Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Beros: Everyone is Supposed to Make Maximum Contribution

ZAGREB, Oct 27, 2020 - Health Minister Vili Beros said on Tuesday that his announcement of mobilising the health system means that every health worker has to take the current situation seriously and make a maximum contribution to the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

"That means that each worker in the healthcare system has to take this situation seriously and that everyone, including myself, has to make a maximum contribution to efforts to overcome this situation," Beros told N1 television.

He explained that plans exist to gradually activate the health system considering the increase in new infections. "Today we had the highest daily number of (COVID-related) deaths and we have to adapt all our capacities to respond to this challenge," he said.

He recalled that all primary intensive care centres have been set up in in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and Osijek and that regions are obliged to organise secondary and tertiary centres.

"As existing capacities are being filled in (Zagreb's) Dubrava Hospital, new ones are being added and for now it is under control. In the spring already we said that we would be able to organise 250-300 ventilators that are arriving gradually to hospitals and  to distribute personnel, and we also have ta field hospital," he said.

Beros underlined that since this morning the procurement of oxygen supplies, which are significantly more important now, has been organised. The authorities are also considering the providing of possible oxygen supplies for the Arena hall in Zagreb, which has been turned into a field hospital.

It remains to be seen how many doctors, nurses, carers will be infected or in self-isolation

"I think the health system has sufficient reserve capacities to adequately care for everyone but the question is how many doctors, nurses and carers will become infected or have to self-isolate. That is why we have established a register of health workers who have recovered from Covid-19 and who are seropositive. They are the basis of our future fight," he said.

Other assistant staff are being trained - medical students in their last year and future nurses. Also, institutions are calling for the urgent employment of carers of whom 1,000 are currently registered as unemployed.

"That is important for the homogenisation of the people, to realise that the virus is not a hoax, it is not a global conspiracy. The virus is causing citizens to become ill by the day and unfortunately today 18 people have died. That is a black record but if we observe it in the context of the number of people who are infected and hospitalised, then that is not unexpected," said Beros.

Today's lower number of new infections does not necessarily mean that this is the result of the latest measures, they will only be able to be analysed in a week or two.

An inspection is still underway in Dubrava Hospital and based on the preliminary results no significant ommissions occurred there, said Beros.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Mali Losinj Tourist Board Takes Corona-Era Tourism Challenges in Stride

September. 27, 2020 - This year, the Mali Losinj Tourist Board made the most of the COVID crisis, from communication, campaigns, ideas, and, most of all, proactivity. The Ferry Free campaign is just one example.

Namely, Goran Rihelj of HRTurizam writes that the Mali Losinj Tourist Board launched the FERRY FREE campaign to attract visitors in September. Thus, for visitors staying in September for more than seven nights, the Tourist Board co-finances return ferry tickets in the facilities that responded to the invitation.

"In our main markets, we have conducted, and still carry out in some, the marketing campaign 'Losinj - Your island oasis' with the action 'Ferry Free' where guests who come in September and stay at least seven nights, we reduce the price of accommodation by taking care of the return ferry ticket for both vehicles and passengers," points out Dalibor Cvitkovic, director of the Mali Losinj Tourist Board.

Because the tourist season ended abruptly as the borders closed,  the course and efficiency of the action were disrupted, but the action has borne concrete results in the current framework.

"During September, following the 'Ferry Free' campaign, we expect to achieve more than 5,000 overnight stays, which is a direct consequence of the campaign. Of course, we expected a greater economic effect, but our main markets are closed, and most of the guests who took advantage of the action were guests from Germany. According to everything, we can be satisfied, and in cooperation with partners, we plan to continue the action next year. On the contrary, we plan to expand it even more, through more terms; in the pre- and post-season, as well as to focus especially on domestic guests," said Cvitkovic.

Yet even in these current frameworks, the action has proven to be successful. If we consider that the average consumption of tourists on Losinj is around 100 euro, then it is slightly lower in the COVID crisis (approximately 80 euro). Thus, we come to a simple calculation that, thanks to this action, 400,000 euro was generated in September - which is more than great success. Of course, this is a rough estimate. And September is still here.

