Monday, 5 October 2020

Another Freedom Festival To Be Held In Rijeka On Saturday, October 10

October 5, 2020 - After the first Zagreb Freedom Festival held on September 5, 2020, at Ban Josip Jelačić Square, Rijeka continues to open a public space questioning the precedent measures of restricting human rights and freedoms.

According to the organizers, the impact of epidemiological measures on society and the disproportionate reaction to the real danger of the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be pointed out in a peaceful and dignified manner on the Adriatic Square in Rijeka on Saturday, September 5, 2020, starting at 3 pm.

Organizers also emphasize the fact that "without a proper basis, people are prevented from being human, and children from being children, as well as the severe consequences that result from such measures."


'Encourage people to recognize the truth'

"Democratic society does not know the disappearance of human rights and freedoms, the disappearance of freedom of opinion and speech, and the ubiquitous censorship. Decisions made based on transcription, panic, and propaganda, and which often come from outside the Republic of Croatia, and are applied in the Republic of Croatia and to its citizens, must be seriously reviewed.

Propagating fear, constant sterilization of the environment, and epidermal microflora, restricting breathing and human contact, and everything natural in and around humans, is not and cannot be acceptable," stands in the statement.

As the organizers themselves say, the intention is not to offer a solution to the problem, but to encourage people to recognize the truth, because "the moment in which the truth is recognized is the solution in itself."


The first festival gathered a large number of people

Current topics at the Festival will be discussed by Danijel Grgičin, Ph.D. Ivan Lovrinović and Suzana Peša Vucković from the "Rights and Freedoms" initiative. Croatian singer Alen Vitasović will perform at the Festival, and DJ Ivan Mastermix will play music throughout the event.

To arrive at the Festival, bus transport will also be organized from Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Makarska, Šibenik, Zadar, Varaždin, Čakovec, and from Istria and Slavonia.

It should be reminded that the first such festival held in Zagreb a month ago gathered hundreds of like-minded people, while The Croatian Medical Law Association (HUZMP) did not approve the festival, and numerous events that marked the festival, such as the one with an ambulance, were discussed in the media for a long time.


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Monday, 5 October 2020

Croatia Prepares for Mandatory Masks Indoors: How Will It Look Inside Restaurants and Cafes?

October 5, 2020 - As Croatia prepares for mandatory masks indoors, many wonder how this will work inside restaurants, bars, and cafes. A closer look. 

After mandatory masks were announced in public transport, shopping malls, bakeries, and shops, masks will be introduced in all other activities that operate indoors. What people are most interested in is how this will work in restaurants and cafes. 

Namely, reports that the Croatian National Institue of Public Health director, Krunoslav Capak, announced that an indoor mandatory mask measure is being prepared.

"We are certainly preparing a measure making it mandatory to wear masks indoors. We will discuss other measures with individual sectors of the economy and adopt them in agreement with them," he said. Waiters have had to wear masks for a long time, but now so should guests.

Marin Medak, head of the National Caterers Association, told Index that they had agreed with the Civil Protection Headquarters to jointly make all decisions regarding the implementation of measures in catering facilities, and a new one should be introduced in the next month.

"In a conversation with members of the Headquarters, we were told that Croatia could expect to replicate the German model in terms of wearing masks in restaurants, including cafes and pastry shops. The guest will need to wear a mask to the table and when they get up and leave to go to the toilet or leave the restaurant. While the guest is sitting at the table, they should not wear a mask, but can normally sit and consume food and drink. We asked the Headquarters when it should be in force, and they told us that it would be introduced in the next month," Medak told Index.

He states that so far they have not mentioned any other measures that would be introduced, and adds that, in addition to Germany, this model of wearing masks in restaurants has been applied by Spain and that it is being introduced by Italy and France.

He believes that this measure should not deter guests from visiting restaurants and cafes, but it could even encourage those who are afraid of indoor spaces to feel safer in catering facilities.

"I believe it will be good because the guests will feel safer. And part of the traffic may drop, but for loyal guests, this security measure would certainly be an even bigger argument to visit the bar," Medak said.

As the rainier days began, Index asked if the traffic had dropped for caterers, given that many do not want to sit on the terrace when it is colder and rainier.

"It is difficult to do analytics until we get data from the Tax Office, and they publish a report for the previous week at the end of this week. I know some locals who said that their turnover did not drop, I know some who lost 40 percent, but only Tax data can show the real situation," Medak said.

