Monday, 20 July 2020

'Pozdrav s mog prozora' Facebook Group Lets You Experience New Cities

July 20, 2020 - A few months ago, in the wake of the spread of Covid-19, each and every one of us found ourselves in a crisis, when we had to stay home in order to protect ourselves and others.

Lockdown has distanced us from our usual social contacts and patterns and forced us to look at the same view each day. In those times various groups and initiatives have emerged on social networks, where people from all over the world started sharing their views. The former manager of for the Central European region and one of the initiators of running tourism through Run Croatia project, Iva Hafner from Zagreb, saw a chance to continue traveling and give each other support, even though it was not possible for us.

iva hafner foto.jpg

"During the pandemic, various groups and initiatives were created on social networks, in which people from all over the world started to share their views from the windows and balconies. Back then I was in contact with my longtime friend from Subotica, Slavka Antić, and we talked about how great it would be to connect people from the former Yugoslavia by letting them virtually peer out of other people’s windows anywhere around the world. As soon as we opened 'Pozdrav s mog prozora' ('Greeting from my window') on Facebook, we started receiving fantastic photos and testimonies from all over the world. We couldn't believe that people from our region who live in Alaska would send us their view or from the deck of a ship in the Atlantic Ocean, where they got stuck because they could not travel home due to the crisis. An avalanche of support and positive emotions started among the members, which additionally encouraged over 60,000 members to join within just 3 months of forming the group. We may not be allowed to travel, but we can always fantasize about travel. Technology is enabling us to connect with each other in authentic ways, so we can build up positive anticipation for the times when we will be able to travel again." says Iva.

From view to the wall of a neighboring building to the views over the pools, from big cities to jungle, from beautiful gardens to the top of the mountain... each view is a story with emotion that sends a spark to the world. Thanks to these views from all over the world, that our folks were sending, we could travel, even when it was not possible. A large number of processed images and maintaining the group itself requires a lot of time, energy, attention, and love. From the very beginning, friends joined the project, volunteering in shifts to approve hundreds of pictures a day: Dragana Vilus (Subotica), Iva Bencun (Zadar), Miljan Brašanac (Vienna), Damir Subotić (Arnhem), Goran Pleše (Poreč). But the group didn't just stop at virtual socializing. Since the measures were relaxed, the founders have been recording live meetings of members - in the south of France, in Florida, in Mexico, in Greece.

"We listen to the dynamics in the group and we take note of the wishes among our members. So naturally came the idea to launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for the book, which will be a valuable testimony of the times we live in and a positive clue for future generations. Our plan is to organize traveling exhibitions with the possibility of meeting members live, and the plan is to launch a website, through which members could contact and arrange visits. We recognize the great desire among members to go on trips when the borders open. They are delighted with foreign and distant, but also with our domestic destinations, which serve as a reminder of the times when they traveled and explored. Friendships are also formed, as between members in the south of France, who are already agreeing to see each other live. That is the charm of this group, that the members feel at home in a large colorful neighborhood, which has become a large extended family in a short time," says Iva.


This is one of the great examples of community building and excellent tourist promotion of the destination because it is an authentic individual way of promotion. Thus, one view from the window from Dubrovnik attracts thousands of likes from the region and the diaspora with a great desire to visit this destination, when we start traveling again. The group has recorded over 5 million enthusiastic comments so far, which shows a high engagement and an interesting opportunity to create the image of the destination.

You can support their book publishing project, as a valuable testimony to the times we live in when we have not lost our sense of beauty and togetherness. Part of the funds raised from the campaign will be donated to charity for those who need it most.


How you can support "Pozdrav s mog prozora"

Your contribution will help us finance costs of 7.000 € that we need to raise in order to publish the book and build the website. Book will be published by ourselves, on a voluntary basis, but we need your help in order to cover the following costs:

  • book production (hard cover, 300 pages, edition: 1000 pcs)
  • print, design, lecturer, editing
  • website
  • book promotion through local travel exhibitions with the possibility of members meet up
  • extra costs, crowdfunding fees
  • donation to humanitarian causes that we support in Serbia "Budi Human" and in Croatia "Ljudi za ljude"