When asked how he would comment on the summer season, Cvitkovic said they were satisfied, following the initial announcements. The bitter taste of unrealized tourist traffic in the second part of the season remained. "We are to blame for the increase in the number of infections, which, of course, reflected on the whole situation. The question is whether we have learned anything this year," adds Cvitkovic.

It is possible to have tourism during the coronavirus pandemic, but we all have to adhere to epidemiological measures, emphasizes Cvitkovic, and this season has shown that, among other things.

"For the first eight months, we achieved an index of 58 in overnight stays, but we hoped that the post-season would have higher numbers. What makes us happy, both in the whole of Croatia and also on Losinj, was that there were no COVID cases in accommodation capacities. Also, despite many people and common rooms, hotel accommodation did not have a single case of new patients, nor were they hotspots. And we know how hotels are generators of consumption and employment and how important they are for every tourist destination," Cvitkovic points out and says that on the other hand, the Headquarters must work on putting out some possible hotspots faster and more efficiently.

"Synergy within the tourism sector is important, and the Institute of Public Health is currently one of our main partners. We have to form teams to be ready to do the testing quickly, so in less than 72 hours, we have test results. This is a key issue for guests. Also, we all need to network much better, to have a health care system behind us, and to make tests and reservations on time - everything was ad hoc this year, but now we have the opportunity to plan the whole system and story in 2021. Now we are much smarter and more prepared for the whole situation and the challenges that tourism brings during the COVID-19 crisis," adds Cvitkovic.

In case one of the guests has coronavirus symptoms, the Mali Losinj Tourist Board, in cooperation with everyone in the destination, has prepared clear protocols this year and an "insurance policy" for guests.

Namely, in case of suspicion of COVID-19, the guest does not go to the doctor alone but must contact the hotel's reception or the owner of the accommodation. Then the questionnaire made by the Losinj Tourist Board is filled in, and the hotel or the landlord calls the doctor and the epidemiological service. Also, Losinj is the first destination in Croatia that covers the cost of accommodation and meals for guests or their families in case of self-isolation.

The lesson for next year is that it is difficult to plan anything. Still, we must be ready to react quickly, as this year, says Cvitkovic and adds: "The situation will change from day to day and therefore we will have more plans because we cannot know in advance what will happen, but we must be ready for all situations," says Cvitkovic and announces that the Losinj Tourist Board is preparing more action protocols for next year.

"We have to be ready to react very quickly and make decisions quickly. That is why synergy is important and that we have prepared several scenarios. From campaigns, communications to protocols. The 2021 season will not be significantly different than this one. Losinj will continue to be primarily a resting place for holidayers and car tourists."

Now we have time to prepare well for next year, and as Cvitkovic says, we are much smarter than at the beginning of the crisis.

"Sun and sea, outdoor, wellness, gastronomy - this form of tourism is good for us, our biggest markets recognize it, but I would like to dedicate more time to the domestic guest. Here, the State could turn Cro cards into Cro vouchers, not to put everything at the employer's expense, but to co-finance partly or 100% as in Slovenia. I think it would be a great opportunity for 2021 to raise the number of domestic guests, because they have no limits with borders, and the domestic guest is more than a good guest. Also, the presentation of new cases from the national level should certainly be viewed in all regions, even destinations. For example, this year, we had zero patients on the island, while in Rijeka, for example, the picture was different. And there were many more such examples," Cvitkovic concludes.

Quick reaction, communication, synergy, proactivity, courage, and readiness for action are the qualities that adorned the Mali Losinj Tourist Board this year. 

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Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Croatian Institute of Public Health Reveals Where Most Tourists Became Infected

August 26, 2020 - The Croatian Institute of Public Health (CNIPH) published a report for the previous week, which was marked by record numbers of new coronavirus cases in Croatia.

Vecernji List reports that from August 17 to August 24, all counties recorded new cases of COVID-19. The highest number of new cases is recorded in Split-Dalmatia County, followed by the City of Zagreb and the Sibenik-Knin and Zadar Counties, which have the same number of new cases in the last week.



Split-Dalmatia County also has the highest 7-day rate, followed by Sibenik-Knin and Brod-Posavina counties. According to the CNIPH, the percentage of those infected at weddings is not as high as it is thought. In the past seven days, it has been confirmed that only 1.68 percent of cases were infected at weddings.