He also said that the Headquarters mentioned another measure, but it will not be introduced for the time being.

"One of the measures is that guests would have to leave information when entering the facility, but that would complicate everything for us. We don’t have enough people to do that yet, and we can’t raise prices to offset the cost of hiring a person to run it. If it is in the state's interest and the citizens to increase the security of everyone in that way, then the state should compensate us for that. I don’t know how that would be feasible in practice, say if a person works in a cafe in a shift, she can’t serve and make coffee and keep a list. Few restaurants have a reception," Medak said.

He states that it will not be a problem for caterers to keep lists, but they must be paid by the person who would keep them.

"Whatever the state prescribes, we will do it, but on the condition that the state covers that part of the cost. The Headquarters initially copied all German and Austrian measures, so they copied the provision for reducing working hours, which proved to be a failure. We will see how things will go on," Medak said.

Veljko Ostojic, director of the Croatian Tourism Association, which brings together leading hoteliers, told Index that he would not like to comment on anything until an official decision is made.

"We were at a meeting with the Headquarters last week and nothing concrete was announced. But I think that masks in catering facilities should not be brought for everyone, but depending on the epidemiological situation in each region. We expect proposals this afternoon, and we will react," Ostojic said to Index.

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Monday, 5 October 2020

Croatia's Coronavirus Update: 138 New and 1,466 Active Cases

ZAGREB, October 5, 2020 - Over the past 24 hours, there have been 138 new cases of the coronavirus infection and two fatalities in Croatia , and the number of active cases stands at 1,466, the national COVID-19 management team said on Monday.

There are 326 COVID-19 patients in hospitals, including 24 who are on ventilators.

Since February 25, when the first case was registered in Croatia, 17,797 people have contracted the coronavirus infection, of whom 300 have died, while 16,031 have recovered, including 182 who have recovered in the last 24 hours.

Currently, 8,923 people are self-isolating.

To date, 328,392 people have been tested for coronavirus, of whom 2,233 over the past 24 hours.


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Sunday, 4 October 2020

3 in 5 Croatians Use Digital Services More than Before Pandemic

ZAGREB, October 4, 2020 - During the coronavirus pandemic, 62% of citizens are using digital services more often than before, mostly for online banking and shopping, shows a survey on citizens' digital habits done by the Hendal market research agency in August.

The survey was conducted online, covering 500 respondents, 72% of whom used online banking, 63% shopped online, 34% used online public administration services and 17% used insurance services.

Ninety-six percent of respondents used digital banking solutions to check their accounts and 88% for transactions. Seventy-nine percent said the digital development of banks in Croatia was as good as elsewhere in the EU, while 17% said it lagged behind European countries.

Forty-six percent of respondents cited fear for data safety as the main obstacle to using digital financial services, while 42% cited possible errors.

As for digital insurance services, respondents said they mostly used them for car insurance. One-third said they combined digital channels with going to a branch office or talking with an agent.

Two-thirds say digital insurance services in Croatia as good as elsewhere in EU

Over 65% of respondents said digital insurance services in Croatia were as good as elsewhere in the EU, while 33% said they lagged behind. 

Sixty-five percent of respondents said advanced digital services contributed to their quality of life, 84% said digitalisation in general contributed to society's development, and 94% said they would continue to use digital services more even after the coronavirus crisis.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Croatian Headquarters Passed New Coronavirus Measures for Several Counties

October 4, 2020 - The Croatian Headquarters passed new coronavirus measures in several counties on Saturday. A closer look. reports that another 241 coronavirus cases were recorded in Croatia on Saturday, two people died and the number of active cases was 1447, the National Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Saturday.

Head of the Croatian National Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, commented on Saturday's figures. 

"It would certainly be better if the number was smaller. 240 is a big number; we had a big number of 333 yesterday (Friday), we hope it's a peak. There were those few events that generated such a big number. Of course, we expect and prepare for a worse situation when it starts to rain, when the cold starts, and when people will spend more time indoors," said Capak for

"We are certainly preparing a mandatory measure of wearing masks indoors. We will discuss other measures with certain sectors of the economy and adopt them in agreement with them," Capak added in an interview with N1.

New measures of the Croatian Headquarters

The Croatian Headquarters adopted measures for the town of Popovača, Požega-Slavonia, Koprivnica-Križevci, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties.

