Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Storm Warning in Croatia Issued, as Coastal Weather Changes Violently

October 6, 2021 - As the country recedes from the summer season, in the Dalmatia and Gorski Kotar regions the weather appears to be less merciful, after a storm warning in Croatia was announced, with heavy thunder and rain to be expected. Through text messages, citizens are asked to be careful with electronic devices at home.

The climate in Croatia is truly enigmatic. Last week I was in Zagreb, and the presence of autumn was more than evident: thousands of orange leaves on the sidewalks, residents of the capital wearing long pants and jackets, and relatively low temperatures throughout the day. What do I find when I arrive in Split at the weekend? Blue skies, considerable heat, and people on the beaches. Almost a mirage of the previous months.

However, it seems that those impressions of the Adriatic summer are slowly disappearing, and it is that this week started gray and with strong winds on much of the coast. Worse still, today the day started with thunderous noises in the sky, and the DHMZ (the State Hydrometeorological Institute), has issued a storm warning in Croatia, and through the telephone operators in the country, has recommended citizens to be careful with electronics at home.

According to, during the last evening, a significant change in the weather arrived in Croatia, which will bring with it a drop in temperature, heavy rain, and storms in the next few days. A thunderstorm is expected in the Adriatic area on Wednesday, which is why the State Hydrometeorological Institute issued an orange warning, while heavy rain will prevail on the mainland. A flood warning was also issued.

"Due to heavy rainfall expected today (October 6, 2021) in the northern Adriatic, Lika, Gorski Kotar and the interior of Dalmatia, and tomorrow (October 7, 2021) in central Croatia, Lika, Gorski Kotar, and the southern There is a possibility of torrential and urban floods in the Adriatic", warns the DHMZ.

Due to unfavorable weather conditions, Hrvatski Telekom also issued a warning to users in the coastal area: "A thunderstorm is expected in your area today. To protect your devices, we recommend that you unplug the telephone and power cables from the socket," reads their message.

If you want to learn more about the weather in Croatia, be sure to check out Total Croatia's guide here.

For more, make sure to check out our lifestyle section.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Severe Storms Hit Croatia, Zagreb Firefighter Dies During Intervention

ZAGREB, July 25, 2020 - Severe storms that hit most of Croatia on Friday night made firefighters respond to numerous calls and one died in Zagreb after taking ill during an intervention, the Croatian Firefighting Association said on Saturday.

Heavy rains with strong winds struck the northern coastal area of Rijeka, Opatija and Crikvenica as well as the islands of Krk and Cres, with local firefighters responding to ten calls to remove fallen trees and branches, pump out water, repair roofs and clear roads.

In Zagreb County, firefighters responded to 15 calls, mostly to pump out water from buildings, but also to clean drains and remove fallen trees and branches.

In Varazdin County, firefighters responded to ten calls, also to pump out water and remove fallen trees and branches, including from power lines.

Situation worst in Zagreb

In the flooded capital, firefighters responded to over 100 calls to pump out water from numerous buildings and underpasses, clear drains and roads as well as remove fallen trees from them.

While pumping out water from one flat, firefighter Davor Kovacic (53) took ill and died despite a quick response from paramedics.
