Monday, 4 October 2021

DUMP Internship: No More Excuses; Perfect Your Knowledge!

October 4, 2021 - The DUMP internship is a way for young developers in Split to acquire new knowledge and skills in programming, marketing, design, and multimedia.

The DUMP Association of Young Developers is looking for new members! The young digital group in Split is organizing another DUMP Internship. It is a free six-month program in which participants - trainees - have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of programming, marketing, design, and multimedia.


The DUMP Internship is intended for high school and college students who are fond of technology, learning, and challenges. The program's primary goal is to train future generations with the knowledge and experience needed to further work through various theoretical lectures, workshops, and real projects.


“The internship showed me everything I need to become a developer and how to better organize myself over time. In addition to knowledge, I gained new acquaintances and friends and learned the importance of communication in the business world. I am currently programming at DUMP and plan to get a job soon," said Frane Doljanin, head of the educational IT cycle.


Many local and internationally recognized IT companies eagerly await DUMP interns who are taught by experts during lectures to teach trainees about the latest industrial practices and technologies.


In addition to knowledge and skills, the DUMP Internship also allows you to meet other ambitious people who share similar interests. Thus, the Internship is an opportunity to gain solid and long-standing friendships.

Applications are open until October 18, and all those interested can find out more about the DUMP Internship at:

Author: Ian Paligorić, Photos: Josip Svalina

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Thursday, 23 September 2021

Calling All Young Split Developers: DUMP Launches Free Web Programming Courses

September 23, 2021 - Young Split developers will have the chance to learn about web programming for free, thanks to the DUMP association.

DUMP Association of Young Developers will soon organize an educational cycle of 5 free lectures entitled "School of Web Programming Basics" at FESB, starting on October 2 at 17:00.


The association is known for educating the local community and has been active for more than a decade. They have held over 20 cycles of lectures on topics like programming, hardware, design, marketing, and multimedia. Their most famous cycle is "School of Programming Basics," which has had 10 editions so far. Also, every year in mid-May, they organize the largest student IT conference in the Croatian language, DUMP Days.


This time, DUMP is preparing a cycle dedicated to front-end programming in which participants will master the process of creating a website. Prior knowledge is not required because it starts from the very basics of programming logic and basic concepts such as variables, inputs, and branching. Through the first two lectures, you will get acquainted with JavaScript and the background of creating the page itself, and the remaining 3 lectures will introduce you to the world of styling and animating a website using HTML and CSS.


Lectures are free, but you need to sign up on the Google Form. Registrations are possible until October 1 at 23:59 or until the maximum number of participants registers. The first lecture is already on Saturday, October 2, starting at 5:00 p.m. Lectures continue every Saturday at the same time and will be held at the FESB in Hall A100. Accompanying workshops are held on Sundays.


Of course, after some lectures, the participants will have prize assignments, and the 3 most successful ones will also receive valuable prizes! More details about the event are available at

Author: Lucia Vukorepa, Photos Josip Svalina

For more, follow our lifestyle section.

Friday, 3 May 2019

DUMP Days Brings Together Croatian IT Community in Split this Month

DUMP, the Association of Young Developers, in cooperation with Rimac Automobili, organizes one of the largest IT conferences in this area - DUMP Days. The conference will gather the best Croatian IT companies, top educators and talented IT experts for the fourth year in a row, and will be marked with interesting lectures, workshops and exhibition space for companies. The doors of the conference are open to all those interested on May 17 and 18 at the Split Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, reports Dalmacija Danas on May 3, 2019. 

DUMP Days, one of the largest IT conferences in this region, will be held on May 17 and 18 in Split at the FESB, where it will cover relevant topics about the programming, design, marketing and entrepreneurship world. It is an event that will be held for the fourth year in a row and connect students and those interested in IT with some of the most prominent Croatian IT companies and top lecturers. DUMP, promises rich content at the conference aimed at introducing young people to current technologies and the opportunities offered to them in the technological world.

The main program of the conference will include over 20 lectures, panel discussions and a workshop of experts presenting the latest IT trends and technologies, focusing on topics such as autonomous vehicles, IT advertising, and questions about entrepreneurship. Those who are more courageous will be able to hold one-on-one conversations with employers and see firsthand the knowledge and skills needed to find a job in IT. Additionally, visitors will be able to walk around the exhibition spaces of companies that will showcase their business culture and see what it's like to be part of their team. Each year, the exhibition spaces of companies become more original and creative, so things like VR and sumo wrestling are no strange sights.

"In one place, we wanted to gather the most prominent IT companies in Croatia and introduce them to their future employees. At the conference, there are no resumes and motivational letters, but everyone interested can talk to the representatives of the company in a relaxed atmosphere and find out firsthand what it takes to succeed in the IT sector,” said Krešimir Čondic, one of the conference organizers.

The framework of the DUMP conference is supported by a large number of IT companies across the country. Among them are the Rimac Automobili, whose story of a successful global business with headquarters in Croatia goes hand in hand with the values that the conference represents and promotes. Ericsson Nikola Tesla, ExtensionEngine, Hattrick and many others who want to build and strengthen our IT community have also contributed to the organization.

The conference doors will be open to all those interested. Registration for obtaining accreditation is available at the conference website (, but you can also register at the conference entrance. More information can be found on its Facebook page.


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