Wednesday, 2 February 2022

National Security Committee: Different Opinions on Attack on Government Headquarters

ZAGREB, 2 Feb 2022 - Members of the Croatian Parliament's Home Affairs and National Security Committee on Wednesday failed to agree on whether the attack committed by Danijel Bezuk on government offices in Zagreb in October 2020 was an act of an individual or if certain social and political groups were behind it. 

"Conclusions have been adopted but there will be dissenting opinions, by me and Mišel Jakšić, because we partly did not agree with the position of the ruling party," Committee chair Siniša Hajdaš Dončić of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) said after the session.

"My impression is that it was an act of an individual," he added when pressed by reporters to state his position.

23-year-old Danijel Bezuk of Kutina opened fire from a machine gun at the government offices in St. Mark's Square on 12 October 2020, wounding a security officer. Prosecutors investigated the case as an act of terrorism and the criminal report was dismissed in July 2021 as shortly after the shooting, the young man committed suicide.

Hajdaš Dončić confirmed that the session discussed right-wing extremism, but also stressed that the case had nothing to do with right-wing political parties.

"I have not seen any political party, not even right-wing political parties active in the parliament, call for an armed rebellion or extremism," he said.

Hajdaš Dončić said that he had called the session of the committee due to the different interpretations by PM Andrej Plenković, the State Attorney's Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the Security-Intelligence Agency (SOA) of the terrorist attack on the government offices.

"I wanted it to be cleared up if the institutions generally enjoy PM Plenković's trust since he earlier expressed partial suspicion regarding certain reports," Hajdaš Dončić said.

He added that the key question was if the attacker had acted on his own, or as a member of a social or political network.

Hajdaš Dončić said that the committee also discussed if there was "something more" than posts on social networks over which some people were arrested.

Committee member Željko Sačić (Croatian Sovereignists) said that he had walked out of the session as the first item on the agenda was discussed; the attack on the government offices, because he disagreed with the conclusion proposed by Hajdaš Dončić.

"I was surprised because the discussion went in a different direction and then Hajdaš Dončić proposed a conclusion under which a crazy terrorist act was to be described as an act of right-wing radicalism," said Sačić.

For more, check out our politics section.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Who is Danijel Bezuk? Zagreb Shooter was 22 Years Old, from Kutina

October 12, 2020 -  22-year-old Danijel Bezuk shot a police officer in Zagreb's St. Mark's Square this morning, after which he committed suicide in the Jabukovac area. reported that a police officer was shot on St. Mark's Square in Zagreb this morning. He received four gunshot wounds and is at Vinogradska Hospital. The attacker fled after the shooting, and around 9 am, the police reported that his body had been found and that he had committed suicide.

As it turns out, the attacker is 22-year-old Danijel Bezuk from Kutina.

Police released the first information about the attacker around 11 am.

"The possible perpetrator of the attempted aggravated murder of a 31-year-old police officer this morning on St. Mark's Square and also the person who committed suicide in the Jabukovac area is, according to information so far, a 22-year-old Croatian citizen. The person is not previously known to police officers."

He is a young man from Kutina who comes from a veteran family.

Bezuk left a message on Facebook just after he shot the police officer, which you can see in the header photo above.

"There has been a lot of fraud and reckless trampling of human values without responsibility," the message reads on Facebook profile, translated into English.

He allegedly shot the police offer with a Kalashnikov he allegedly took from his father.

Index contacted Danijel’s uncle, who said he was sick and couldn’t talk. then contacted other members of his family. A crying woman answered, but hung up.

"The time I used to see him, I didn't notice anything unusual. He was always smiling and often made jokes," an acquaintance said.  

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