Book and project content

Book "Pozdrav s mog prozora" will bring striking author’s pictures as well as stories of our folks from all over the world, taken in time of the global pandemic. This global crisis has shaken us through, but like any crisis, it represents an opportunity for better and more sustainable initiatives for a happy and fulfilled life. In this book, we would like to explore further what gives us strength and inspiration to move on, in time when circumstances are a great challenge to us – both on a collective and individual level. Our plan is that book sees the light of day beginning of February, 2021.
More ways you can help this project

Share this campaign with your friends on social networks and by e-mail

Follow us in our Facebook group as well as on the official Facebook page

We believe you can help us so we can together leave a positive trace and reach the goal to publish the book "Pozdrav s mog prozora"

Thank you all for your support! ❤️


(Written by Iva Hafner) 

Friday, 17 July 2020

EU Reduces List of Safe Third Countries: Serbia and Montenegro Removed

July 17, 2020 - The EU has recently created a so-called "list of 15 safe third countries", and yesterday the list was revised for the first time, leaving Serbia and Montenegro out. 

The Council of Europe published what they call "the list of countries for which member states should gradually lift travel restrictions at the external borders'' yesterday, and the revision is that from yesterday, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia's neighbouring countries, are no longer considered safe by the EU. The Council of Europe explains that the recommendations are made based on the epidemiological situation in each country, and the containment measures undertaken by it. 

Residents of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and the Vatican are considered as EU residents, and Schengen associated countries (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) also take part in this recommendation. Please note that the UK is currently in its transition phase, meaning that the United Kingdom is also included as ''EU''.

Currently, the list of 12+1 safe countries includes:

Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, and China (subject to confirmation of reciprocity).

The Council has apparently determined that the epidemiological situation, trends and containment measures in Serbia and Montenegro are such that they can't recommend citizens of those two countries to be allowed to enter the EU without any precautions. As we've already reported, Croatia has changed the terms of entry on July 11, and current Croatian rules do not take into account the EU list of safe third countries, so no significant changes should happen because of this EU recommendation on Croatian borders. 

The Council recommendation is not a legally binding instrument. This list of third countries should continue to be reviewed every two weeks and may be further updated by the Council.

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Saturday, 11 July 2020

Changes to the Rules for Entering Croatia: EU Citizens Welcome, Others Need Test or Self-Isolation

July 11, 2020 - In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the Croatian Public Health Institute published yesterday evening the new set of recommendations and instructions for passengers trying to cross the Croatian national borders. 

Croatian Police Publish New Official Border Guidelines, Effective July 11, 2020

You can find the document in Croatian here (link to the .pdf document), and read the article to see what it says: 

- Nothing changes for the EU, Schengen area and associated countries passport holders, their families and the third-country citizens that have permanent residence in the EU.

- Third-country nationals are not allowed to enter Croatia, except for: health workers, people working across the border, people working in transport of goods, diplomats and other staff, passengers in transit, people coming to Croatia for tourism, other business reasons or educational purposes and people who come to Croatia for other immediate reasons (including owning property in Croatia). 

Passengers in transit need to leave Croatia within 12 hours, and then do not need to self-isolate. 

Passengers arriving to Croatia for immediate personal reasons are now obliged to go into self-isolation for 14 days after entering Croatia. The self-isolation can be reduced to 7 days, if the person undergoes PCR testing (they have to pay for it) and shows a negative test a week after they've entered Croatia. 

Passengers arriving in Croatia for tourism, other business or education are allowed to enter Croatia, but either need to show a negative PCR test, not older than 48 hours, or need to self-isolate for 14 days. Even if they're not given the formal measure of self-isolation, they shall comply with the following measures during the first two weeks of their stay in Croatia:
they should exit from their accommodation only when necessary, for business purposes if that was the reason for their entry into Croatia, and they shall implement intensified hygiene measures.

The document does not state clearly when these changes will come into effect, but our understanding is that the new regime started at midnight last night, so it's already in force. PLEASE NOTE this is not 100% confirmed. We are seeking clarification. 


UPDATE: We received some additional information from MUP in answer to some of our questions. The new restrictions do not apply to EU/EEA/UK. The EU safe list of 15 is NOT included in the exemption (ie they need test/isolation). Tourist arrivals are an exception, so they're allowed to enter Croatia. If the tourists have proof of a negative PCR test not older than 48 hours, they're not put in self-isolation, but it is recommended they do not leave their accommodation and should limit their contacts to the necessary ones. There are no changes to the recommendations regarding the funerals. Regarding weddings, only parents, siblings, and best man/maid of honor are allowed, but they should also have proof of a negative PCR test. 
Hospital treatments for third-country nationals are allowed only if urgent and already planned (we will ask for more clarification on this) and with a negative test.


