Thursday, 26 August 2021

Cycling Croatia With EuroVelo 8 Route Encompasses Entire Coastline

August the 26th, 2021 - Cycling Croatia is a fantastic way to see and get better acquainted with this country's stunning biodiversity. The rugged Croatian coast is spectacular from whichever angle you look at it and on any form of transport, but cycling Croatia is one way to get up close and personal with nature. The EuroVelo 8 route will let you cycling the entire Croatian coastline, from Istria all the way down to Dubrovnik.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes, as cycling tourism is in increasing demand in Croatia, the number of public and private initiatives for its development is only growing. On Tuesday, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) announced the start of the Bike, Explore and Enjoy! here on the Croatian market.

The campaign focuses, among other things, on the EuroVelo 8 route, which covers the entire coastline, from Istria down to the country's southernmost city of Dubrovnik. The activities within the campaign will be carried out for one month, via both online and offline channels.

“We have a very high quality resource base for cycling tourism, we're integrated into the EuroVelo network of bicycle routes, and the part of the route that passes through Croatia includes all seven Adriatic counties and covers a total length of 1116 kilometres. I believe that with this campaign, we'll encourage Croatian guests even more to discover this country in an interesting, healthy and sustainable way,'' concluded the director of the CNTB, Kristjan Stanicic.

This Friday, in Zagreb, there will be a presentation of the cycling concept Bikademy, an interactive product that has recently expanded to the areas of Zagreb, Berlin and Sibenik, and creates added value to the tourist offer and promotes the use of the bicycle as a valid and helpful means of transport.

Bikademy is based on a free mobile app, and everyone who registers on the app becomes a Bike Student. Each Bike Student within the app has a virtual index with Bikademy Studies representing a particular region, county or city.

Within each study, therefore, there are different exams, or locations or places of cultural or natural significance to explore. It is necessary to cycle to each Exam, take a selfie and upload a photo to the app.

After passing all the exams of a particular Studio, Bike Students receive a prize. Bikademy currently has more than a thousand Bike Students from across Croatia and Europe.

For more on cycling Croatia, check our our dedicated travel section.
