Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Five Ways You Can Donate to Charities in Croatia in Time for Christmas

December 14, 2022 - Christmas time often inspires generosity. In Croatia, like in many other places, it is the right time for dinners, receptions, parties, and events organised for charity. There are plenty of those happening all around the country, but there are also many other ways to practice helping those in need. For this holiday season, we are presenting some of the charities in Croatia which accept donations and help. You can, of course, donate and help any other time as well.

The Croatian Red Cross

The international Red Cross movement is one of the best-known humanitarian organisations in the world. With a branch in every Croatian county, they are easily accessible and help by acting in every aspect of life where help might be needed. From providing first aid education and blood donations to crisis preparedness and ecological protection, the list of everything they do is quite long and all-encompassing. The ways in which everyone can help include donating blood, household items, and money, volunteering, or becoming a member. You can do that from the position of an individual, a company, or an organisation. The donations part of their website has all the useful information in English, including their account info and a list of needed aid items.

SOS Children's Village (Dječje Selo) Hrvatska 

The SOS Children's Village Croatia Association has been operating since February 25, 1992, as an equal member of SOS-Kinderdorf International, the world's largest non-governmental organisation that operates in 135 countries around the world. The executive part of the SOS Children's Village Croatia Association consists of the National Office, which coordinates all SOS programs in the country. Besides volunteers and hands-on help, the organisation accepts one-time, as well as regular donations, of products and services or money, by individuals or companies. One-time donations can be made using the information provided here, and you can use cryptocurrency to do so as well.

The Perfect Circle (Savršen Krug) Humanitarian NGO

The humanitarian organisation Perfect Circle (Savršen Krug) regularly provides children in student homes, families with many children, and families with elderly and vulnerable people with clothes, food, and hygiene items. They are organising a Christmas action to help children, young people, and socially disadvantaged families, which lasts until December 23.

This year, the plan is to brighten the holidays for 230 families with children and 30 children and young people without adequate parental care.

Last year, in this way, they helped 140 families with children and 50 children and young people. They distributed over 150 packages but, unfortunately, did not collect enough monetary donations. They are optimistic this year and hope to collect almost twice as many packages!

Collection of monetary donations, as well as donations of food items, is underway. This December, the plan is to distribute around  300 Christmas packages in seven counties.

If you would like to donate food and hygiene items, you can follow the list provided on the website and by calling Aleksandra at +385 91 3773 771. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can use the account information below:


BEA Centre for Eating Disorders

With a donation to Rijeka's Bea Centre, you can help provide psychological help to people suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and non-specific eating disorders. Children and young people suffering from anorexia and bulimia usually hide their pain; they think that no one understands them and that the world does not care about their suffering. The BEA Centre is there for them, offering free advice and conversations with experts.

Your donation will provide a free consultation for a child or young person suffering from an eating disorder who will receive support, understanding, and expert advice on further treatment. You can donate directly to their bank account using the information provided below:


Pula: Christmas stand of the Homeless Shelter

As part of Pula's December in the City, a stand with Christmas wreaths and decorations whose profits will be directed toward the users of the Homeless Shelter has been set up at the market. The products were made in workshops throughout the year.

As Glas Istre wrote, the donations were one year used to buy a television, another for a clothes dryer, and there was something left over for pocket money for the volunteer Vesna Biritteri, who has been volunteering at the stand and the Shelter for 12 years. Now retired, she used to work at the homeless shelter as well.

She says that the turnout of Pula's residents is always very good, and so is this year. At the start of December, you might have visited the stand at the market, from where it moved to a small stall at Giardini with a more generous offer, including handicrafts, knitted scarves, hats, and leg warmers.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.