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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Tonči Glavina from Ministry of Tourism: We're seeing Increased Numbers of Tourists!

June 2, 2020 - Tonči Glavina, a State Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, gave an interview to Slobodna Dalmacija about the hottest topic in Croatia these days: tourist season 2020.

Hrvoje Prnjak talked to Mr. Glavina, who has personally, both face to face and on social media, kept in contact with everyone who wanted to know more about Croatian tourism. He has welcomed questions posted by the renters and anyone else participating in this vital sector of the Croatian economy, which is taking a hit because of the pandemic.

Slobodna first asked Mr. Glavina about the fact that only three months ago, it seemed that we would have another record-breaking season, and just a month after that, the season appeared to be lost entirely. Where are we now, which segments can be expected to produce some positive numbers? 

Mr. Glavina explains that the Ministry is aware that the results in 2020 will be far from the results from 2019, which has set many records for Croatian tourism. He adds that they are making arrangements for the guests to arrive from some of the most important markets, and they believe that, if the epidemiological situation continues to be favorable, Croatian tourism will be able to achieve around 30 percent of last year's results. 

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the entire world is facing the "new normal" which, among other things, includes strict social distancing, which will encourage guests to seek out tourist offers providing some isolation, such as vacation houses or boat rentals. As the epidemiological situation changes, hopefully for the better, I believe that the other forms of the tourist offer will be able to achieve satisfying results. 

Next, the journalist asked Mr. Glavina about the gradual "opening" of the Croatian borders to foreign nationals, where Croatia was among the countries that re-opened first. What countries can we expect to see in the next wave of re-opening? 

In 2020 we've seen 400,000 arrivals by the foreign tourists, and they've had 1.4 million overnight stays. That's an 80% reduction compared to last year, which was expected. However, since May, when we've started the re-opening, we see the increased arrivals of tourists to Croatia, and around 20 thousand overnight stays each day. As can be expected, most of them are arriving from the countries in our region: Slovenia, Austria, Germany. Croatia has relieved restrictions for foreign guests arriving from 10 countries that find themselves in a similar epidemiological situation. We wanted to be able to control the arrival of tourists, which is why we decided to open gradually. Our first priority is to prevent the creation of some type of hot-spot, which would take us a few steps back, and we definitely don't want that. 

We want to make sure our guests, everyone working in tourism and everyone else in Croatia is as safe as possible. In addition to that, we want our guests to be able to enter Croatia without problems, that's why we decided to go down the digital and innovative route (which is our goal all the time) and create an online application which is meant to allow for a faster border crossing and reduction of waiting periods. 

Tourist companies saw their entire business grind to a halt literally overnight. What have you done to help those companies survive, as it is unclear how many of them will be able to recover in this year? 

To help the various companies deal with the special circumstances, the Ministry of Tourism has reduced the amounts for the tourist memberships, which saved those companies 26 million kunas. Also, all of the private renters and family farms that also provide accommodation were released from paying the tourist taxes in the first six months of this year, which saved them 154 million kunas. The variable portion of the concessions for camps, around hotels, and in tourist villages has been reduced to one kuna, which saved another 15 million kunas. 

It was vital for us to help keep tourist companies liquid, so we invested 25 million kunas in helping them pay for interest for loans taken with the HBOR (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development). That allowed businesses with problems to get more than 600 million kunas of loans. 

It is evident that this year's results will depend on the re-establishment of international flights. When do you expect the situation to get normalized?  

Some of the destinations in Croatia depend on the flights. However, it is important to highlight that we are quite close to some of our principal markets, which makes it easier for them to drive to Croatia, which gives us an advantage when compared to our Mediterranean competition. The air traffic is beginning to normalize, although everyone understands that the flights will be quite different than what we're used to. In Split Airport, they expect things to normalize partially after mid-June. It's realistic to expect 180 lines to be operating then, and it's crucial to maintain good relations with the national company, Croatia Airlines, which has connected us to Europe almost without a break with their Zagreb-Frankfurt flight, and flights from Zagreb to Split and Dubrovnik. 

