Sunday, 24 January 2021

Watch Stormy Jugo Wind Make Life Difficult for Jadrolinija Vessel

January the 24th, 2021 - The stormy Jugo wind is one of the main enemies of many a Croatian seafarer. Croatia has many types of wind, all of which cause different effects along the coast, but jugo is among the most talked about. 

Anyone who has spent any time in Dalmatia during the colder winter months will know how monstrous the stormy jugo wind can be, causing rain to lash against windows almost entirely horizontally and forcing waiters to dash outside in a panic as they attempt to rescue chairs and tables from the grasp of the harsh elements. 

In summer, the Adriatic coast looks as calm as calm could be, and few could expect to see the sparkling seawater swell and turn grey, crashing violently against the rugged coastline as the wind takes hold in the winter. For the frequent passenger ferries which operate twelve months per year in Croatia, linking the islands to each other and to the mainland, the stormy jugo wind is an eternal enemy. 

As Dalmacija Danas writes, yesterday dragged the continuation of very unstable weather into Dalmatia, and across the entire Adriatic the stormy jugo wind has been blowing moderately to very strongly.

According to the DHMZ, there have been some incredibly sharp gusts of up to 86 kilometres per hour in the City of Split, and according to the network of stations, the wind in Mosor created violent gusts of up to 94 kilometres per hour.

One onlooker, Sinisa Vickov, filmed a video showcasing the strength of the stormy jugo wind in the Port of Split, capturing how one of Jadrolinija's otherwise laege vessels, "Lastovo" successfully managed to enter the port in the face of being tossed around by the unrelenting wind.

Watch the video here.

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