegović, said on Thursday that the agreement on changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina's election law would be reached when the Croat side was ready.

The neighbouring country is set to hold elections in autumn, and there is still no agreement on the new election law and limited constitutional changes.

Speaking in an interview with Croatia's Nova TV, Izetbegović said that Bosniaks were ready for agreement.

"(The agreement will be possible) when the Croat side is ready. We are... I supported the current negotiating model (with EU and US mediators)... even though it is stupid and does not benefit my party while (Bosnian Croat leader Dragan) Čović refused it," said Izetbegović.

"(The prerequisite) is readiness to accept the model offered by the international community, which definitely is not against Čović and Croats, and (the Croats') readiness to unblock the BiH Federation entity. The HDZ has practically blocked the Federation," he said in reference to the Bosniak-Croat entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On Russian invasion

Commenting on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Izetbegović said that Bosnia and Herzegovina should follow the EU's foreign policy. The Serb member of BiH's collective presidency, Milorad Dodik, does not agree with that and has said that he will not join in sanctions against Russia.

"Everybody has the right to their own opinion, but they do not have the right to be angry and make problems," said Izetbegović, noting that "many things Dodik does are not normal."

"This is the culmination of his actions of the past 15 years that have cost BiH and Republika Srpska and all peoples and citizens dearly," the Bosniak leader said.

"We could have been in NATO by now, we could have made progress on the path to the EU," he said.

As a precaution, and considering the conflicts in the east of Europe, EUFOR will deploy 500 troops in BiH, the EU military mission in BiH said on Thursday.

The worsened international security situation has potential to spread instability to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mission said.

Asked if he believed there could be an armed conflict in BiH, Izetbegović said that he will do everything he can to prevent it.

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