Monday, 28 February 2022

Full Capacity at Croatian Stadiums Returns!

February 28, 2022 - Finally, some good news, as full capacity at Croatian stadiums returns, especially delighting fans of Croatian football and the Croatian First League. 

Interior Minister and Chief of the Civil Protection Headquarters Davor Božinović announced six new decisions on Monday, including one that will especially delight all fans of Croatian football and the Croatian First League, reports

As of Tuesday, March 1, the epidemiological measure that clubs could allow only 40 percent capacity at each of the stands at their stadiums will be abolished.

There is no longer any limitation on the number of spectators for outdoor competitions. However, for indoor competitions, 50 percent of the stands are allowed to be filled instead of 20 percent, as has been the case so far. This decision had been in force since January this year.

What hasn’t changed is that an EU Covid-certificate will have to be shown when entering the stadium, in digital or paper form.

The capacity restriction has negatively affected the attendance of the Croatian football clubs. With capacity restrictions, Hajduk sold out the championship matches against Slaven Belupo and Rijeka, Osijek welcomed Dinamo with the maximum possible capacity last weekend, and Dinamo played their Europa League match against Sevilla last week under the same conditions. 

The weekend behind us brought two big derbies between clubs from the top of Croatian football. Hajduk hosted Rijeka, and Osijek hosted Dinamo according to the current rules and restrictions of 40 percent. 

The first match that could be played in front of full stands will be the big derby between Hajduk - Dinamo, which will be played on Saturday, February 12, as part of the 27th round.

Given the great interest in Croatian First League matches, where four clubs are fighting for the title of national champion, there should be a significant increase in visitors for the upcoming games at stadiums across the country.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

HNS Announces Croatian Stadiums at Full Capacity for HNL Games, with Conditions

July 14,  2021 - We will see Croatian stadiums at full capacity during the upcoming Croatian First League season, so long as Covid certificate conditions are met. 

The new HNL season starts on Friday when two first-round matches are scheduled, and the most important news related to Croatia's top football league is that clubs will be able to open their stadiums at full capacity - but with conditions, of course. 

The Croatian Football Federation Executive Board met to decide on how they would return fans to the stands after the 2021 First League matches were played without any spectators.

We have transmitted the HNS statement in its entirety:

"The decision of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia of 18 June 2021, which is in force since 1 July 2021, stipulates that sports competitions are held without spectators in compliance with all epidemiological measures, and point V defines the exceptional possibility of organizing competitions with the presence of spectators if special conditions are met.

Given the interest of spectators in attending HT First League matches, matches will be organized without a limit on the number of spectators with the obligation that all spectators, technical and organizational staff, teams, and officials have an EU digital COVID certificate (which can also be obtained with a PCR or antigen test and is valid for 72 hours). The host club is responsible for checking the certificates of the spectators, and the delegate, with the technical assistance of the host club, for checking the certificates of the players and members of the professional staff registered in the minutes of the match.

All players, members of the professional staff, and other staff of HT First League clubs participating in the match must have an EU digital COVID certificate, PCR, or rapid antigen test for each match," the Croatian Football Federation explained. 

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

To learn more about sport in Croatia, CLICK HERE.  

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Only Vaccinated Fans at Croatian Stadiums? The Latest on Bringing Back Spectators

June 10, 2021 - It's been a year since fans were in the stands, and as the epidemiological situation improves, progress is being made to bring back spectators. But will vaccinated fans at Croatian stadiums be the reality? A closer look. 

Croatian football stadiums could finally be open to the public at the beginning of the championship season, in the second half of July. But it is likely to be only for people who have been vaccinated, T.portal has learned from several sources.

A formal decision on this will be announced in the meantime and could only be postponed if there is a dramatic deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

The first round of the Croatian national championship takes place on July 16, 17, and 18, and a week after that, Croatian clubs will start their campaigns in European competitions. Almost the entire last season was played in front of empty stadiums, and there are increasingly loud demands to allow the return of spectators.

The director of the Split-Dalmatia County Teaching Institute for Public Health, Željka Karin, confirmed for T.portal that things are moving in this direction. Apparently, the official initiative will come from her.

"If the favorable situation persists until July, we will propose to the National Headquarters to open stadiums at least in part of their capacity, for people who have been vaccinated," Karin told T.portal. She added that, if the need arises, vaccinations can be organized for football fans and citizens who want to attend the matches in the coming days and weeks.

The National Headquarters unofficially said that this development was 'quite real.'

The Split Basketball Club also invited its fans to get vaccinated and organized a special action for those who want to return to the stands.

"KK Split has organized for all its fans, members, shareholders, friends, and players vaccination against COVID-19 at the Institute of Public Health, Vukovarska 46. On Thursday, June 10, from 12 to 2 pm, just come, bring your ID and health card; the 'code' for vaccination is KK Split - yellow family. Let's be responsible, let's be in the stands next season!" published the Split club on its website.

At the moment, Croatia has sufficient quantities of vaccines, and in some counties, the vaccination of interested citizens has already been organized without prior notice. In Split, for example, it is held at the Spaladium arena every working day from 12 to 2 pm.

Citizens who really want to return to stadiums and halls will have to calculate the amount of time needed to be fully vaccinated. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are given in two doses three weeks apart, after which it is necessary to wait another two weeks to receive a valid Covid confirmation. So a total of five weeks after receiving the first dose.

The Johnson vaccine is given in only one dose. Still, after that, it is necessary to wait another 22 days to form antibodies and for documents to be issued to attend such public events.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, including travel, border, and quarantine rules, as well as the locations of testing centers and vaccination points across the country, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and choose your preferred language.

Follow the latest travel updates and COVID-19 news from Croatia HERE.