The journalist touched upon some of the changes to the laws in the area of tourism, which happened during this government term. He asked Mr. Tonči Glavina which of those changes he considered to be the most important, and which of them will stay in the future. 

The packet of the tourism laws which have been implemented this year will allow for the almost complete transformation of the tourist system. The activities of the tourist boards will follow the modern trends of how tourist boards function elsewhere. We've modernized the system according to the circumstances, as the destination management has become the guiding principle for tourism management in the modern world. We are adjusting and directing the system to improve the competitiveness of the Croatian system in the next ten years. 

The introduction of the new Fund for the Joint Tourist Boards is especially important, as it will encourage the formation of tourist boards for several local administration units, which will reduce costs. We're very proud that the system of tourist boards already recognized that, and they've started joining each other, and I believe we can reduce their number by about 20-30 percent, or 60 to 80 tourist boards in total. 

In addition to the changes in the tourism laws, I need to highlight another decision by this government, which is to reduce the VAT in the hospitality sector to 13 percent, which included food deliveries for the first time. I believe that in our next term, we'll create the conditions to reduce the VAT in tourism further, and create other savings in the tourism sector - and our tax policies and breaks already helped them save a billion kuna.

EU has various funds and financial mechanisms - but no Fund for Tourism Recovery. What would that mean for everyone in the tourism business in Croatia, and who could count on it?

Tourism accounts for 10 percent of the EU GDP, employs almost 12 percent of the total number of people working in the EU, and generates over 400 billion euros of income. It's clear that we need to find joint European solutions for stopping the crisis in the tourism sector, but also to create programs and plans to halt similar threats in the future. Croatian Ministry of Tourism has, two years ago, way before the corona-crisis, started the initiative to establish the Fund for Tourism on the EU level, financed for years and used in crises like this, or in times of natural disasters, terrorism or in similar circumstances. We weren't really understood then, but when the crisis hit during the Croatian presidency of the EU, we were able to achieve a high level of consensus within the EU. I find that to be a great victory for Croatia, showing how to manage the tourist policies both nationally, but also on the European level as well. The recently-presented EU plan for the economic recovery has 10 billion euros earmarked for Croatia, which shows the importance of Croatian membership in the EU and how much the EU can help us recover. 

The Ministry of Tourism has gotten the money needed to fund the Competence Centres from the EU funds. What are those Centres?

The financing of the regional competence centers in the tourism and hospitality sector, in the amount of 500 million kunas for the infrastructure, curriculum, and other activities, is undoubtedly one of the most significant investments in the future of Croatian tourism. It is a solution for the future, which will help us deal with the problem of not enough workers in tourism in the next several years. I believe this project starts the new age for human resources in tourism, benefiting the employees who will be educated at the highest level, following the modern trends, but also helping the employers, who will get highly trained people with practical experience working for them.

The interview concluded with Mr. Tonči Glavina explaining that the six regional centers have been established, and the tourism and hospitality school in Split has received 74 million kunas, which is the most significant individual amount awarded. 

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Croatia’s Phase 3 Starts Monday, Balancing Health, Economics and Coffee

May 10, 2020 — The third phase of relaxed measures brings the greatest normalization of life to date, according to Jutarnji List. Starting Monday morning, citizens can go to their favorite cafe, order coffee and leaf through the newspaper. Or go to a restaurant for lunch, and some children will return to school.

Shopping malls will reopen and inter-county transportation and domestic flights will resume. National parks will open for excursionists, and groups can increase from five to ten people.

Besides these already-announced concessions, driving schools can start working. Quarantine and self-isolation for international transport drivers will also cease.

Also, after May 11, it is possible that there will be a complete abolition of e-passes, allowing Croats to roam the country unabated.

Croatian officials decided catering businesses such as restaurants and cafes can use indoor spaces under certain conditions. Previous rules locked out businesses without terraces or limited space.

Also, working hours can go until 11 p.m., two hours more than originally planned. But the extra time will go as much towards meeting new hygiene standards as it will to serving guests. The rules sound nearly militaristic.

All tables must be empty by the time guests arrive. Utensils arrive after guests sit. Presumably, they’ll already know their orders. The menus should stand out prominently at the entrance or other visible place in an appropriately plasticized cover.

