October 6, 2022 - October is Croatian Tourism Month and the National Tourist Board organised its annual Croatian Tourism Days. And so another edition of the Days of Croatian Self-Congratulation has kicked off with a bang. This year's promo video, it seems, needed to be spiced up. So they did what anyone would do. Use stock footage of a train in Norway.
As RTL writes, the Croatian Tourism Month is an action of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Croatian Tourist Board, which is taking place from October 1 to 31 of this year. It will enable all citizens of Croatia to visit and get to know other parts of our country at discounted prices, according to the official website of the mentioned action.
The goal of the project is to encourage domestic tourism and increase tourist traffic in the post-season, according to the description of the project. However, it seems that the way in which they decided to promote the Croatian Tourism Month is interesting. As if there wasn't enough natural beauty and potential in Lijepa Naša, stock video of a train traveling from Oslo to Bergen in Norway was used to illustrate the railway in the promo video.
The official Croatian Tourist Board promo video
The frames are identical, which is blatantly obvious. The only differences are in the colours and contrast, as those who analysed the video noticed. This sparked a discussion on social networks, where the airport used in the video was also criticised.
Whether or not this was a blunder in the promotion of Croatian tourism, you can judge for yourself after watching the original video HERE.
RTL sent an inquiry about the video to HTZ and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the reply to be published as soon as they receive one.
What is also quite interesting about this involvement is the total lack of engagement by those who have watched it. Almost one million views, but just 7 likes. Comments are turned off and the info about the official website for the promotion is not hyperlinked. It is a good job that tourists come anyway, without such excellent promotion.
Stay tuned, and make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section for more.