Thursday, 3 October 2019

Doing Business in Croatia - 4th Business Cafe International in Zagreb

October 3, 2019 - The 4th Business Café International event, which gathers foreign entrepreneurs starting a business and moving to Croatia, will be held Monday, October 14th in Zagreb at 6 p.m. at the Rooftop Lateral, Strojarska 20/26.

Business Café International was established to highlight the opposite of migration trends, i.e., showing examples of entrepreneurs who moved to Croatia to start businesses. It is a joint effort to make Croatia a country that is not just great to live in, but also an attractive place for doing business. 

Kristina Ercegović, Business Café founder, with this new project, continues to promote her vision of Croatia as one of the best places to live and work. 

This time a lady we all know from the TV show “Zvijezde pjevaju” will be joining us together with His Excellency, the Ambassador of Israel and the Ambassador of the UK. 

Ashley Colburn is a two-time Emmy award-winning television producer and host. After receiving an Emmy for her documentary WOW Croatia 10 years ago, she decided to move from US, California to Croatia, Istria.  For more info visit 

After visiting more than 60 countries for work, why did she choose Croatia to do life and business, and how is it going? 

We are also happy to announce that Isreali Ambassador Ilan Mor will be sharing insights into the Start-Up nation’s entrepreneurial mindset and what can Croatians learn from that. 

Also, UK Ambassador Andrew Dalgleish will be joining us. 

How does Brexit affect doing business in Croatia? Which opportunities are now available to us?

What do they both think can be done to improve the business climate in Croatia?

Don't miss the opportunity to meet and connect with excellent local and foreign entrepreneurs exchanging ideas and the well-known energy and atmosphere of all Business Café events. 

More info and tickets are available on 

Sponsors of Business Cafe International are Diglossia translations, Catering Team Lisak, and Domella beauty. 

Media sponsors are Total Croatia News, Croatia2go, Diplomacy, and Commerce. 

Media partners are:  Womeninadria, Mentorica, and Poduzetnik. 


Kristina Ercegovic, EMBA 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

091 1555 228 

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page

Monday, 19 August 2019

American Ambassador Kohorst to Appear at 3rd Business Cafe International

The 3rd Business Café International event, which gathers foreign entrepreneurs starting a business and moving to Croatia, will be held Monday, August 26, 2019 in Zagreb at 6 p.m. at the Rooftop Lateral, Strojarska 20/26.

Business Café International was established to highlight the opposite of migration trends, i.e., showing examples of entrepreneurs who moved to Croatia to start businesses. It is a joint effort to make Croatia a country that is not just great to live in, but also an attractive place for doing business. 

Kristina Ercegović, Business Café founder, with this new project continues to promote her vision of Croatia as one of the best places to live and work. 

This time a German entrepreneur employing 320 people in a small city in Croatia will be joining us together with His Excellency, the Ambassador of the United States of America.

Mr. Christian Gutgsell is the owner of two very successful companies in Pisarovina: KM Kovnica and KM Alati (KM Croatia) - high-tech metal processing and toolmaking for automotive industry employing 320 people. Why did he choose Croatia to do business, and how is it going? We are also happy to announce that Ambassador W. Robert Kohorst will be sharing his rich entrepreneurial journey before he became a diplomat. What does he think can be done to improve the business climate in Croatia?

Don't miss the opportunity to meet and connect with awesome local and foreign entrepreneurs exchanging ideas and the well-known energy and atmosphere of all Business Café events.

More info and tickets are available on

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Romanian Entrepreneur Shows Business Cafe International How to Succeed in Croatia

The second Business Cafe International took place on June 10, 2019 at Cafe Lateral in Zagreb, featuring successful entrepreneurs from Jan de Jong Born from Holland, Mara Vitols Hrgetić from Latvia and Mirela Rus from Romania. It was an inspiring evening.

Among several positive initiatives to promote networking and the entrepreneurial spirit in Croatia, the recent expansion of Business Cafe to its international version has given the opportunity for Croatia's entrepreneurs to hear the experiences and success stories of foreigners who have moved to Croatia and succeeded, despite the challenging business climate. The first one was a great success a few weeks ago, with some very solid contacts made, and the second edition was no different, with three great speakers. 

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Jan de Jong Born is from the Netherlands. He moved to Croatia in September 2006 at the age of 22, and within 10 months built a call centre with 30 full-time employees. Over the past 13 years, he co-founded several companies. At the end of 2015, he made a successful exit from the call centre he had founded. Today, he is the owner of M+ Agency (a full-service digital marketing agency) and Webpower Adria (an email marketing service provider).

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Mara Vitols Hrgetić, a Latvian born in Venezuela, moved to Zagreb with her husband, a Croatian Venezuelan. She co-founded and today runs Forum event centre. She also organizes G2 meetings – conferences connecting the Croatian diaspora with local entrepreneurs.

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I am probably a little biased because we are friends, but the star of the evening was the first speaker, Mirela Rus from Romania, a very popular expat in Split who radiates positivity and determination to succeed. I had never heard Mirela speak publicly before, but it did not take long for the room to learn the secrets of her success in Croatia - the determination to succeed and unwillingness to take no for an answer. 

Having fallen in love with a little Dalmatian slice of Paradise in Vinisce over a number of years, she decided that she wanted to swap life in Romania for a little Adriatic tranquility. Together with her husband Ionut, they engaged a real estate agent to find them the perfect piece of land. Eventually, she found the land herself, but then agreed to pay the agency the full commission if the agency would check the papers and guarantee all was in order. And so the problems began. Having taken the commission, it then appeared that it was not going to be possible to build on the land after all, at least for the forseeable future. 

Determined to stay by the coast, she and Ionut started an online business selling nautical bracelets that Ionut designed and made himself, with Mirela doing all the marketing and online sales, something she had never done before. 

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She thought about opening a small store in Split, and having seen a few places in and around Diocletian's Palace, they decided to take one and open right at the end of the season, in November. Selling just bracelets. People thought they were crazy, but the shop soon became a huge hit, all the more so after an article in Slobodna Dalmacija seemingly had the whole city popping in with their fresh fish after visiting the famous Split fish market. One store became two, became five, and Break Time Croatia now has outlets in Split (two), Dubrovnik, Rovinj and, most recently, Zagreb. You can learn more about this wonderful startup on the official Break Time Croatia website

And there were plenty of entrepreneurs waiting to learn more when the formal presentations had finished. Mirela in her prime.

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A good idea, absolute determination, and the refusal to take no for an answer. Simple ingredients which also work in Croatia, it seems. 

And it seems that there is finally some progress on the building plot which has been stuck for so many years, and so finally they may be able to build their Dalmatian dream, from where they can continue their successful Croatian business. 

To learn more about Business Cafe and future events featuring both Croatian and international speakers, visit the official website

Want to learn more about foreign entrepreneurs who are enjoying success in Croatia?