Croatia’s Civil Protection Directorate suggests guests enter only after when a previous group leaves the premises. The physical distance between individual groups of visitors must be at least one-and-a-half meters.

Social distancing rules will limit the number of visitors and leave vast chunks of unused space. The tables should sit one-and-a-half meters apart. Larger groups of guests can sit together at tables, and the distance between them and other groups must be at least one-and-a-half meters.

Visitors can also order a meal or drink in the restaurant to-go. When ordering, the physical distance of at least one-and-a-half meters between customers waiting in line still applies.

It is also possible to serve standing guests if they keep a physical distance. 

After the departure of each group of guests, the table, chairs, and other surfaces that the guests touched must be wiped with disinfectant. Snacks cannot sit in communal bowls, nor can salt, pepper, oil, vinegar, and other spices stay on the tables.

As for employees, they must adhere to all measures, hand-washing, and disinfection rules. They must notify the employer of any signs of illness or fever and not come to work.

As for schools, lower grades start on Monday, and kindergartens are opening as well. The distance between the children should be two meters. There should be up to nine children in a class and one educator or teacher, or some other configuration limited to ten people.

Here is a full list of new, loosened restrictions:

Cafes and Restaurants

Can work from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Not limited to terrace-only businesses

Tables must be 1.5 meters apart

No limit to the number of people who can sit at one table

Sitting at the bar is prohibited

The waiter should disinfect his hands before serving each new table

Authorities recommend air conditioners remain off

After the departure of each group of guests, the tables should be disinfected, and the tablecloths changed

No snacks on the tables

Salt and pepper containers must not be on the table, but new, disinfected ones are brought for each group of guests

Employees must take their temperature every morning before coming to work

It is recommended that employees wear protective masks and gloves

Schools and Kindergartens

Classes start for students from 1st to 4th grade

A limit of 9 students in a class

Parents who can still keep their kids home should do so

Employees must maintain a distance of 2 meters from each other and try to do the same in relation to children

In the class and kindergarten group, the maximum number of persons can be 10 (nine students and a teacher, eight children and two educators, etc. ...)

After the formation of the group, no new children are admitted to the groups/classes for the next 14 days

As much time as possible is spent outdoors

Parents hand over their children in front of the kindergarten building and do not enter the facility

Classes for children begin at different times to meet as little as possible

Recess is also staggered to avoid overlap between classes

Children have lunch in the classroom, food is delivered to them at the classroom door and the teacher shares it

Teachers should have their temperature measured when arriving at work and keep special records

Children should not wear masks

Shopping Centers

Maximum 15 customers for every 100 square meters

The distance between customers should be strictly observed

15 customers can enter the store for every 100 square meters of net area

If it is difficult to determine the total area, the maximum number of customers allowed in the store is obtained by dividing the total area by 10

In textile shops, it is recommended to sell without trying on clothes, especially those worn over the head

If the clothing is tried on, it must be quarantined for five days before it can be put back on sale

The number of baskets in the store must be equal to the maximum number of customers allowed

Staff must wear protective masks

Customers are advised to wear a mask

Disinfectants must be placed at the entrances to the center and each store, the use of which is mandatory

Employees must measure their temperature before coming to work

Inter-county public transport

Plexiglas should be placed between the driver and the passenger or the first row of seats should be left empty

One person should sit in a row in buses, in such a way that they sit alternately on the left and right seats

In trains that have seats in rows as a bus, one person should sit in a row in such a way that they sit alternately on the left and right seats.

It is recommended that passengers wear masks

The conductor must wear a mask and gloves

The driver is recommended to wear a mask

Hygiene of the driver's cab should be maintained

Vehicles should be regularly ventilated and surfaces that are frequently touched should be disinfected

Drivers must disinfect their hands after placing their luggage in the luggage compartment

Contactless payment should be encouraged

National Parks

Mandatory distance between visitors

Adapt the park program to the new conditions (abolish panoramic rides during which it is not possible to ensure a distance, etc.)

Driving Schools

First aid courses without artificial respiration

Provide disinfectant in the car

It is recommended that both the candidate and the instructor wear masks

There should be a 15-minute break between classes and the driver's and front passenger's areas should be disinfected

Hold theoretical classes with strict adherence to the physical distance of 1.5 meters between students

Keep records of the presence of participants

Monday, 20 April 2020

Croatian Tourism In the Age of Corona? Czech Agencies Have A Plan

April 19, 2020 — Czechs, who colloquially consider the Adriatic “our sea”, are trying to salvage their summer plans — and Croatia's tourism season in the process.

