Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Croatian Youth Network Calls for Better Education, Employment and Housing

ZAGREB, Aug 12, 2020 - The Croatian Youth Network (MMH) on Wednesday presented its three main demands to the government, calling for better education, employment and housing for young people to provide them with better living conditions in the context of growing insecurity caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The MMH, which has 58 member-associations, presented its demands outside the government and parliament buildings in Zagreb in order to draw public attention to burning issues that burden young people in Croatia.

Its representatives warned that in terms of labour and similar rights, young people in Croatia are at the bottom of EU rankings.

Addressing the public on the occasion of International Youth Day, they called on the government to adopt concrete decisions to ensure a better life for young people.

Speaking of the main problems young people were encountering, they cited problems in finding and keeping a job, poor housing conditions, lack of access to the education system, lack of social measures, etc.

Speaking of young workers, they called for ensuring normal working conditions, permanent employment contracts as well as allowances for the unemployed and for taking into account student work when calculating one's years of service.

As for housing issues, they called for supporting a long-term, subsidised lease scheme.

Speaking of education, MMH leader Josip Milicevic said that one should work more on civic education and education in general.

"It is necessary to encourage vocational education as well as invest in dual education and in making educational processes correspond better with real market needs," he said.