Measures for the city of Popovača

At the proposal of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Sisak-Moslavina County, the necessary epidemiological measures for the area of the town of Popovača are being introduced for a period of 14 days.

Necessary epidemiological measures are:

- in all enclosed spaces where trades are performed and institutions engaged in public activity, it is obligatory to wear face masks or medical masks correctly;
- a maximum of 50 persons may be present at wedding ceremonies in compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures;
- a maximum of 50 people may be present at a funeral in compliance with anti-epidemic measures, without gatherings, and condolences to the bereaved must not be expressed through close contact;
- sports competitions can only be held without the presence of spectators;
- when entering public institutions, the parties are obliged to wear a face mask or medical mask, disinfect their hands and fill in a health questionnaire;
- family farms that provide catering services are obliged to provide their services in compliance with all prescribed epidemiological measures, and groups with more than 30 people may not be hosted;
- livestock fairs and similar exhibitions and events are suspended;
- visits to the sick, homes for the elderly and infirm, and other social welfare institutions are prohibited;
- recommended that homes for the elderly and infirm and other institutions in the social welfare system organize shift work whenever possible;
- recommended that the sessions of the City Council of the City of Popovača and the assemblies of associations and organizations in the area of ​​the City of Popovača be organized online or in another appropriate way without gathering participants at the same place;
- recommended that all social gatherings (events, exhibitions, scientific gatherings, various events, etc.) in the area of ​​the City of Popovača be postponed.

Restrictions in Požega County

In Požega-Slavonia County, wedding ceremonies will have to be registered with the competent civil protection service by October 20. They will be able to accommodate a maximum of 50 people.

Extension of the measure for Koprivnica-Križevci

In Koprivnica-Križevci County, the prescribed epidemiological measures are extended and will last until November 5.

Measures for the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

Epidemiological measures have been introduced in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County:

- the obligation to wear face masks or medical masks properly in all enclosed spaces and on public transport
- a maximum of 500 people may be present at public events, manifestations, and gatherings indoors, and 1000 people in open spaces
- a maximum of 50 people can be present at all private gatherings and ceremonies (weddings and weddings, funerals, birthdays)
- recommended that the elderly and risk groups not to use public transport between 6:00 and 8:30
- recommended that employers organize work from home where possible
- recommended that employers to encourage wearing face masks or medical masks in the workplace when possible and epidemiologically justified

- recommend to employers who work indoors to provide conditions for maintaining a physical distance of 2 meters in all directions when possible

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Saturday, 3 October 2020

Croatia's Coronavirus Update: 241 New and 1,447 Active Cases

ZAGREB, Oct 3, 2020 - In the last 24 hours, of 4,352 tests performed for coronavirus in Croatia, 241 returned positive, and there are now 1,447 active cases of this infectious disease, the national COVID-19 crisis management team stated in a press release on Saturday.

In the last 24 hours, there have been two more COVID-related fatalities, thus bringing the death toll to 293.

Croatian hospitals are now treating 289 patents diagnosed with COVID, and of them 23 are placed on ventilators.

Currently, 8,973 people are self isolating.

Since February 25, when the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Croatia, 17,401 have contracted the novel virus, and 15,661 have recovered, including 238 recoveries in the last 24 hours.

A total of 321,551 people have been tested to date.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Official COVID-19 in Croatia Weekly Report September 22-28, 2020

October 3, 2020 - The latest official COVID-19 in Croatia weekly report has been released by the Koronavirus government website, covering September 22-28.


CIPH report for the previous 7 days and daily report for the Republic of Croatia on the 28th of September 2020. 

Tested Confirmed cases Active cases Recovered Self-isolation Hospitalized On a respirator Deaths
295 998 (+3029*) 16245 (+40*) 1180 14793 9057 291 24
A total of 164 people died in this epidemic wave. Most of the deceased had significant comorbidities or were of advanced age. The average age of the deceased in this epidemic wave is 76.5 years. Seventy - six people died on a respirator.
* in the last 24 hours

There are currently 24 testing places in the Republic of Croatia that perform RT-PCR analysis and collect samples. All processed samples enter national Croatian Health Insurance Institute platform, which is accessible to all county public health institutes. County public health institutes submit data about positive cases, sources of infection and hotspots as part of their daily reports to the Croatian Institute of Public Health. The Croatian Institute of Public Health collects information about hotspots, hospital treatment of COVID-19 positive persons, COVID-19 positive patients on respirators and the deceased.
You can find more about the test centers on the link.

