Applications are being received until the 26th of April, 2018.
Sustainable development, the environment, and innovation. All in one place.
The Israeli Elbit company wants to build in Croatia in the name of closer cooperation.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Due to the delay in law, the state is now in the position to bring in two annual property management plans for both 2018 and 2019.
The endless back and forth in Agrokor continues.
One Zagreb company has impressed the Americans, yet prefers to keep its growth slow.
Rijeka's JGL, in cooperation with its partner company, Favorex, has successfully launched its most distinctive brand ''Aqua Maris'' on the far away Filipino market.
A tale of smart investment and the proper use of EU funds.
In addition to the entry of the majority owner, the remaining 15% of state shares will be offset by the former owners of the company.