Travel associations in the Czech Republic proposed a model for a “corona corridor” straight to the Adriatic Coast, letting foreign visitors bypass a 14-day mandatory self-isolation period. The plan targets countries with a much lower infection rate that the Czech Republic itself.

“We have asked ministries to find a solution to save the summer tourist season or travel agencies,” Jan Papez, president of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies, told Jutarnji List. Croatia was among the first chosen because of its low rate of infection and deaths.

The association suggested the Czech government sign a treaty with countries successfully keeping COVID-19 at bay such as Croatia, Slovakia, but also some distant countries. The deal would allow mutual travel for citizens in both directions.

The proposal comes at a precarious time, as governments gently dip their toes into something resembling normal life, often reintroducing restrictive measures again.

The latest cautionary tale comes from Singapore, which brought the virus’s spread under control weeks before Croatia. It reopened its borders, only to have its caseload double as migrant laborers returned.

The Czech proposal calls for epidemiological oversight and health certifications, though health officials seemed skeptical.

Some epidemiologists warn the proposal may hurt current efforts to keep COVID-19 from overwhelming healthcare systems. Krunoslav Capak, the Head of the Croatian Institute for Public Health, downplayed the health certificate idea at a press conference.

“Health certificates do not mean much because a person may be ill 24 hours later,” he said. “In our view, tourists arriving in Croatia should either be quarantined for 14 days or should come from countries where the epidemiological situation is better than ours.”

Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenković jumped all over the plan, reaching out to Czech Premier Andrei Babis to discuss the idea. 

Tourism Minister Gary Cappelli on Friday promised to discuss the proposal with his Czech counterpart Klara Dostalov.

"We are determined to find opportunities to realize this, and with similar practices, we would work with other interested markets," Cappelli said.

The minister will lead a conference of tourism ministries around the continent on April 27, where the Czech plan will be discussed, among others.

The Czech Tour Operators Association found fertile ground for the plan with their Croatian counterparts.

"This Czech initiative for us is a great signal of what this year's tourism season may resemble,” said the director of the Croatian Tourism Association, Veljko Ostojic, according to Jutarnji List. “But when and under what conditions, the National Directorate has to determine.” 

Ministers in both countries warned against getting too excited, pointing to a long list of variables that haven’t been settled, including transportation, health and epidemiological measures, healthcare capacity and, of course, the virus itself. Cappelli himself tamped down initial optimism.

“Neither [the Czech travel agencies] nor others have much space for work and travel now,” he said. “They are looking for somewhere to go to sea. They somehow find it easiest to get to Croatia. Will they succeed in doing so or not? We will see. It depends not only on us but also on other countries.”

The plan calls for state-verified health certificates declaring travelers COVID-free, allowing trips to other less-infected countries and bypassing mandatory self-isolation measures. Special air and road corridors would allow the speedy transfer to a tourist’s destination. Early plans include direct connections from Prague to Dubrovnik and Split.

Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković considers the idea fantastic, according to Jutarnji, but emphasized the need to reconnect the Pearl of the Adriatic to airline passengers in other major European hubs.

Prominent members of Croatia’s tourism industry welcomed the Czech proposal.

“The Czechs are exactly the market we counted on the most,” the director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board Joško Stella, according to Jutarnji List. “It was clear to us that they might be the first to show a tendency to come to the Adriatic, which is why we are in constant contact with them.”

Ostojić and others worry that the Croatian knack for drowning everything in bureaucracy may kill any plans to salvage the season.

“It is important to know what the procedures will be like at the borders,” Ostojić told Jutarnji. “Whether passengers will stand in columns and fill in paperwork, which means that we should not expect much tourist activity.”

Czech tourists often carry the unfortunate stereotype of low-spending, high maintenance guests, eliciting eye-rolls among certain older members of Dalmatia’s hospitality industry.

But that doesn’t stop them from vacationing on the Dalmatian coast, which remains one of the most popular destinations for Czech tourists. Over 800,000 spent holiday in Croatia last year for 5.4 million overnight stays. 

The Dalmatian coast is so synonymous with Czech vacations, the nation’s vacationers call it “our sea.”

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