Monday, 16 August 2021

Croatian Hostel Attempts to Charge German Tourists 900 Euros for Two Nights

August the 16th, 2021 - We've been hearing some horror stories of apartment owners deciding to cancel previously booked reservations, often those made by Croatian tourists, to instead go for last minute foreign tourists willing to pay far higher prices. Now one Croatian hostel in Zadar has decided to take advantage of the unexpectedly good tourist season with such shameful and unethical practices, too.

The Croatian tourist season has been remarkably good, with some specific indicators being even better than the pre-pandemic, record year of 2019. Sadly, with this unexpected turn of events, greed has come out to play after a long time of uncertainty, lack of income and ever-tightening restrictions. One Croatian hostel attempted to charge tourists the insane price of 900 euros for just two nights spent there.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the last few days have been full of big, glossy and quite frankly rather unusual stories from up and down the country that testify to the incredible tourist crowds we're seeing in August so far. The latest news is about young Germans to whom a hostel in Zadar tried to charge 900 euros for two nights. 

This case, illustrated by a screenshot from the rental site, only highlights the awful stories we've been hearing about the owners and managers of private accommodation down in Dalmatia cancelling previous reservations agreed at normal prices in order to accept tourists who are willing to pay sky high prices because there is no free room anywhere else, as Kult Plave Kamenice reports.

Post-coronavirus (if we can dare to say that) greed is only on the rise after such a long time spent doing nothing, earning nothing and being unsure what government economic measures are available, if any. That said, such practices are the absolute worst anti-propaganda for Croatian tourism in general and will unfortunately be remembered in the rightly bitter thoughts of tourists long after the pandemic is resigned to the history books.

For more, follow our dedicated travel section.
