Thursday, 5 September 2019

Bloggers, Journalists and YouTubers Promote ''Croatia, Full of Islands''

As Morski writes on the 4th of September, 2019, for the third year in a row, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) has been implementing the project "Croatia, Full of Islands to Discover", which aims to promote nautical tourism as a tourist product, ie, to position Croatia as an attractive and quality nautical destination.

As part of the project, twelve well-known bloggers, YouTubers and journalists from across Europe and from outside of it, (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Switzerland and Japan) will discover the gorgeous islands of the Šibenik archipelago from September the 7th to September the 11th.

''This is a successful project that has had great promotional effects in its previous issues. For this reason, we've continued its implementation, and this time the localities of the Šibenik archipelago are the focus. Nautical tourism is one of the main Croatian image products that emphasises the most beautiful thing that Croatia has, as well as what was confirmed by the results achieved this year in the nautical charter segment, where we recorded almost three million overnight stays, which marks growth of three percent compared to the same period last year,'' stated the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Kristjan Staniči, adding that the promotion of nautical tourism is also carried out through Croatia's appearances at specialised fairs and through marketing and PR campaigns.

The tour program includes a tour of the national parks of Krk and Kornati, the islands of Murter, the City of Šibenik and Prvić Luka, and as part of the tour of some of the locations, attractive localities, customs and the wide gastronomic offer of this part of Croatia will be presented. The promotion is focused on news reports in newspapers and magazines and posts on blogs and social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, where participants of this unique experience will share their impressions with their numerous readers and followers.

This year's program includes, among others, journalist Eleanor Rudd, a contributor to the UK-based, with more than 54 million readers monthly. Croatia's glorious coast will also be sailed along by French journalist and photographer Gregory Gerault, who will describe his experiences in a report in the daily Le Télégramme and Le Monde du Camping-Car. Among the attendees is the American YouTuber with a British address, Evan Edinger, watched by almost 700,000 followers on his YouTube channels dedicated to general topics and travel, as well as Hungarian YouTuber Fruzsina Viszkok, who is active on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where she's followed by around 480,000 fans .

The project "Croatia, Full of Islands to Discover" is a continuation of the promotional activities carried out by HTZ this year with the aim of further promoting Croatia's nautical tourism product, and the desire for an even stronger market positioning of Croatia as an ideal nautical destination.

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