Saturday, 31 March 2018

Minister: Citizens Will Not Be Billed for Polluted Water!

ZAGREB, March 31, 2018 - Environmental Protection and Energy Minister Tomislav Ćorić said on Saturday that the Hrvatska Vode water utility would start connecting the Slavonski Brod and Sikirevci water supply systems as of Tuesday and that the people of Slavonski Brod would have lower water bills.

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Prime Minister Visits Slavonski Brod after Water Pollution

ZAGREB, March 31, 2018 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said in Slavonski Brod on Saturday that everything would be done to connect as soon as possible the water supply system of the eastern city, whose residents are without drinking water, to the water supply plant in Sikirevci.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Dalmatia’s Parched Islands: Getting Dirty For Some Clean Water

We are delighted to welcome Joe Orovic to TCN, officially our 100th contributor since the website started in July, 2015. Joe's last article online was for The New York Times, and we are thrilled that he has decided to start writing for a more serious portal... A fascinating first piece on December 5, 2017, looking at the realities of living on an island with no water, including probably the most in-depth account of cleaning a water tank in Dalmatia (including video) which exists online in English.  

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Water Unsafe to Drink in Croatia, Claims British Media: REALLY!?!

Is tap water safe to drink? Absolutely! Unless of course, you read The Daily Mail on July 11, 2016. 

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