Epidemiological indicators on 21 st of September

  • Cumulative 7-day rate for the Republic of Croatia: 30,7/100 000
  • Cumulative 14-day rate for the Republic of Croatia: 64,8/100 000
  • Counties with a cumulative 7-day rate greater than 50/100 000 inhabitants: Virovitičko-podravska, Karlovačka, Ličko-senjska, Požeško-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska
  • Counties with a cumulative 14-day rate greater than 100/100 000 inhabitants: Karlovačka, Ličko-senjska, Požeško-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska
  • Total number of tests in the last week: 34 105
  • Share of positive tests in the total number of tests in the last week: 3,7 %
  • Total number of tests and share of positive tests in total number of tests: 295 998; 5,5 %
  • The number of new cases in intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days: 0,39/100 000
  • Number of deaths in the last week: 19
  • Total death rate per 1 000 000 population: 66,5/1 000 000

Epidemiological situation in Croatia

Geographical distribution of new COVID-19 cases by counties
In a two-week period from 15th of September to 28th of September all counties recorded new cases of COVID-19 disease. The highest number of new cases are recorded in the Splitsko - dalmatinska County, followed by the City of Zagreb and Zagrebačka County. The lowest number of new cases were recorded in Sisačko - moslavačka and Istarska County. The Požeško - slavonska County also has the highest 14-day rate, followed by Splitsko - dalmatinska and Ličko – senjska County.


Epidemic by weeks, from 19 th – 31 st week of the epidemic
Table 1 shows the epidemiological indicators by epidemic week. The data shows that one of the most important epidemiological indicators, the rate of confirmed cases, the number of tests and the share of positive ones show a positive trend in the last 5 weeks. The confirmed case rate has been steadily declining since week 27 when it stood at 47.6 to 31,2 at week 31. The total number of tests has been growing continuously for the past 4 weeks, i.e. from the 25 th week, but at 31 st week there was a slight decrease in the number of tests compared to previous weeks. The proportion of positive people in total testing also fell steadily, falling from 12.5 in the 26 th week of the epidemic to 3.7 in the 31 st week.


Table 2 shows a set of indicators related to the severity of the clinical picture and the characteristics of deaths. The table shows that in the last 4 weeks there has been an increase in the average age of cases and the number of cases on the respirator, which corresponds to previous findings that older people are more likely to develop more severe clinical forms and higher mortality in older age groups. The death rate in the last 3 weeks shows stagnation.


Table 3 shows the incidence of the 7-day rate in the two last weeks with a limit of 50/100 000 inhabitants, which in some countries is taken as one of the criteria in assessing the epidemiological situation. In most counties, the 7-day rate is generally stable or slightly declining.


Clinical aspects - Hospitalizations and severity of clinical picture for the period 22.9.-28.9.2020.
Figure 2 shows the relationship between the daily number of confirmed cases and the daily number of hospitalized cases. Number of hospitalized cases per day ranged between a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 37, while the share of hospitalized cases in the total daily number of confirmed cases ranged from 9.9% to 33.3%.


Figure 2. Overview of the daily number of confirmed and hospitalized cases (15.9.-21.9.)

Figure 3 shows the proportion of hospitalized in the total number of weekly cases. Of the total number of confirmed cases in a given weekly period, 15.2% were hospitalized, which is an increase compared to last week's 13.2%. In the same period, 16 people were put on a respirator, which makes 1,3% of the total number of confirmed cases.


Figure 3. Relation of the total number of confirmed and hospitalized cases (22.9.-28.9.)

The graph in Figure 4 shows that the slope of the curve of confirmed cases is followed by the curve of cured cases, while the curve of active cases, in addition to some ascending, shows stagnation in certain periods related to the continuation of the first wave of the epidemic in Croatia. In the last 2 weeks the curve of active cases shows a declining slope.


Figure 4. Movement of the total number of cases, recovered, deceased and active number of cases from 18.6.- 28.9.

Age-sex distribution of COVID-19 deaths
A total of 165 people died in this wave of epidemics. Most of the people who died had significant comorbidities or were of advanced age. The mean age of the deceased in this wave of epidemics is 76.5 years. Seventy - six people died on a respirator.
An overview of the situation is given in Table 4 and Figure 5.

