Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Smart Supetar: New E-Services Platform Facilitates Everyday Life of Citizens

June 17, 2020 - Thanks to the implementation of the Supetar Development Strategy and the Operational Plan for the Development of the Smart City 2019-2023, to increase transparency, modernize the system, and simplify and accelerate communication between citizens and the city administration, the City of Supetar established a new e-Services platform.

Dalmacija Danas reports that this is a big step towards digitizing the process within the city administration and simplifying communication with citizens without the need to come to the administration physically. Citizens will thus become acquainted with every step of solving their case online and receive all the necessary information on time.

This e-Service platform of the City of Supetar is primarily intended to provide citizens the option to submit requests online and receive a receipt of decisions in proceedings before the city administration.

However, the internal efficiency of the City of Supetar's administration has been increased by improving internal business processes and databases, digital solutions necessary for effective internal communication, and support for e-Services for citizens have been implemented, as well as training of employees, Dalmacija Danas reported.

The Supetar e-Services achieve a transaction level (level 4) in which the administration responds digitally to the authenticated requests of users. Examples of level 4 transactions in Croatia are few, and so far, only e-Citizens and some large cities such as Zagreb and Rijeka have achieved this level, but only for a small part of services.

"Precisely with the desire to be accessible to our citizens and increase transparency, taking into account all the specifics of the time we face, we wanted to be one of the first island cities to adopt a Smart City strategy and start developing and applying concepts and technologies related to smart cities in small island areas," said the City of Supetar.

The project is co-financed by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and the total value of the project is HRK 243,000.

The platform will be available by the end of the week, with all the detailed instructions and information.

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