Most tourists were infected in Makarska from July 7 to August 24, and out of the 70 infected, 63 are Austrian citizens. The largest number of patients cites summer vacations and going out to nightclubs as a source of hotspots, and recently, a significant share of sick players from smaller football clubs stands out.

"Last week, a large number of patients from NK Rudes were recorded in the City of Zagreb, and a few from NK Lokomotiva. In Split-Dalmatia County, a football player whose club played a match with NK Marsonia from Slavnoski Brod fell ill. This week, another case from a Split-Dalmatia County club was recorded, and a large number of players from NK Marsonia also fell ill. Two NK Vrbovec players also fell ill, and 5 more players have symptoms," they say.



Also, imported cases from Kosovo, BiH and European Union countries were recorded.

"County epidemiologists in the field have been under great pressure in the last week due to the increased influx of new patients whose epidemiological treatment, in addition to interviews (taking epidemiological history), includes contact processing - i.e., contacting all persons listed by individual patients who are not self-isolated. Despite that, according to information from the field, especially in the most affected Split-Dalmatia County, they still do not have a delay in the treatment of sick people and their contacts," concluded the CNIPH report.

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Wednesday, 12 August 2020

COVID-19 in Croatia: Krunoslav Capak on Nightclubs, Cruisers, What Awaits Us in Autumn

August 12, 2020 - The director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, commented on the 91 new cases on Tuesday, which is the highest number in the last 20 days, and what awaits us in autumn.

"We have daily variations. Last week we had between 20 and 30, yesterday we were under 50, and today our number jumped. Any such situation is worrying, but we will see how it will be tomorrow. In general, we have a downward trend and we hope that this will continue and that today's figure is a peak and that there will be nothing to worry about," said Krunoslav Capak for HTV's Dnevnik, commenting on Tuesday's 91 new cases.

Asked what he intends to do about nightclubs, which are once again emerging as coronavirus hotspots, Krunoslav Capak said the National Headquarters has been communicating with local governments, club owners, event organizers and sending inspections for some time.

"When irregularities are found, we ask them to be corrected. Experiences are that situations are good somewhere and worse somewhere else, and then it gets better. We have several clubs where it is repeated and it would be good for the local headquarters to take the initiative, warn them a little more, and possibly write some sanctions," said Capak.

You can see the new measures for nightclubs HERE.

Information has arrived from some countries, such as Germany, the Czech Republic, and Italy, that their citizens became infected during their vacation in Croatia. Capak says that there was a lot of such information in the media and that the authorities of those countries were asked.

"But we react exclusively to official reports because when we reacted to the unofficial ones we read online, we did not get adequate information." He confirmed that there are several official applications from Germany, Italy and Slovenia.

"In all such cases, epidemiologists are reacting and investigating the sources of the infection and the places where these people were," Capak said.

Regarding the request from Dubrovnik for the entry of cruisers, which is advocated by Mayor Mato Frankovic and opposed by Srđ je Grad!, Capak said that it is about an Italian company with two large cruisers on the Mediterranean.

"They worked out the measures and sent them to us for inspection. Our epidemiological assessment is that these are excellent measures. If everything is really done that way, those cruisers could be released. We also have a few additional questions. If the answers are satisfactory, then we will let the cruisers of that owner dock in Dubrovnik when they organize trips that are only now being planned," explained Capak.

What awaits us in the autumn, and how will classes look?

To this question, Capak answered that a slightly worse situation awaits us in autumn than today because we will be indoors more and because schools and universities will begin.

Will children in school have to wear masks?

"This has not been discussed yet," he says and reiterates that next week it will be decided whether children will go to school and what measures will be taken in schools. "It is important that we take action," he says, adding that all events will be worked out and that citizens will be informed promptly.

To conclude, Capak also commented on the Russian vaccine.

"If that were true, that would be great news. The Russians are capable of it, but I am afraid it is much too early, with clinical studies starting in June, it is too early for the vaccine to be tested. It needs to be safe and effective; I'm afraid it's been too short a time for that to happen," he said, adding that he thought it was impossible to test the population by October.

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Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Slovenia to Keep Croatia on 'Green List' of Safe Countries

June 30, 2020 - Croatia will remain on Slovenia's 'green list' of safe countries to visit this year without needing to quarantine for 14 days upon return. 

