Saturday, 9 May 2020

New Bus Timetables Between Croatian Cities from May 11, 2020: An Overview

May 9, 2020 - Certain travel restrictions will be relaxed on Monday - here is where to (and not to) find information on the new bus timetables between Croatian cities.

The corona crisis has been a truly fascinating topic to report on these last few months, and it has been easily the most challenging thing to cover in the five years of TCN. It has brought both hope and despair, although sadly not in equal measures. 

But let's start with the hope. The crisis management and communication of Team Vili has been outstanding from the very first moment. Here is a minister seemingly who is more interested in doing his job and serving the people than lining his own pockets. The outstanding leadership has been mirrored all along the official response - the Viber group, Andrija the app, the excellent website. 

The official response has been mirrored by IT experts in the private sector. The geniuses over at have produced outstanding data with updated info for almost everything you could need regarding the crisis. 

Together - this private sector innovation and public sector dedication and communication - gives us a mouthwatering glimpse of how this country could function if we got rid of the big elephant in the room beginning with U.

And sadly, as soon as one leaves the crisis zone being handled by Team Vili, we come back to the depressing reality on the streets of Uhljebistan. 

As we explored recently in Does Croatia Actually Want Tourists? How the Competition is Updating Visitors, official travel information for tourists is embarrassingly bad from those who are paid very well to provide it. In some ways I don't mind, as it brings a ton of traffic to TCN on the articles (such as our latest travel update) we do to make things easier for those wanting to visit.


There are some big changes coming to internal travel on Monday, May 11 - 2 days away. Among the latest wave of relaxed measures, national bus routes will start up again. So where to find the information about which routes are operating and when?

If I wasn't living in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism, I might start my search on the Arrivals page of the national tourist board. As I do live in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism, I knew I would find little of use, but decided to see how hard the Kings are working to inform visitors (both future ones once the borders are open, and those who are in Croatia already) about the new bus timetables. This is what I found on the Croatian National Tourist Board's Arrive by Bus page, as well as a link to a sub-page to the bus stations of Sibenik, Rijeka, Pula, Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Osijek and Zagreb. If you want to go from Varazdin to Makarska, for example, good luck. There isn't even a friendly fax number to contact. 

Thankfully, there are other private businesses to compensate for the official incompetence. And when it comes to information on the new bus timetables, a big gold star and a chocolate biscuit for the team from GetByBus:


I'm contacting you on behalf of GetByBus company.

While visiting your platform (, I've noticed you're missing details about the bus departures in Croatia that will start operating again on Monday (May the 11th).

We have updated the information about the bus companies and their departure times on a daily basis, as well as all the safety measures and precautions needed since we're in contact with all the carriers in Croatia as well as the European ones. We would be more than happy for you to use the article we've written in the posts on your website, and would just appreciate it if you would write the source of the information (GetByBus).

You can find our link and the details about it here:

Looking forward to hearing from you! I remain at your disposal for all the questions.

Best regards,

Click on the link above and it will take you to a very detailed overview of bus timetables from Monday. Sretan Put!


For the latest corona news, check out the dedicated TCN section
