Thursday, 4 November 2021

Popravi to Platform Allows for Free, Quick Reporting of Public Area Damage

November the 4th, 2021 - Having teamed up with Gong and Code for Croatia, the new Popravi to platform (Fix it) offers people a quick, free and easy way to report damage in public areas, whether it be broken lights or something more.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the service portal for reporting utility problems to the competent services "Popravi to", whose task is to eliminate and solve them, has been fully available on the Internet as of Tuesday this week, and it also covers the entire territory of Croatia, Gong announced.

Popravi to is a free tool created in cooperation with Code for Croatia and Gong, and facilitates the reporting of problems and damage to public areas and infrastructure in every single city, municipality, or indeed anywhere in the country.

"The idea is that people no longer have to investigate who to report damage to, whether it be a hole in the pavement, street lights that aren't working, a damaged bench or an improper landfill. All you have to do is mark the location on the map, briefly describe and photograph the problem and mark the category, and Popravi to sends the application to the right address based on this information,'' Gong reported. Every application on the portal will be visible to everyone.

“The fact that all reports are public makes it possible to monitor local authorities and monitor the efficiency of local utility companies, as well as compare the way things stand with other cities. This relieves local self-government units because the authorities stop receiving multiple reports of the same problem,'' they pointed out from Gong.

The portal will show how and when the problem was previously reported and at what stage it is at in terms of being resolved. This is the biggest purpose of the portal - to facilitate communication between people and the authorities and open up space for cooperation in solving community problems, they stressed.

Project manager Miroslav Schlossberg said that they believe that local self-government units will recognise "Popravi to" as a service that facilitates the detection and location of problems and damage, and that it will appreciate the contribution of residents who make problems known to them.

"We expect that they will cooperate in the context of performing their duties and responsibilities - responding to the reported problems and repairing them,'' they concluded from Gong.

For more, check out Made in Croatia.
