Tuesday, 15 June 2021

First City in Croatia: Smart LED Lighting in Skradin Brings Eco Solution to Entire City

June 15, 2021 - Smart LED lighting in Skradin can now be found throughout the entire city! 

The City of Skradin has wholly replaced the 20-year-old city lighting with innovative LED solutions. This project, worth 300,000 euros, was implemented in cooperation with the Hungarian company Tungsram and the Croatian company Luma Energy. The most important result is the annual energy savings of 70% and a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, reports Dalmacija Danas

With this extremely valuable investment, as many as 366 units of smart LED lighting have been installed in Skradin, of which 200 units have been installed on roads and streets, 100 units in the city center, and 66 units in the Skradin Elementary School system. In addition, as part of this project, the City of Skradin received an innovative bench that offers citizens free wireless internet and the possibility of charging via a USB port by providing electricity through its solar panels.

In addition to the new LED lighting being a more sustainable solution for people and the environment, this project also sets an excellent example of good practice. It brings the City of Skradin one step closer to the title of the first smart city in the region.

"Thanks to this commendable project, the City of Skradin shines much brighter, smarter, cheaper, and most importantly, more environmentally friendly. These are the key reasons why we decided to achieve this wonderful cooperation and a significant project between the City of Skradin and the companies Tungsram Group and Luma Energy," said Antonijo Brajković, Mayor of Skradin.

Due to increasing CO2 emissions and high energy costs, which significantly burden urban infrastructure and budgets, we are increasingly confronted with the idea of smart cities. At the same time, such initiatives are almost always associated with urban and technologically developed metropolises. However, the City of Skradin, as the Croatian pearl of cultural heritage, convinces us just the opposite. With tremendous energy savings, this project has resulted in a highly positive impact for people and the environment, ranging from better lit and safer roads to school modernization.

"Tungsram had an office in Zagreb in the first half of the last century, which represents our commitment to Croatia, which we see as one of the critical parts of our home region. So it is natural that we provide our latest and most modern solutions here. We are happy to enrich the natural beauties of these Croatian cities with beautiful lights, which also offer entry points for Tungsram's intelligent solutions that are useful for both villages and larger towns.

We are also delighted to be partners with Luma Energy, and we are pleased to have indicators of our work in addition to such a wonderful national park," said Joerg Bauer, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Tungsram Group.

Tungsram Group and Luma Energy also applied their knowledge and innovations in the Municipality of Jarmina, where they installed a total of 300 LED devices on the roads and in the school. This project, worth 200,000 euros, contributes to sustainable development through environmentally friendly, smart solutions with numerous benefits such as significant energy savings.

"This project has provided exceptional benefits for the City of Skradin and the local community, primarily in the form of significant energy savings and a large reduction in maintenance costs. Furthermore, Skradin has received a smart and sustainable solution, which with high energy efficiency, offers better and more uniform lighting in traffic and public places, which greatly raises the overall quality of life in the city. In addition, a smart bench has been set up as part of this project, and how important this innovation is for the citizens of Skradin is shown by the fact that in the last year, the bench has been used by over 9,000 users, for which it provided 1.3 TB of data and produced 129, 5 kWh of electricity," said Toni Vlaic, Executive Director of Luma Energy.

Ultimately, a smart city is not a status but a process that allows cities to respond more quickly to environmental and technical challenges, such as creating a more comfortable living environment for citizens. In this process, smart lighting is the first step because the innovative LED device platform allows installing many other smart applications in the future. LED devices with sensors and smart controls can be connected to smart applications and used for various purposes, from parking facilitation, through traffic monitoring to emergency signals. Therefore, there is no doubt that future similar investments will significantly contribute to raising the quality of life of many communities worldwide.

The recognized name Tungsram returned to the global market in 2018 as an innovative, top European brand by acquiring general lighting business for Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Turkey by GE Lighting and a global presence in the automotive industry. Tungsram wants to help tackle the crucial challenges of our time, such as food security, lower energy and cost living environments, safe and rehabilitated environments - or, in short, “human well-being.” Therefore, Tungsram has decided to systematically enhance its heritage of innovation, knowledge, and technology, and materials, taking advantage of our state-of-the-art teams and infrastructure in the heart of Europe. Therefore, the company is moving from analog products to data-based solutions - providing turnkey solutions, often including alternative financing models for our customers.

Tungsram is reviving a 125-year-old tradition of leadership in manufacturing technology and service solutions. Its highly productive supply chain is focused on its five factories in Hungary, working to the highest quality standards with its 3,700 employees and a network of 1,600 suppliers and partners worldwide. In addition, Tungsram Group invests in technologies that are safe for the future and ready for dynamic and growing global markets, such as smart solutions, smart cities, indoor farming, and healthcare, while strengthening the lighting core of its business.

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