Tuesday, 17 May 2022

After First Gay Bar, Cabaret Gentlemen's Club Cristal to Open in Dubrovnik?

May 17, 2022 - After Dubrovnik opened its first gay bar earlier this month, the Cabaret Gentlemen's Club Cristal should open in June. 

After decades of monotonous offerings, typical souvenir shops, fast food restaurants, and a few more exclusive offers for a wealthier clientele, Dubrovnik is becoming a city that can match the world's largest metropolises. Throughout history, Dubrovnik has often been a precursor of change and liberal ideas, but the city has lost part of its 'modernity' over the years and mainly relied on history and cultural heritage. But that isn't the case anymore.

After Dubrovnik came to life with its first gay bar, now the Adriatic pearl will have another hot topic to chat about.

As Dubrovacki Dnevnik has learned from well-informed sources, a strip club is opening in Batala this summer, although this information is still not widely known to the public. The area of the 18th century Sorgo Giorgi Matijević summer house, next to the former Atlantska Plovidba, is rapidly transforming into a luxury club that will open in a little over a month.

Unofficially, it is Cabaret Gentlemen's Club Cristal, an elite night strip club that is known as the most luxurious club for this offer in the region. Cristal Club already exists in Sarajevo and Rogoznica in Marina Frapa. In Sarajevo, the club is open all year round, every night without exception. In Rogoznica, oriented primarily to the tourist season, the club is open from May to October. As Dubrovacki Dnevnik finds out, the Dubrovnik club should work for at least ten months.

Employees at the club are already in demand, with openings for waitresses and dancers. The team has already been partially formed, given that a source close to the club said that eight girls had already been formally selected as dancers and that only two places remain open.

In clubs of this type, all girls, depending on how professional they are in dance and work, receive a per diem and percentages of drinks, where each bottle has a certain amount earned as commission, meaning higher commissions for more expensive bottles of alcohol.

In addition to the fixed per diem and percentage, a lap dance is paid extra. Visitors that want discretion can exchange their money for 'funny money' and honor the girls with them when performing. Girls also earn a percentage of this funny money.

According to Dubrovacki Dnevnik's source, dancers earn between five and seven thousand euros a month.

When asked about the age range of dancers, a source close to the club answered that the only condition is that the girl is of legal age and there is no age limit. 

Opening hours are not yet fully defined, but it will certainly work during the night, and the options are from 9 pm to 5 am or from 10 pm to 4 am. The club's source points out that these working hours are an advantage because it allows time for your private life, rest, socializing, and swimming.

This news will undoubtedly provoke rumors in the city, but those engaged in this business point out that everything is transparent, that all employees are duly registered; if they are foreigners, a work permit is obtained and everyone is duly paid obligations and contributions.

"Everything is legal; business like any other," the source concluded. 

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