Thursday, 23 September 2021

Gordon Ramsay Croatia Episode Sparks Twitter Reaction over 'Adriatic Sea'

September 23, 2021 - The Gordon Ramsay Croatia episode aired in Croatia on Sunday, and while it was mostly applauded, one Twitter user pointed out a mistake no Croatian (and especially Dalmatian) dare make. The Irish and British embassies even got involved! 

American writer and professor living in Croatia Cody McClain Brown set Twitter on fire after he jokingly criticized Gordon Ramsay for calling the Adriatic 'water', a word no Croatian should ever use to describe the Adriatic Sea. 

"Gordon Ramsay referred to the Adriatic as "the water" and we almost had to change the channel," Cody wrote on Twitter. 

"Typical continental slip", "If it's water - drink it" and "Without any respect", were just some of the comments on Cody's tweet.

It didn't take long for the Irish and British embassies in Croatia to get involved.


"Cody, we'll point this out to our friends at the. UK Embassy. They'll talk to Mr. Ramsay and help to repair bilateral relations ASAP!!" wrote the Irish Embassy in Croatia, and the British Embassy added: "Urgent action required indeed! Proper briefing prepared for Mr Ramsay - with the hashtag #MORE.


Cody responded to the tweets and said that "he didn't consider it controversial":

"I wasn't really the one that took issue, but thanks all the same. I enjoy his programs and can continue to watch them "bez problema."


The UK Embassy replied: "No questions asked. Even if it was punica! #morenijevoda"

The Gordon Ramsay Uncharted episode on Croatia was shown on National Geographic on September 19. Gordon Ramsay spent some time in Istria and praised Croatian truffles and olive oil, which he considers better than Spanish and Italian.

"Everyone told me that Croatia is like Italy, but when I was there, I didn't have to fish on a boat a little bigger than a bathtub," Ramsay joked in the episode.


Ramsay's guide through Istria was famous Croatian chef David Skoko, who also took Ramsay fishing. He showed him how to hunt conger eels in Istria, and Skoko's son Anton taught Ramsay Croatian. The famous chef was led by Višnja Prodan to hunt truffles.

Ramsay was in Croatia in the summer of 2020, and the show filmed in Istria was shown as part of a day dedicated to Croatia on National Geographic.

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Thursday, 17 June 2021

VIDEO: David Skoko Records British Chef Gordon Ramsay Speaking Croatian

June the 17th, 2021 - Can you imagine Gordon Ramsay speaking Croatian? The short-tempered British chef is well known for his more than colourful use of the English language, to put it politely. His hot headed swearing and creative insults on popular programmes such as Hell's Kitchen made him known globally, that and his skills in the kitchen, that is.

Croatian is a complex and extremely rich language when it comes to swearing. In no other language I have personally heard does anyone's mother get dragged into everything quite so much, and this colourful way of expressing oneself is always as popular as it is a bit shocking among non-Croatian speakers when they are taught what certain words and phrases mean. Pair this with Gordon Ramsay's tongue and I wouldn't want to imagine what could be said. Thankfully, Ramsay and Croatian don't quite seem to go too well together.

Much loved Croatian chef David Skoko posted a video on his Instagram of Gordon Ramsay speaking Croatian. It's safe to say that unlike his skills in the cooking department, his Croatian needs some considerable work.

As Morski writes, celebrity Croatian chef David Skoko posted a video on his Instagram profile in which his young son Anton is teaching, or at least trying his very best to, the famous British chef Gordon Ramsay some words in Croatian language.

The recording was actually made last summer during the filming of Ramsay's documentary show Uncharted, as part of which he also recorded his culinary adventures here in Croatia, as reported by Index.

Gordon Ramsay speaking Croatian is an amusing struggle to listen to as the talented chef twists his tongue trying to pronounce words such as susnjezica (sleet) and kukuruz (corn), making his young teacher Anton laugh. In the end, he concluded that words in Croatian are just too long.

Watch the video below:

Fancy going a step beyong even Ramsay in the swear word department and giving swearing in Croatian a go? Find out all of the many ways the beloved ''J word'' can be employed with this extensive list, coupled with English translations and instructions for use!