Table 4. Distribution by age and sex of the deceased people in the continuation of the first wave of the epidemic
AGE GROUP 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100+
MEN 3 16 24 55 35 11 1
WOMEN 2 0 16 31 51 27 0


Figure 5. Age and sex distribution of deaths from COVID-19 in the period 29 th June – 28th of September 2020

Deaths for the period 22.9.-28.9.2020.
In the last week, 19 people died, of which 14 (73.7%) were on a respirator. The distribution by age and sex in the last weeks is shown in Table 5, and by counties in Table 6.

Table 5. Distribution by age and sex of persons who died in the last week
AGE GROUP 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
MEN 3 2 2 4 0
WOMEN 0 3 6 5 1

Table 6. New patients and deaths in the last week and total deaths
County Number of new cases in the period
Incidence of new cases in the last 7 days on
100 000 inhabitants
Number of deaths in the period
Total number of deaths Total mortality rate at
1,000,000 inhabitants
CITY OF ZAGREB 198 24,6 4 43 53,4
BRODSKO-POSAVSKA 25 17,8 1 5 35,7
ISTARSKA 11 5,3 0 13 62,3
KARLOVAČKA 62 53,1 0 2 17,1
KRAPINSKO-ZAGORSKA 56 44,7 2 4 31,9
LIČKO-SENJSKA 26 57,5 0 1 22,1
MEĐIMURSKA 30 27,3 0 26 0,0
OSJEČKO-BARANJSKA 58 20,9 0 5 93,8
POŽEŠKO-SLAVONSKA 62 91,4 1 7 73,7
PRIMORSKO-GORANSKA 122 42,9 3 5 24,6
SISAČKO-MOSLAVAČKA 13 8,7 0 70 33,6
SPLITSKO-DALMATINSKA 231 51,6 3 7 156,2
ŠIBENSKO-KNINSKA 18 18,0 0 3 69,9
VARAŽDINSKA 13 7,8 0 9 18,0
VIROVITIČKO-PODRAVSKA 40 53,2 2 16 119,6
VUKOVARSKO-SRIJEMSKA 63 40,8 0 8 103,6
ZADARSKA 32 19,0 1 18 47,6
ZAGREBAČKA 100 32,3 1 43 58,2
TOTAL 1253 30,7 19 1 66,5


Continental Croatia
In the last week, new cases were recorded in all counties of continental Croatia, mostly in the City of Zagreb, Zagrebačka and Vukovasko - srijemska County. The highest 7-day rates on 28 th  of September were recorded in Požeško - slavonska, Virovitičko - podravska and Karlovačka County. A new grouping of patients was recorded in Vukovasko - srijemska County and is associated with masses and family celebrations related to the reception of the sacraments. In Krapinsko - zagorska County, sick people continue to be recorded, as well as their contacts related to larger groupings at the workplace and related to weddings in Međimurska County. Smaller groupings were recorded in the City of Zagreb and Požeško – slavonska County and are related to players of sports clubs. In Krapinsko - zagorska County were also related with a small number of patients. Grouping related to the public event was recorded in Osiječko -baranjska County, and with a private celebration in Virovitičko - podravska County. In the home for the elderly in the Sisačko - moslavačka County, a part of the wards and employees of the home fell ill. Part of the sick people are cases imported from abroad and there is a large proportion of contacts of sick people.

Coastal Croatia
Cases of ill persons have been recorded in Coastal Croatia like in all counties as well. The highest number of patients was recorded in the Splitsko - dalmatinska, Primorsko - gorskanska and Dubrovačko - neretvanska County. The highest 7-day rate on 28 th of September was in Ličko - senjska, Splitsko - dalmatinska and Primorsko - gorskanska County. A significant jump in the number of patients occurred in the Primorsko - gorskanska County after the disease spread to the residents of the home for the elderly in that county, and by the time this report was written, 66 people from that institution had fallen ill. The situation in the Splitsko - dalmatinska County is still stable, no major groupings have been recorded and most sources of infection in sick people are related to the workplace and there was one smaller grouping recorded in the sports club. In addition to the above-mentioned home for the elderly in the Primorsko - gorskanska County, a larger group of patients is associated with weddings in the Ličko - senjska County. A significant proportion of patients are contacts of previously recorded cases.
Age-sex distribution of patients in the last week
In the previous week, a total of 1,254 people fell ill - approximately the same number of females (51.8%) and males. The same distribution by sex is present in most age groups, except in the age groups under the 7 years, where is the smallest number of patients, and in the age group 66+, in which women predominate (60.7%).
By age groups - the least affected were children, 138 (11%). Of the children, the youngest patients were younger than 1 year, a total of 3. The most affected were children of high school age, a total of 69.
Adults made the largest share in the total number of patients last week, i.e. 874 (69.7%). The share of elderly patients is 19.3%.