24 Sata24 Sata reports that Jelko Kacin, the Slovenian government's spokesman for COVID-19, wrote on Twitter that the Croatian government has decided to take over their patterns of behavior and will close nightclubs, discos and cancel major events

He added that they, therefore, accepted the decision not to remove Croatia from the list of safe countries.

"We are giving Croatia the opportunity to slow down the growth of the infection with consistent measures," Kacin added.

Croatia was the focus of today's conference of the Slovenian government, where the National Institute of Public Health said that the number of cases in Croatia is declining and that with the measures we are preparing, we will be able to maintain this trend.

Recall, due to the increase in the number of cases in Croatia, Slovenia has considered removing Croatia from the list of 'green' countries. It is not a matter of the government intimidating Slovenian tourists or advising them not to go to those countries, but they must behave responsibly and very carefully and not risk getting infected, Kacin explained yesterday.

In addition, a binding 14-day quarantine is not required when returning from these countries, but those who go to such destinations must be responsible and act very carefully, he explained. So you should contact doctors as soon as you notice symptoms upon return or pay special attention to distancing if they are in Croatia.

In the last 24 hours, 15 new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Slovenia, the Slovenian government announced on Tuesday.

Thus, the number of total confirmed infections has increased to 1,600 since the beginning of the epidemic, and it is estimated that another 101 are active cases of infection. So far, there have been 111 deaths among those infected, and there are currently eight patients in the hospital being treated for COVID-19, the health ministry said.

The decision, which is in line with what Kacin states, is also that of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Novalja, which decided last night that there will be no festivals on Zrce this year.

"In the area of ​​Zrce beach, in agreement with the owners of clubs and festivals, no electronic music festival has been organized so far, nor does the City of Novalja want to issue any consent for holding music events on Zrce beach. Given the recent events in the Republic of Croatia, and related to the appearance of coronavirus in some nightclubs, today the Headquarters decided that this summer tourist season will not issue approvals to clubs and concessionaires on Zrce beach for festivals, after parties and similar parties. The same applies to party boats," they said in a statement.

They add that after reaching the conclusion in contact with the mayor of Kolan, Marin Pernjak, an identical conclusion was agreed that will be reached during the day at the session of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Kolan, which applies to the club Noa and other smaller clubs.

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Sunday, 3 May 2020

Croatian Events Industry Asks Headquarters: Is Entire Summer Season Canceled?

May 3, 2020 - The biggest Croatian companies in events, sporting events, concerts, and festivals have sent a letter to Economy Minister Darko Horvat, Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli and Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek asking if they can expect measures to be loosened this summer or to forget about Croatian events entirely this season.

Slobodna Dalmacija writes that one entrepreneur said that he and his colleagues are aware of the situation, do not want to endanger the health of visitors and their employees, but also add that waiting and uncertainty are the worst possible option.

Namely, they cannot plan anything, do not know whether they should hire or fire employees, and that their situation is unsustainable. They have to pay their debts and their current income is zero. The uncertainty is also shared by the thousands of workers permanently or seasonally employed by this industry.

Therefore, they want an answer as soon as possible: Is the upcoming summer season of festivals, sports, cultural and other events canceled or is there still a chance that smaller and larger gatherings will be allowed?

If it is not canceled, they ask for a guideline of loosening the measures, as soon as possible, because events are also being prepared several weeks/months away. If everything is canceled, then they will try to survive and somehow save their jobs.

"Within the Voice of Entrepreneurs Association, an Event Committee has been set up to bring together all entrepreneurs, craftspeople and sole traders living from the event industry, or all of whom have been unable to work due to the ban on public gatherings, without any indication of when relaxed measures will occur. The Croatian event industry has about 2000 entities, employing 10,000 people and making more than HRK 4.5 billion annually. In the crisis caused by the coronavirus, the entire event industry is the first to be disabled when public gatherings are banned, and will be the last industry to start operating.

The ban on public gatherings directly threatens all culture, festivals, theaters, conferences, concerts, performances, clubs, performers, DJs, congresses, sporting events, and weddings, but also related businesses such as equipment rental companies, hall and venue owners, photographers, and everyone else who lives in the event industry, whose gradual opening will be the last in a row," say the group of entrepreneurs, including those organizing festivals and events such as Ultra Europe, SeaStar, Fresh Island Festival, Weekend Media Festival, ATP Umag, Seasplash, Outlook, Ferragosto JAM Festival, Garden and more.

