Thursday, 25 June 2020

The Glas Poduzetnika Association: Holidays In Croatia Are Safe!

June 25 - Croatian tourism and hospitality professionals, and entrepreneurs decided to react affirmatively and send out a positive message.

This years' tourist season is the main subject of headlines, but not for good things. Lapses in the organization of the tennis tournament in Zadar, without adhering to the recommended protective measures endangered the little that we had of this season we hoped for after the first news regarding the participants who tested positive came out. Unfortunately, after the news about tennis players who tested positive for coronavirus ravaged all the world's media and caused a very negative reaction to the epidemiological situation in Croatia, there was no timely response from the Ministry of Tourism and Croatian Tourist Board, as well as any form of communication with potential guests from abroad and putting out the media fire. Glas Poduzetnika Association asks for the Government’s full focus and readiness to manage the crisis. We have repeatedly warned that the elections were called at a completely inappropriate time, and this statement becomes more accurate every day.

The Glas Poduzetnika Association gathers many entrepreneurs from the tourism, hospitality, and all accompanying fields and activities. We will do everything in our power to save the tourist season and the existence of our employees. Some EU states, such as Slovenia and Austria, have already announced the possibility of re-closing borders with Croatia. Many of the reservations that tourist workers have been fighting for in recent months were canceled overnight. That has done significant damage to tourism and the economy.

"We make an extraordinary effort in our hospitality establishments and accommodation units for our guests to enjoy a superior holiday experience in Croatia, our food, culture, and the beauty of nature. Our employees and we do our best to offer our guests the highest quality service and safety, respecting all measures of disinfection, distancing, and using the prescribed protective equipment. Croatia must be open, but it must also be safe, and we take care of that every day." said Gordana Fabijanić, owner of the famous tavern "Didova Kuća" on the island of Pag, one of the recommended restaurants in the renowned Gault & Millau guidebook for many years. Gordana is also a member of the UGP's Hospitality and Tourism Committee.

More than 200,000 tourists have had the opportunity to make sure of the superior professionalism of Croatian tourist and hospitality professionals on Adriatic in the past days. Due to all of that, our members, tourism and hospitality professionals, decided to send a message to local and foreign tourists: "Croatia is safe, we are professionals, and we adhere to the given recommendations!"

"We want to send a message to all the media in the world, and Croatia, that Croatian tourism workers and hospitality professionals adhere to the recommendations and regulations related to preventing the spread of the coronavirus disease. We invite all tourists to come to Croatia and EU States not to close borders with Croatia. We are serious and professional." stressed Vedran Jakominić. member of the UGP's Hospitality and Tourism Committee.

We in the Glas Poduzetnika Association and our members are still optimistic. We believe that  #CroatiaCan save the season, preserve the health of its citizens and guests, provide hospitality for all and go ahead! Holidays in Croatia are safe because hospitality and tourism professionals are responsible, and we wish for all the world to know that with the slogan #CroatiaIsSafe.

Hardworking entrepreneurs and workers cannot do this alone. The intentions during the organization of the tournament in Zadar were good, and the goal was the promotion of Croatia in a positive light. Still, unfortunately, lapses were made, and the media effect was just the opposite. Blaming the organizers and the Civil Protection Committee will not lead us to anything or repair the damage. Mistakes happen, and we learn from them, we must look forward and make sure not to make similar mistakes in the future. We have to be open and minimize the risk. We hope that the Government and the Civil Protection Committee will learn something from this, that they will be more critical to their work and mistakes, and that they will sincerely apologize to the entrepreneurs for the damage they unintentionally caused with this situation. We believe that they will behave more responsibly in the future and be up to the task and help the tourism and economy.


The GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative started as a citizens' self-organized group, most of which are small entrepreneurs, after the announcement of the first set of Government's measures, which the organizers deemed insufficient. The Initiative assembled more than 100,000 entrepreneurs, small business owners, self-employed, and the employees in the private sector in less than 15 days, drawing the media spotlight with its uncompromising requests and appearances. Considering this, GLAS PODUZETNIKA positioned itself as a relevant factor in public discussions aimed to determine Croatia's new economic direction. Its position was also confirmed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, has included some of the Initiative's suggestions in the second set of economic measures, thus confirming Initiative's undeniable influence. At the request of the Initiative's members, the GLAS PODUZETNIKA Association was established gathering more than 12,000 members. More than 200,000 Croatian citizens support the Association.

For the latest on the Glas Poduzetnika initiative, follow the dedicated TCN section.
