Monday, 24 June 2019

VIDEO: Discover Rimac Today - Mate Rimac Uploads Fourth Video

June the 24th, 2019 - Mate Rimac has uploaded the fourth video in his ''Discover Rimac Today'' series on the Rimac Automobili YouTube channel.

Mate Rimac has opened up the doors of his incredible factory in Sveta Nedjelja near Zagreb for the world to see after a visit from British YouTuber Shmee150, who left the premises following a lengthy guided tour by Mate Rimac himself utterly astonished at what he saw, at the Croatian entrepreneur's knowledge of each and every process that takes place at the factory, and the fact that all of this is happening in Croatia.

By far Croatia's most inspiring success story, Mate Rimac is the definition of self-made. Having been born in Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina, he doesn't hail from a wealthy background, and having been made to deal with the terrible red tape of the Croatian state, which is no friend to any would-be entrepreneur or their ideas, Rimac managed to succeed, and to a level that not even he could have ever expected.

Until recently, what went on at his plant in Sveta Nedjelja was a bit of a mystery. All we knew was that these incredible Croatian supercars which have delighted the world and been proclaimed the fastest electric cars on the planet, were designed and made there.

Following a visit by British car enthusiast Shmee150, who has a large following, the talented entrepreneur decided to take the public behind closed doors and allow us into his truly remarkable world. Rimac's knowledge of each and every intimate detail of the processes behind the creation of this fascinating vehicles is astounding. If you'd like to watch the previous videos in his series, all of which are in English, click here, here, and here

Watch the latest video in the popular series here:

Make sure to follow our dedicated Made in Croatia page for much more on Croatian entrepreneurs, Croatian companies, and Croatian products and services.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Serbian Singers Rule Croatian YouTube

For about ten days, the most popular video on YouTube's trending list for Croatia was Serbian singer Anastasia Ražnatović, the daughter of Serbian singer Svetlana Ražnatović Ceca and Željko Ražnatović Arkan, the assassinated commander of the paramilitary Serbian Volunteer Guard against whom the Hague tribunal filed an indictment in 1999, reports on April 11, 2019.

She was replaced on the top spot by Serbian singer Saša Kovačević. Since several days ago, the first position has been held by Bosnian rappers Jala Brat and Buba Corelli, with their new song "Bebi". With the exception of Severina and Jelena Rozga, it seems that Croatian musicians simply cannot reach the top position.

What do Serbian songs and videos have, and the Croatian ones do not? “When you look at these videos, you have a feeling of watching world-class performers. The fact is that Serbian singers are investing a lot more in the production of their videos, but also in the music itself. Jala Brat and Buba Corelli have been ruling the Balkan music scene for some time, and they are absolutely following the global trends,” TV host Dalibor Petko said, adding that so-called folk songs are not the only one which are popular.

“None of the first three songs on the current list are folk songs, and I think people are mistaken in believing that all songs coming from Serbia are folk songs. Željko Joksimović and Dara Bubamara do not produce the same kind of music. Serbian music has its fans in Croatia, and this did not happen yesterday. If you look at the clubs, at least 70 per cent of the clubs play Serbian music, often in combination with Croatian performers under the common brand Balkan Party,” he explained.

Although Croatian performers often issue new songs, their numbers are not anywhere near the numbers produced by the Serbian music industry. “Serbian performers record a lot more than the Croatian ones. The key is how much the audience likes a certain song or not,” said Petko.

If we return to the 1990s, the Croatian dance music fever dominated Croatia, both in the media and in the nightclubs, but it has since been replaced by folk music. Petko said that the audience is the only reason for that change. “During the dance era, it was often said that this is terrible music and should be abolished, and then the folk music came in. The fact is that we generally do not have appropriate music for clubs, which need songs with strong rhythm.”

Listeners do not care where the music is coming from. “Today's YouTube generation is not interested in politics and who comes from where. Slovenians adore Croatian music, and there are even some Slovenian singers performing songs in Croatian in order to be more popular in Slovenia,” he explained.

“I would not agree that music can be bad. What will someone listen is a matter of personal choice and tastes should not be discussed. I am absolutely against any bans, and in today's world you always have the option to change the programme or the radio you listen or the video on YouTube,” concluded Petko.

Translated from (reported by Antonija Senjak).

More music news can be found in the Lifestyle section.

Monday, 22 October 2018

US YouTuber Shocked with Croatian “Superstitions”

“This video will offend you, but ...”

Sunday, 3 July 2016

From Giant Spiders to Grumpy Farmers, Top 10 Croatia Videos on YouTube

A little light-hearted fun this Sunday, July 3, 2016, as we take a look at the top 10 YouTube videos of all time, with the keyword 'Croatia'. It is quite a collection!
