Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Minister Divljak Expresses Belief in Success of Curricular Reform

ZAGREB, Jan 16 (Hina) - The first results of the experimental stage of the curriculum reform, which the Science and Education Ministry launched a few months ago, will be visible in a year or two, but signs from the field show that teachers are ready and I believe that we will make it, Minister Blaženka Divjak said in a live interview on her Facebook wall.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Dogmatic Sex, Hard Drugs and No Rock and Roll

TCN's Tanja Radmilo takes a closer look at curriculum reforms, and what exactly stands behind the lack of progress...

Friday, 2 June 2017

20,000 People Protest for Educational Reform

One year after major protests for curriculum reform, people have taken to the streets once again.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Croatian PM Tim Oreskovic Asks Both Karamarko and Petrov to Resign!

Even though rumours were coming from HDZ yesterday that PM Oreskovic will be asked to resign, the tables have now turned.
