Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Croatia COVID-19 Lockdown: Bars, Restaurants etc to Close Midnight March 18, 2020

As Index writes on the 18th of March, 2020, during a press conference, the National Civil Protection Headquarters addressed the public and revealed new information about the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister Beros revealed that six new cases have now been officially recorded in Croatia.

This morning it was announced that an older man who was in self-isolation has died in Istria. But it is not yet known if he died of coronavirus.

Also yesterday, Interior Minister Bozinovic announced that he would restrict the work of numerous shops and restaurants.

Health Minister Beros was the first to speak.

"Six new patients were detected by infectological treatment, now we have 87 [coronavirus] patients. Five were cured. 1181 were tested in total," Beros said.

Capak from the Croatian Institute for Public Health listed cities with recorded cases. Most coronavirus cases are in Zagreb, with a total of 41.

"In addition, another case has been registered in hospitals. We now have nine of them," said HZJZ chief Krunoslav Capak.

Bozinovic: Almost everything in Croatia is closing. Bozinovic said that Parliament passed the law needed to allow for the move.

"This National Headquarters has been given additional decision-making powers, which will then be implemented by all civil headquarters in Croatia," he said.

"The headquarters is preparing the decision, since the amendments to the Act come into force tomorrow 00:01. In this regard, I'd like to announce that we'll go forth with a whole set of measures based on the opinion of the professionals," he said.

This, he said, will be a stricter measure for social distancing.

"It's essential that each of us adheres to personal hygiene and distance measures. Indoors, the distance between persons should be two metres, and one metre outdoors. In order to make this a reality for everyone in Croatia, a decision is being prepared to cancel public events and gatherings, work will be discontinued for all non-essential services: including saunas, swimming pools, cinemas, clubs, theatres.

"Also, all hospitality/catering establishments will have their work discontinued, except for food preparation and delivery. All shops except those selling food and hygiene items will have their work discontinued. Petrol stations, bakeries etc, will continue operating..." he said.

The work of gyms, fitness centres, exhibitions, training, shows, fairs etc will all be ceased.

Religious gatherings are also being suspended, Bozinovic said.

"As far as employers are concerned, they're obliged to organise a way to work from home. They must cancel their meetings and business trips unless absolutely necessary. Those who have acute respiratory illnesses are prohibited from coming to work," Bozinovic said.

"Another decision is in the pipeline, banning movement across borders," Bozinovic said.

"All that is not necessary is being suspended," Bozinovic concluded.

"Our responsibility is to evaluate this situation day by day. This decision has been made to be put into place for thirty days, which doesn't mean that it cannot be extended or rescinded," Bozinovic said.

At midnight, the measure for halting COVID-19's spread in Croatia will officially enter into effect.

"The plan is for this to take effect at the first possible formal moment," Bozinovic said.

"There's no reason to now go on irrational stockpiling outings. Shops that are necessary will operate under the regime, and they will follow these instructions," the Interior Minister said.

"It starts at 00:01 tonight," he continued, adding that the question of public transport will be considered tomorrow.

Make sure to follow our dedicated section for more on COVID-19 in Croatia.

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