Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Croatian EY Entrepreneurs of the Year Announced

November 17, 2020 - The Croatian edition of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year award has been completed. Hrvoje Josip Balen, Mislav Balković, and Tomislav Dominković from the Algebra company were named as the new Croatian EY Entrepreneurs of the year.

As Poduzetnik writes, one of the largest and fastest-growing educational groups in Croatia was chosen from six finalists in a competition of more than 55 candidates from 40 companies. As the winners of the national edition, Algebra will represent Croatia at the world finals in Monte Carlo.

Algebra is a company focused on undergraduate and graduate education, lifelong learning, and corporate education. Also, Algebra prepares high school students for graduation and offers a digital education for primary school students. They are also active in the field of educational consulting and digital publishing. During the 21 years of its existence, more than 120,000 people have completed various types of educational programs in Algebra, and 15,000 students of all ages enroll in various fields and studies each year.

Today, Algebra is the most important educational partner of companies such as Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Cisco, Adobe, Red Hat, Vmware, and many others, and it is also a prominent member of numerous eminent academic initiatives.

"Despite all the hardships that befell us this year, with great energy and desire, we managed to fight back and continue to develop our dream. We come from a sector that is not primarily perceived as entrepreneurial, from the education sector, but we were committed to building a successful system by which we will participate in creating new ideas, added value, and future professionals for the benefit of all of us. Thank you to fellow entrepreneurs for the recognition, which will certainly serve as an additional motivation for us in the days to come," said Hrvoje Josip Balen from Algebra during the proclamation.

The expert and the independent jury consists of entrepreneurs and investors Nenad Bakić and Saša Cvetojević, together with previous winners Alan Sumina, Đuro Horvat, Marko Pipunić, Mate Rimac, and Silvio Kutić, led by the President of the Management Board of Atlantic Grupa Emil Tedeschi. The winner was chosen according to global criteria which, in addition to financial indicators, focus on entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, personal integrity, and strategic direction.

"Although the circumstances of life and business have changed, what remains unchanged are the values underlying this award and program. These values are positively evidenced by the entrepreneurial news that resonates with the public in recent months, but also over the years. Almost all previous laureates and finalists of the past five years have achieved great results, and they are connected by hard work, knowledge, desire, courage, and the ability to gather outstanding teams. Besides, the desire for constant education and the acquisition of new knowledge is crucial for their success. It is the constant development of new ideas and knowledge that will be the foundation of further success in all areas," said Emil Tedeschi, President of the Jury, in his introductory speech. Speaking about the importance of the award, he added: "This is a unique award given by entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs, which celebrates entrepreneurship with the message that the best among us are all role models and inspiration."

Winners Hrvoje Balen and Mislav Balković from Algebra in the company of Berislav Horvat, Saša Cvetojević, Nenad Bakić, Mate Rimac, and Josip Pavlinić at the award ceremony of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year award / Poduzetnik.biz

Apart from Algebra, the selected group of this year's finalists, who presented their success stories in Zagreb's Lauba on Friday, November 13, consisted of Nikica Gabrić from the Svjetlost Clinic, Anita Cvetić Oreščanin, Dražen Oreščanin, and Lidija Karaga from the company Business Intelligence (Poslovna inteligencija), Gordan Lauc from Genos, Stjepan Šafran from Metal Product, and Matt Darko Sertić from Applied Ceramics.

During the opening ceremony for the most successful Croatian entrepreneur, Berislav Horvat, Country Managing Partner at EY Croatia, said:

"This year was specific, it put every individual, including everyone who has dedicated their lives to entrepreneurship and creating new values, numerous unexpected temptations. I am convinced that even in such times, it is entrepreneurs and their innovations, optimism, ability to quickly adapt and find the best solutions that can re-create new values and help the further development of society. Therefore, a big thank you to all entrepreneurs for the extra effort they put into building a better society just when it is most needed."

Minister of Finance Zdravko Marić pointed out that glorifying entrepreneurial success is extremely important in these unprecedented times and that entrepreneurs have once again shown how important their role is in the development of the economy and society as a whole.

Croatian entrepreneurship has once again shown that it has the strength and potential, and the sixth edition of this most prestigious world award in entrepreneurship presented the most successful and brought additional motivation for business development and perseverance.

To read more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Croatia's Infobip Continues to Impress at EY Entrepreneur of the Year

Croatian companies are becoming all the more successful in spite of the red tape the state often places in their way. Uhljebs (click here) survive like bacteria under a toilet seat within Croatia's many draconian laws which are no friend to the entrepreneur or the investor, much less the Croatian company. The beast, also known as the Croatian bureaucratic machine, is a difficult one to conquer, but while many try and fail, some succeed. The tale of the Croatian company Infobip is one such inspiring success story.

As Novac writes on the 9th of June, 2019, Silvio Kutić is the founder of the wildly successful Croatian technology giant Infobip.

What has Silvio, and thus Infobip, accomplished?

Vodnjan's Infobip was recently declared the best A2P (application-to-person) service in the world. This is the third year that this company has been ranked number one by mobile operators' ratings, but for the first time, Enterprise research was launched, where leading global companies from different industrial sectors rated A2P service providers, and this company from Croatia ranked first.

Why is this so important?

Infobip is so impressive because of its continuity and the confidence it has managed to instill in disillusioned people that have written off their country and the chance of the progression of their professional lives within it, which is a move that has been made by many, this company has proved that top projects and the creation of top-ranking, globally relevant companies can be done here in Croatia. Infobip is not the only one to have set such a shining example, but alongside Rimac Automobili, which has recently announced an expansion of their plant near Sveta Nedelja near Zagreb.

How does Infobip work?

After a series of attempts, Kutić decided to develop technology solutions for business customers, and back in 2006, along with his brother Robert and partner Izabela Jelenić, he founded Infobip, a world-class ICT company with sixty offices across six continents, and successfully competing with all of the competition from within the same field, of which there's no shortage. The company's services were used by a massive 4.7 billion people just last year alone, and their global customers include Uber, Facebook and WhatsApp. The number of employees has long since surpassed the 1,000 mark, are scattered around the world, and Infobip's revenue is measured in millions of dollars.

What will Infobip do in the future?

Infobip is continuing to reinvest what they earn. The money goes back into research and development, the improvement of cloud infrastructure, the strengthening of their centres and the overall quality of the services they provide. Infobip's main intention is to remain on top and develop more technology. The Vodnjan-based campus, which has long since called the "Croatian Google", is a clear sign that they have every intention to do it all from right here in Croatia.

Make sure to follow our dedicated business and Made in Croatia pages for much more.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Mate Rimac, 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year: "We Need to Work Together and Value Success"

While petty minds are squabbling over trivial matters in online comment sections, goal-driven Croatian entrepreneurs and investors remain focused on building a better future - one where we just might see Croatia's name on the global map. A report from last night's EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award ceremony in Zagreb on March 21, 2018
