Friday, 15 July 2022

Konzum to Begin Showing Prices in Both Kuna and Euros This Week

July the 15th, 2022 - The huge Croatian shopping chain Konzum is set to begin showing the prices of the items on their shelves in both kuna and euros as Croatian Eurozone accession rapidly approaches.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, starting this week, Konzum will proactively start with the dual display of prices for products and services in both kuna and euros, and in this way, even before the official obligation on the dual display of prices comes into force on September the 5th, 2022, all customers shopping in Konzum's stores will have an insight into the prices of products and in the new currency that the Republic of Croatia will officially introduce on the first day of 2023.

All items on Konzum's ample shelves will have their prices expressed in both Croatian kuna and euros and a fixed conversion rate amount of 7.53450 kuna to the euro, and the change of all labels in Konzum's more than 600 stores will be done by the end of July.

The double display of prices even before the legal obligation is a continuation of the company's wider policy of open and transparent relations with its customers. One of the similar examples of this was Konzum's price reduction of over a thousand items back in February of this year in accordance with the decision of the Croatian Government to reduce VAT, and it was the first retail chain in all of Croatia to do so even before the decision came into force in April.

"A transparent relationship with our customers is imperative for our business, on the basis of which we earn and strengthen their trust day by day. We always strive to be open in everything we do, including in this challenging period of the introduction of the euro. We started with the preparations on time and our employees are ready to continue with all the stages of implementation of these historic changes in order to help our customers adapt to the transition to the country's new currency as easily as possible,'' said Zoran Mitreski, President of Konzum's Management Board.

The entire process of introducing the euro in Croatia is being divided into three phases, and Konzum has been monitoring each of them with its own activities. The first one refers to the display of dual prices and a fixed exchange rate, the implementation of which Konzum has already begun. Double prices will be displayed until December the 31st, 2023 on all products on sale in all Konzum stores, including on the online store. Prices in both currencies will be displayed throughout the entire process of selecting and purchasing items – on the store shelves, in online shopping carts, during the checkout process and during an order confirmation when purchasing goods online, as well as on all issued receipts.

The second phase will begin on January the 1st, 2023 with the official introduction of the euro in Croatia, and it is important to note that it will remain possible to pay in kuna until January the 14th of the same year, with refunds being given only in euros.

The third phase refers to the period from January the 15th, 2023, when the euro will be the only currency with which customers will be able to pay in Konzum's stores.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.
