Monday, 4 October 2021

DUMP Internship: No More Excuses; Perfect Your Knowledge!

October 4, 2021 - The DUMP internship is a way for young developers in Split to acquire new knowledge and skills in programming, marketing, design, and multimedia.

The DUMP Association of Young Developers is looking for new members! The young digital group in Split is organizing another DUMP Internship. It is a free six-month program in which participants - trainees - have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of programming, marketing, design, and multimedia.


The DUMP Internship is intended for high school and college students who are fond of technology, learning, and challenges. The program's primary goal is to train future generations with the knowledge and experience needed to further work through various theoretical lectures, workshops, and real projects.


“The internship showed me everything I need to become a developer and how to better organize myself over time. In addition to knowledge, I gained new acquaintances and friends and learned the importance of communication in the business world. I am currently programming at DUMP and plan to get a job soon," said Frane Doljanin, head of the educational IT cycle.


Many local and internationally recognized IT companies eagerly await DUMP interns who are taught by experts during lectures to teach trainees about the latest industrial practices and technologies.


In addition to knowledge and skills, the DUMP Internship also allows you to meet other ambitious people who share similar interests. Thus, the Internship is an opportunity to gain solid and long-standing friendships.

Applications are open until October 18, and all those interested can find out more about the DUMP Internship at:

Author: Ian Paligorić, Photos: Josip Svalina

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