Saturday, 23 January 2021

Croatian Border Rules: Lack of Clarity Attracts Questions, MUP Explains

January the 23rd, 2021 - The Croatian border rules are frequently changing as a result of the epidemiological picture both in Croatia and outside of it, and there have been many allegations from travellers that MUP haven't always been very clear. This results in a lot of mail for the border police, who have now released an explanation for at least one point.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, due to the increased number of inquiries, the Dubrovnik-Neretva Police Department has been forced to additionally explain the conditions for crossing the Croatian border in regard to the rule in which Croatian citizens can travel to third countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro) and stay there for a maximum of twelve hours and return home to Croatia without needing to present a negative PCR test and go into self-isolation.

“The exception provided by the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Temporary Prohibition and Restriction of Crossing the Border Crossings of the Republic of Croatia, which has remained in force since the 14th of January this year, applies to persons travelling for urgent personal or family reasons, business reasons or other economic interests in the Republic of Croatia or those travelling for the same reasons to third countries where they will not stay longer than twelve hours.

When it comes to the Croatian border rules, it is of course impossible to predict all of the necessary personal or business reasons and just list them exhaustively, but an exception when it comes to the current Croatian border rules implies only unforeseen, unplanned, unexpected or immediate events (for example the death of a family member and the like, or force majeure that could not be influenced at all (such as a natural disaster, damage to property, etc.) and which certainly require the physical presence of the person in question.

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