The owners of various objects and companies are also included: Papaya Zrće, Aquarius Zrće, Nomad Zrće, Noa Zrće, Kalypso Zrće, Dallas, RTL music, Scardona music production, Aquarius Records, Tvornica Kulture, Boogaloo Event and many others.

Therefore, Slobodna Dalmacija has asked the National Civil Protection Headquarters, the Croatian Institute for Public Health, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture, and the Tourist Board to address them at the request of entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry.

The Headquarters replied:

"We believe that it is extremely important for the organizers of major events to know whether these events can be organized or not, but unfortunately, at this time, it is impossible to predict the epidemiological situation in Croatia this summer and what measures will then be in force."

So, nothing is known yet.

However, this response did not satisfy the entrepreneurs, who sent their requests to the Government and ministries.

"We consider these emergency measures crucial for the survival of the Croatian event industry:

1. Urgent Adoption of a Plan - a guideline for loosening the measures for banning public gatherings, especially for events of up to 100, 300, 500 and 1000 or more visitors. We believe it is important that smaller events of up to 100 people start their work as soon as possible, since they are not riskier than i.e., large shops, religious gatherings, etc. In addition, it is necessary to define the expected protection measures at public gatherings in event industries so that we could begin to prepare adequately. We ask the Government to urgently announce the date before which major events (over 1000 people) will certainly not be allowed, so that the organizers have a legal basis for postponing or canceling the event and minimizing costs.

2. Extension of HZZ measures for companies most affected by the corona crisis, which particularly applies to companies from the event industry that will be most disabled for work, for an additional 3 + 3 months or a total of 3 + 3 + 3 + 3. Companies that continue to have a turnover drop of more than 70% over the same quarter last year may qualify as extended measures, that is, those who are extremely affected.

3. Extend the voucher system to event tickets - We ask that changes already integrated in Art. 38a of the Law on Provision of Tourism Services, which relates to issuing vouchers, i.e., deferring money for package arrangements, including tickets for events (concerts, festivals, conferences), because the organizers of eventss are similarly endangered and are essential to the same illiquidity problem. We suggest that the voucher issued can be redeemed within 365 days of the event being delayed for the same or another event by that organizer. If the buyer does not match it, he/she may receive a refund within 30 days after the expiration of 365 days from the date of the delayed event.

4. Relaxing the terms of HAMAG's COVID-19 loans for smaller companies by extending the loan period from 6 to 12 months, so that smaller companies can survive the extended period with the loan obtained. In addition, it is extremely important to increase HBOR's COVID-19 loan pool and relax the conditions so that it includes all the businesses at risk, so that the companies that live from the event can apply," the entrepreneurs say.

Slobodna Dalmacija also requested a comment from the Croatian National Tourist Board.

"The Croatian National Tourist Board is primarily responsible for the promotion of tourism in the country and the world, and so far we have supported a number of music festivals in the country, which enrich the Croatian tourist offer and result in the arrival and overnight stay of more tourists in the destination.

Whether major events, festivals and events will take place this year, the epidemiologists and the National Headquarters will say, because the health of all domestic and foreign guests remains a priority.

At the same time, at this moment, it is not known yet when and under what conditions tourists will be able to enter our country. What is important to emphasize is that such a decision will not only depend on Croatia, but also on when other countries will decide to open their borders for the entry and exit of tourists from the country.

There will certainly be specific security protocols that we will all need to abide by," said Kristina Mamic, the Director of the Office.

Tomo in der Mühlen, President of the Creative and Cultural Industries Association of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK), is aware of the gravity of the situation in the Croatian event industry.

"The HGK's Creative and Cultural Community brings together more than 7000 companies. Creative industries have been hit hard by this crisis, and it is evident that no measures have been devised to date to address the adverse effects of the music industry, media, cultural events and many other areas of the creative industries," quotes in der Mühlen.

The filming of all television formats that cannot meet the rules of social distance has been suspended. Because these are expensive productions, losses are measured in millions of dollars, and it is evident that the only thing that works right now is purely informational formats in which there is almost no marketing.

