Thursday, 8 July 2021

Digital Covid Certificates in Croatia Extended from 6 to 10 Months

July 8, 2021 - Health Minister Vili Beroš said that they have decided to extend digital Covid certificates in Croatia from 6 to 10 months for those who were vaccinated with their first dose and which are due to expire soon.

In a press statement before the Government session, Minister of Health Vili Beroš commented on the situation with the vaccination of the Croatian population, reports N1.

"When it comes to the health system, after the end of the mass campaign, we move to a certain new approach, and these are mandatory lectures and education for all persons, even unvaccinated, in the health system," said Beroš, as reported by N1.

The lecturers will be experts who will teach the latest knowledge, answer questions and solve the doubts of those who do not want to be vaccinated. In that way, we will solve certain doubts in direct communication. Lectures will be mandatory, as they take place as part of occupational safety education, he added.

We are moving to a more specific approach and of course, we will suggest a similar approach to all other sectors. Vaccination among health workers is growing, the minister said.

Asked how many employees of the Ministry of Health have been vaccinated against Covid, the minister said it is below 35 percent.

"I am not satisfied," Beroš said.

The Minister also stated that the Covid certificates for those vaccinated with the first dose will be extended to 10 months, instead of the previous 6.

"I accept my responsibility, but those who have not been vaccinated must also take responsibility, contributing to the possible emergence of the fourth wave and the prolongation of the economic crisis," said Beroš.

In the European Union, it has already been thought that those who refuse vaccination bear the costs of treatment. In Croatia, we are not going in that direction. The state will pay for their treatment, but why would our money go to the treatment of someone who could protect themselves? If we go wider, then we have an example of smoking. So, it is a broader problem, but it has already imposed itself as a topic in some European countries," said Beroš.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, including travel, border, and quarantine rules, as well as the locations of vaccination points and testing centers across the country, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.
