Friday, 25 February 2022

Parliamentary Groups: Croatia Stands Firm With Ukraine

ZAGREB, 25 Feb 2022 - Parliamentary groups on Friday unanimously backed  the adoption of a Declaration on Ukraine by the Sabor which most sharply condemns the Russian unprovoked aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence with the message, "Croatia stands firm with you."

Hardly anyone could have expected war on the European continent in the 21st century, which could have inconceivable consequences on security and the economy. The world order has been brought into question. This isn't only happening to Ukraine but to all of us, deputies underscored during the debate on the declaration.

They strongly supported the delivery of humanitarian and technical assistance to Ukraine and expressed readiness to accept its refugees.

"Croatia stand firm with you," minority deputy Vladimir Bilek (National minorities group), and added that world peace and order are facing the biggest challenge since World War II and that the situation in Ukraine reminds us greatly of the 1991-1995 Homeland War.

"God save the Ukrainian people,"  Stephen Nikola Bartulica (Homeland Movement), said claiming that we are living in a dangerous world. He is also concerned with Serbia's failure to condemn the Russian aggression, adding that it was justified for Croatia to purchase fighter jets and invest in its defence resources.

He warned that the sanctions against Russia will have repercussions on Croatia's economy too, hence it is important to take the security of the LNG terminal into account.

Marijan Pavliček (Croatian Sovereignists) warned that the crisis could spill over to our neighbourhood - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. "We have to be cautious and protect the interests of the Croatian people," underscored Pavliček.

Krešo Beljak (HSS and RF) assessed that Croatia has to exert pressure on neighbouring countries to state who they are sided with and to clearly call for their accession to the NATO alliance.

MP Milorad Pupovac (SDSS) expressed solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine and that it would be a great loss if after the Berlin Wall had come down for a new Iron Curtain to be raised.

Davor Ivo Stier (HDZ) said that Croatia firmly supports the European journey for Southeast Europe and NATO allies in our neighbourhood and called for Europe's future to be open for Serbia and for Kosovo.

He called on Bosniak leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to accept Croats as equal partners and not to compel them to tactical cooperation with Banja Luka and authorities in the Republika Srpska entity which is a branch of Belgrade.

Lawmakers welcomed the unity expressed by the country' leaders, the prime minister and president during these trying times.

All parliamentary groups welcomed the adoption of the Declaration on Ukraine and condemned Russia's unprovoked aggression sending a message of solidarity and encouragement to the Ukrainian people.

Friday, 25 February 2022

Croatian Parliament Adopts Declaration on Ukraine

ZAGREB, 25 Feb 2022 - The Croatian parliament on Friday adopted the Declaration on Ukraine, with 133 votes for and one abstention, which condemns in the strongest terms Russia's unprovoked aggression on Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.

The abstaining MP was Katarina Peović of the opposition Workers' Front.

The vote was watched from the gallery by Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Kyrylych. MPs applauded the adoption of the Declaration.

Before the vote, Speaker Gordan Jandroković reiterated on the behalf of all MPs that Croatia is with the Ukrainian people in these difficult moments.

In the Declaration, the Croatian parliament calls on Russia to immediately cease the attack and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.

The Sabor condemns the recognition of the self-proclaimed regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, because that act represents a gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and subverts the foundations of the international order.

The Sabor extends full support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders, which is the fundamental point of reference in the relations and cooperation between Croatia and Ukraine.

The Sabor extends full solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and calls on the Croatian government to provide humanitarian and technical assistance to Ukraine in this difficult moment for them and all of the peace-loving world.

According to the Declaration, the Croatian parliament underlines that in the context of the security situation in eastern Europe, the key for keeping the peace and stability in the region lies in maintaining dialogue between all relevant international actors, in defusing tensions and the aggressive rhetoric, and in respecting the international legal order and inviolability of international borders.

The ten-point Declaration also says the Sabor is firmly confident that a secure, stable and prosperous Ukraine is in the strategic interest of all citizens of Ukraine, the EU, the whole European continent, world peace and the international order.

Friday, 25 February 2022

Sabor Speaker Worried by Russian Aggression, Expresses Solidarity With Ukrainians

ZAGREB, 25 Feb 2022 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Friday voiced concerns over the latest developments in Ukraine and expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian nation.

"We denounce the Russian aggression on Ukraine and we hope that the hostilities will stop and that human lives will be saved," Jandroković said before the parliamentary debate on Croatia's declaration on Ukraine, drawn up by the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs.

"All of us are following the developments in Ukraine with disbelief, anxiety and concern," the parliament's chief said.

The Russian aggression has violated all the tenets of the international order and law, he added.

"We must take into account Croatia's interests, and also being a country that experienced the Serbian aggression, we convey our solidarity with the victims and we will help them as much as we can and thus contribute to efforts to bring this sad episode to an end," Jandroković said.

On Thursday, the foreign affairs committee unanimously adopted the declaration on Ukraine.

The declaration states that the Croatian parliament calls on Russia to immediately stop the military attack and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.

The parliament also condemns the recognition of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent entities because that act represents a gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and undermines the foundations of the international order.

The document gives full support to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

The parliament expresses full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and calls on the Croatian government to provide humanitarian and technical assistance.