The same is the case with the production of radio programs - namely, radio stations are mostly financed through local marketing, which is almost non-existent at these times. The music industry is affected because there are no public appearances and clubs and festivals are left without 100% of income, and it should be emphasized that festival tourism, which involves music artists, is a significant segment in Croatia's overall tourism offer," says in der Mühlen, noting that government measures have not covered these specific areas, especially businesses that employ a significant number of seasons engaged in clubs and festivals, which they bring in a considerable number of tourists from around the world under normal circumstances.

These crises will have a long-term adverse impact on the creative industries, especially considering that copyright royalties will only go into crisis next year, as payment is made now, and this year's royalties will only be paid next year, when there are likely to be no measures," states in der Mühlen, noting that it is possible to allow further TV and radio productions to proceed immediately, while respecting social distance measures. Namely, according to him, these are not large groups of people, and since they come from a relatively closed circle, they can be easily controlled.

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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

University of Washington's IHME Predicts Coronavirus Peak, Death Toll in Croatia

April 8, 2020 - According to projections from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, Croatia is set to reach its peak on April 20.

Index.hr reports that during the worst week of April 18-25, an average of seven citizens could die every day, according to these projections. By August 4, there will be 166 victims of the pandemic. 

The death toll depends on the capacity of the health systems

The University of Washington experts say the death toll depends on the capacity of health systems. In that sense, Croatia is doing well. According to the projected pandemic, Croatian patients should occupy 255 hospital beds at the height of the infection, out of the six and a half thousand in our health care system. A similar situation is with beds in intensive care units with a capacity of 216. And according to IHME's prediction, at the height of the crisis in Croatia, 61 patients will be in intensive care.

According to the most pessimistic estimates, more than 20 patients will die in the country during the peak period

These estimates represent the mean, but in the worst-case scenario predicted by IHME in Croatia, more than 20 patients would die daily during the peak of the pandemic. Even in such a black scenario, Croatia would have enough beds and ventilators, thus positioning Croatia better than many more developed and wealthier countries.

Estimates for some developed countries are not optimistic.

Otherwise, one of the worst estimates is for the UK, where more than 100,000 beds will be needed at worst times, with fewer than 18,000 available. Therefore, more than 66,000 people are expected to die there in August. The United States will miss 36,654 beds and the peak of the crisis will come on April 15, when more than 3,000 will die.

There should be just over 150,000 deaths across Europe, with 81,766 lives lost in the United States.

You can see the COVID-19 projections in Croatia HERE

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Monday, 30 March 2020

VIDEO: Croatians Clap for Healthcare Workers, Sing 'Moja Domovina' from Balconies

March 30, 2020 - On Sunday night, Croatians around the county supported health professionals, the police, the military and anyone sacrificing their health for citizens. At 8 pm, Croatians clapped and sang, perhaps its most famous patriotic song, ‘Moja Domovina’.

As Croatia is on lockdown and citizens are limited with movement, there isn't much we can do apart from heading to the store or pharmacy. Our day to day lives are much quieter, as we're mostly confined to the walls of our homes to obey the most important global message - "stay home".

Things looked a bit different on Sunday night, however, and balconies around the country were the most happening place to be. 

Namely, Croatians took to their balconies and windowsills at 8 pm on Sunday evening for thunderous applause and a group rendition of ‘Moja Domovina’ (My Homeland), which lasted about fifteen minutes. In this way, they symbolically thanked all health professionals, the National Civil Protection Headquarters, the police, the military, and all those making sacrifices under challenging times for the benefit of all.

One 11-year-old Ema Music played 'Moja Domovina’ on the piano from her balcony. The young Solin native is in her third year of the Josip Hatze School of Music, reports Dalmatinski Portal.

“When she heard on the news that everyone would pay homage to all those who were tirelessly fighting the coronavirus at 8 pm, she began to learn the song. So, it was just two hours before the performance. She asked us to bring the piano to the balcony. She was very proud that she, at least with her performance, contributed to the fight against the coronavirus. Her heart is like a house in the hope that her video will reach those who need it most,” said proud mom Nives.

A complication of videos from various parts of Dalmatia.

Source: Dalmacija Danas, Dalmatinski Portal

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