The distribution of patients by age did not change significantly compared to last week, except for the increase in the elderly from 13.3% to 19.3% and a slight decrease in the number of cases in children from 13.4% to 11%.
The full view can be found in Figure 6 and Table 7.


Figure 6. Distribution of patients in the last week by age groups
Table 7. Age and sex distribution of patients in the period 15.9.-21.9.2020
Category Age group Number of cases men Share of men (%) Number of cases women Share of women (%) Total by age groups and categories Share of age groups and categories in the total number of cases (%)
Kids 0 3 100,0% 0 0,0% 3 138 0,2% 11%
1-6 18 72,0% 7 28,0% 25 2,0%
7-10 5 45,5% 6 54,5% 11 0,9%
11-14 14 46,7% 16 53,3% 30 2,4%
15-18 28 40,6% 41 59,4% 69 5,5%
Adults 19-30 102 47,4% 113 52,6% 215 874 17,1% 69,7%
31-40 94 51,6% 88 48,4% 182 14,5%
41-50 109 52,4% 99 47,6% 208 16,6%
51-65 137 50,9% 132 49,1% 269 21,5%
Elders 66+ 95 39,3% 147 60,7% 242 242 19,3% 19,3%
TOTAL   605 48,2% 649 51,8% 1254 100

Measures to maintain physical distance, maintain hand hygiene and disinfection are still in force. Also, it is mandatory to wear face masks or medical masks indoors for all health workers and professionals, employees who work in social care system and the ones who work in hospitality facilities.

Headquarters decisions in the previous week:

  • Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Krapinsko -zagorska County (September 25, 2020)
  • Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Virovitičko - podravska County (September 25, 2020)
  • Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Zagrebačka County (25 September 2020)
  • Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​the Municipality of Đulovac (September 25, 2020)
  • Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Sisačko - moslavačka County (September 23, 2020)
  • Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​the Splitsko - dalmatinska County (September 23, 2020)
  • Decision about the necessary measure of limiting the working hours of catering facilities in the category "Bars" (September 22, 2020)
  • Decision on repealing the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​the City of Otočac (September 22, 2020)

CIPH recommendations

  • Guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the COVID-19 epidemic for social service providers in the social welfare system - ver. 9 (28/09/2020)
  • Recommendations for the prevention of COVID-19 infection during professional art performances, cultural programs and events - ver. 4 (27/09/2020)
  • Exercise of the right to vaccination against influenza with payments (25/09/2020)
  • Criteria for testing for SARS-CoV-2, termination of isolation and quarantine - Consolidated revised recommendations on priorities for testing for SARS-CoV-2, handling of contacts, completion of isolation and quarantine ("self-isolation") (21/09/2020)
  • Terms of use of school sports halls by external users (22/09/2020)

Recommendations and measures on global and EU levelEurope
On 10 th of August 2020, ECDC released an updated version of the risk assessment:
ECDC has additional documents and information available: and
The number of cases and the 7-day cumulative incidence of COVID-19 confirmed cases worldwide can be found on the ECDC dashboard:
Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz –
Government of the Netherlands -
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment -
Rober Koch Institut -
( –
National Institute for Public Health – Slovenia -
United Kingdom –
WHO provides comprehensive information and documents
WHO COVID-19-Dashboard: and
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Weekly Epidemiological Update and Weekly Operational Update i Weekly Surveillance Report: and
Sources of information about the global epidemiological situation
More about COVID-19 in other countries can be found and learned on the ECDC website: The WHO Regional Office for Europe, the European Commission and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Health Policy have at their disposal the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM). There is information available about European countries and ways to respond to this epidemic. The focus is on health systems and public initiatives:

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Friday, 2 October 2020

Pompeo Arrives in Dubrovnik, Negative for Coronavirus

ZAGREB, Oct 2, 2020 - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the press in Dubrovnik on Friday that he was negative for coronavirus and that he felt great at the start of a day-long visit to Croatia.

