Sunday, 21 March 2021

Over 233,000 Consumers Owing HRK 16.9 Bn Subjected to Debt Enforcement in February

ZAGREB, 21 March 2021 - At the end of February this year, 233,736 consumers in Croatia were subjected to debt enforcement proceedings for HRK 16.9 billion owed, as were 15,504 business operators owing HRK 15 billion, according to the data from the Financial Agency (FINA).

The number of consumers in debt fell by 6,151 or 2.6% compared with February 2020, while their debt principal increased by HRK 100 million or 0.9% to HRK 16.9 billion.

The majority of consumers, or 103,050, owed less than HRK 10,000, while 100,904 consumers owed amounts ranging between HRK 10,000 and 100,000. On the other hand, the smallest number of consumers, i.e. 1,537, owed more than HRK 1 million, and their share in the total debt was 38.48%.

The bulk of consumers' debt, HRK 5.1 billion without interest, accounted for debt to banks as creditors, while debt to all financial institutions totalled HRK 5.9 billion.

The number of business operators in debt declined by 2,619 or 14.5% compared with February 2020. Their debt principal amounted to HRK 5 billion, down by HRK 730.9 million or 12.7%.

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Monday, 31 August 2020

FINA To Start Enforcing Debt Payments Again, Possibly In Installments

ZAGREB, Aug 31, 2020-  A measure that was introduced to stop the enforcement of money debts, thus unblocking debtors' accounts, expires on October 18 and the Financial Agency will again start enforcing debt payments from citizens' accounts who have not settled their debts, the Jutarnji List daily reported on Monday.

The government will definitely not extend the suspension of enforcement procedures which means that a real tsunami of enforcement procedures can be expected in October and November, the daily writes.

According to information from public notary circles, about 400,000 citizens could have their accounts blocked overnight. With the record fall in GDP in the second quarter of 15.1%, an expected loss of jobs, which in the tourism sector alone could be more than 60,000, Croatia is just one step away from a very black autumn scenario.

Some sources in the government have said that the measures to help the commercial sector and citizens that were introduced cannot be extended, but that the government is not neglecting the social component. Scenarios are being prepared for an as painless transition as possible from the complete suspension of enforcement procedures to their reintroduction.

The only option that could help citizens and that would not stint creditors too much would be to allow debt repayments in installments.

The civic rights department in the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration has already prepared a draft document to present to the chamber of public notaries, the daily writes.

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