Sunday, 17 January 2021

Split Promet Introduces E-Ticketing System Worth 23 Million Kuna

January 17, 2021 - A contract worth 23 million kuna was signed in Split, which will enable the Split city carrier Promet to procure an e-ticketing system, which will improve city transport.

As Hina reports, the Promet Director Miroslav Delić pointed out that the e-ticketing system in Split will improve public transport availability, increase passenger information, improve the data management system, and raise citizens' awareness of the benefits of using public transport.

"There is no similar system in Croatia. A reliable public transport service is an absolute imperative of the project," Delić said. The deadline for implementing the system is 12 months.

The mayor of Split, Andro Krstulović Opara, said that out of the 23 million kuna intended for that system, 12 million was from the EU's ITU mechanism.

"This is not just a confirmation that our city carrier Promet has finally become a healthy and modern company. This is an additional confirmation that the application of smart solutions, such as the e-ticketing system, has strengthened the status of Split as a smart city," said Krstulović Opara.

According to him, behind this project, there's a lot of work of city services and people from Promet - a company that, as he said, "deeply restructured and modernized through a major renewal of the vehicle fleet."

"By using smart solutions and exceptional technological innovations, Split becomes a city of pleasant living for its citizens and all those who come to visit it. We have shown that, as a city administration, we can attract large funds and strategically consider the development of Split," said the mayor.

As he pointed out, the City Administration's expert services, together with partners, have attracted more than 300 million kuna from the ITU mechanism in the past four years for the urban agglomeration of Split within the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Cohesion."

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