Pompeo arrived at Dubrovnik Airport from Italy, which he had officially visited as part of a European tour.

After US President Donald Trump said he was positive for coronavirus, Pompeo and his wife were tested on the plane and both are negative. Pompeo and Trump last met in mid-September.

In Dubrovnik's Old Town, he was met by Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman.

They visited the Ron Brown Memorial Centre, dedicated to the US trade secretary who was killed, together with a whole 34-person delegation, when their plane crashed near Dubrovnik Airport in 1996.

Pompeo is the highest US official in the Trump administration to visit Croatia. In Dubrovnik, he is also due to meet with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Defence Minister Mario Banozic.

The secretary of state might announce today that, after 30 years, Croatian nationals will no longer need a visa to enter the US. US Ambassador Robert Kohorst said on Tuesday he had no official report yet that the requirement of less than 3% of rejected applications had been met, but that he was very optimistic.

Croatian leaders and Pompeo will also discuss the revocation of double taxation between the two countries as well as Croatia's purchase of US fighter jets. The US has offered new F-16s. Offers have also been submitted by Israel, Sweden and France.

The Dubrovnik meeting will also address an LNG terminal off Krk island and the 5G network. The US is worried about the spread of China's influence and Huawei's participation in the building of the 5G network in the world.

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Friday, 2 October 2020

Croatia Confirms 333 New Coronavirus Cases, 7 Deaths in Last 24 Hours

ZAGREB, Oct 2, 2020 - Croatia has registered 333 new cases of coronavirus infection and seven related deaths in the last 24 hours, the national coronavirus response team said on Friday.

Currently the number of active cases is 1,446, including 286 people who are receiving hospital treatment, of whom 23 are on ventilators. A total of 8,266 people are in self-isolation.

In the last 24 hours, 4,793 samples have been tested and 205 people have recovered.

Since February 25, when the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Croatia, 17,160 have contracted the novel virus, of whom 291 have died and 15,423 have recovered. A total of 317,199 people have been tested to date.

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Thursday, 1 October 2020

Sibenik-Knin and Zadar Counties No Longer on Germany's Red List

October 1, 2020 -  Sibenik-Knin and Zadar counties are no longer on Germany's red list for travel. 

HRTurizam reports that last night, the German Robert Koch Institute revised the list of countries that are on the red list, that is, high-risk countries for travel during the coronavirus pandemic.

What is important to point out is that Sibenik-Knin and Zadar counties are no longer on the red list, so it is now possible to travel to those Croatian counties.

The following counties are still on the red list in Germany: Brod-Posavina, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Lika-Senj, Pozega-Slavonia, Split-Dalmatia, and Virovitica-Podravina.

Declaring an area at risk means that those returning from high-risk countries on holiday must be tested for coronavirus and remain in self-isolation until they receive a negative test result.

Recall, on September 29, the Slovenian government adopted changes to the countries on the lists unsafe for travel during the corona era.

"The Government took note of the Assessment of the Epidemiological Situation in the European Union and the Schengen Area, the Balkans and selected Third Countries, the Assessment of the Epidemiological Situation in the Countries and the European Commission's Re-open EU Recommendation, as well as the Criteria per 100,000 inhabitants by country prepared by the National Institute of Public Health. It assessed the professional justification of the restrictions from the Ordinance on ordering and implementing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at border crossings at the external border, at checkpoints at internal borders, and in the Republic of Slovenia and decided that these restrictions should continue to apply," said the Slovenian Government on its website.

Thus, the red list includes 16 EU Member States and the Schengen area, with only administrative units with a poor epidemiological picture and 114 third countries with an uneven distribution of infections.

Regarding Croatia, the red list now includes Brod-Posavina, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Lika-Senj, Pozega-Slavonia, Sibenik-Knin, Split-Dalmatia, Virovitica-Podravina and Zadar counties. 

The orange list now includes the Croatian counties bordering the country. This means that from these areas, Slovenia can be entered with a negative coronavirus test and without having to quarantine.

Serbia and Poland are on the green list again, together with Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, and Finland, while neighboring Italy has been withdrawn from the green list. 

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