Thursday, 13 October 2016

Preparations are Complete for the Dalmacija Ultra Trail, One of the World's Most Prestigious Races

Dalmacija News reports that the project for the Dalmacija Ultra Trail race has entered its final week of preparations which have lasted lasted over a year - tracing more than 300 kilometers of tracks, more than 2000 hours of work, and over 200 volunteers.

Friday, 26 August 2016

This October An Adventure Event Takes Place Across Dalmatia: Meet “Dalmacija Ultra Trail"

An adventure event across Dalmatia will take place for the first time this year. Meet “Dalmacija Ultra Trail” premiering this October from October 21-23.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Dalmacija Ultra Trail Video Wins the Mention Award at Tourfilm Riga Festival

Video won the Mention award for Eco-tourism. 
