They will take part in the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show.
ZAGREB, October 1, 2018 - A1 is the new name and brand of the Vipnet telecom and as of October 1, all of the company's clients and services will be using that brand, Vipnet officials told a news conference in Zagreb on Monday, stressing that rebranding would cover all members of Telekom Austria Group.
The video game is one of the best-selling Croatian software projects ever.
An important addition to the underdeveloped part of Croatia.
The Croatian company will train investigators to use forensic tools to combat cybercrime.
The best young entrepreneurial teams present their ideas.
In just five days, the computer game sold 650,000 copies.
Croatian Telecom guarantees minimum internet speeds of 20 Mbps.
ZAGREB, September 1, 2018 - The 10th international IT conference "KulenDayz", which every year brings together a large number of IT specialists, is being held in Osijek on 31 August - 2 September, with over 700 participants from 16 countries coming to the eastern Croatian city for the latest edition of this event.
After 17 years of Serious Sam's domination, a new Croatian video game is about to become a global hit.