Monday, 22 June 2020

More Than 50 Percent of Work Done on Cres Port Reconstruction

Coronavirus has been wreaking havoc left, right and centre with just about everything. From travel and tourism and the hospitality industry to the delaying and cancelling of major investments. The infrastructure and construction sector hasn't been immune to the effects of the global pandemic, but despite difficulties, some Croatian projects are still going full steam ahead. The project to upgrade Cres Port is just one of them.

As Morski writes on the 22nd of June, 2020, on Tuesday, June the 23rd, the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butkovic, will visit the works on the project which involves the full reconstruction and upgrading of the western part of Cres port, after which he will participate in the opening ceremony of the Cres solar power plant.

When it comes to the significant project which involves the reconstruction and extension of the western part of Cres Port, more than half of the planned works were successfully performed, and the activities on the construction site are still continuing in full swing.

The main goal of the project is to improve the infrastructure in the belt of the port basin of Cres port by building a safer and properly arranged pier. This project also marks a continuation of the arrangement of the waterfront on the gorgeous island of Cres, with which it will form a unique spatial and functional unit.

The reconstruction and extension of the western part of Cres Port, worth a massive 34.6 million kuna in total, is a project funded by the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme 2014-2020, as well as being within the project entitled "Renaissance on the Croatian coast" within which the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure has so far invested almost 900 million kuna (with the help of EU funds) in the reconstruction of small ports connecting various Croatian islands.

As stated previously, after touring the works being carried out on Cres Port, Minister Butkovic, together with the Minister of Tourism, Gari Cappelli, will participate in the opening ceremony of the works on the construction of the Cres solar power plant.

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