Sunday, 29 December 2019

Dalibor Andres' "Sea of Life" to Open Fotoklub Split's New Year Exhibition

As Morski writes on the 28th of December, 2019, on Wednesday, January the 1st, 2020, at 00:15, the New Year's photo exhibition, the first cultural event in the Republic of Croatia and beyond in 2020, traditionally opens at the Photo Gallery of Fotoklub Split, Marmontova 5, in collaboration with the "TRITON-SPLIT" association, will open.

The exhibition of works set to be held at Fotoklub split's gallery is by Dalibor Andres, who has been engaged in underwater photography for many years.

We are witnessing major climatic and ecological changes that are increasingly leading to serious threats and, in the worst cases, to the extinction of individual plant and animal species, a decrease in biodiversity and disturbances in the natural balance. This is especially pronounced in the world's seas and oceans, where, due to the underwater world hidden from human view, the consequences are not immediately visible, so we can easily overlook them. The Croatian Adriatic is no exception. This exhibition aims to showcase the beauty that lies beneath the surface and to increase people's awareness of the importance of protecting the underwater world, on which our existence both directly and indirectly depends.

The exhibition held at Fotoklub Split's gallery will contain a cross section of the works of the author, who for many years has been capturing the magical world of the sea's depths with his photographs. Photos of the living world and underwater environment of the Adriatic sea, rivers, lakes, as well as photos from other world seas and oceans will be shown. When photographing fish and other underwater organisms, the author seeks to establish visual contact with the organism he is photographing. Because of this interaction, his photographs take on a new dimension and bring to viewers the amazing beauty of life below the surface, whose preservation depends on each and everyone one of us.

Dalibor Andres (Sisak, 1967) merged his love of the sea with his favorite hobby - photography. His love for photography was ''born'' in elementary school, when he was involved in the work of the school's photography section, while diving attracted him from an early age. After graduating with a master's degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb back in 2002, he completed an autonomous diving course and began the adventure of exploring and recording the underwater world.

For Dalibor, he combination of photography and diving proved to be extremely successful. He has dived in many of the world's seas and waters. From Indonesia, through to Thailand, the Maldives, the Red Sea, the Seychelles, the Mediterranean, Croatia's rivers and mountain lakes, the North sea, the Azores, Cuba, all the way to Mexico. His underwater photography skills have been proven as he has won numerous awards, publishing photographs in various magazines and books, appearing in numerous photo exhibitions and participating in many festivals and competitions in Croatia and abroad. The underwater motifs he shot even toured the world on thirteen postage stamps issued by Croatian Post.

He has won the title of Croatian underwater photography champion twice (2013 in Hvar and 2014 in Pag), and the high placements he constantly achieves in underwater photography competitions place him at the very top of the Croatian underwater photography world. He also participated in the World Underwater Photography Championships organised by the International Federation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) back in 2013 in Cuba, in 2015 in the Netherlands and in 2017 in Mexico. He achieved remarkable results in Cuba, an excellent 4th place in the category of fish photography, and 12th place in the overall ranking.

He also participated in the first European Underwater Photography Championships held in Portugal (the island of Graciosa in the Azores) in 2014, where he placed 6th in the category of fish photography, while in overall placement he came 12th. His most significant achievement was a gold medal won at the 16th World Underwater Photography Championships in 2017 in La Paz, Mexico, which he won in the macro photography category.

The exhibition which is set to be held at Fotoklub Split's gallery was realised with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Split and Split-Dalmatia County, and can be viewed until January the 17th, 2020.

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