Monday, 7 December 2020

People Who Have Recovered from COVID-19 Will Have to Wear Masks As Well

ZAGREB, Dec 7, 2020 - Face masks will be compulsory also for persons who have recovered from COVID-19 since it is still not known how newly-acquired immunity affects transmission, and masks will continue to be compulsory also after vaccination, Croatian Public Health Institute (HZJZ) head Krunoslav Capak said on Monday.

"If the virus settles in a mucous membrane, there is no evidence as to whether immune persons can transmit the disease, and that is why those who have recovered from the infection should wear masks as well. That will remain so also after the vaccination," Capak said at a news conference held by the national COVID-19 response team.

He said that Croatia still had a high incidence rate, with 1,154 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, and that Luxembourg was the only other EU country with a higher incidence.

As for the mortality rate, Croatia is 14th in the EU, with 515 fatalities per one million inhabitants.

The share of positive cases among tested persons in the last 14 days has been 35.6%, with Bulgaria and Poland having higher rates.

In the past 24 hours, there have been 1,886 new infections and 59 fatalities.

A total of 2,629 patients are receiving treatment in hospitals, including 277 who are on ventilators, which is 40 more than on Sunday.

In the past 24 hours, 254 people have been hospitalised and 133 have been released.

The number of active cases stands at 22,124.

The death toll is 2,231.

Currently 52,764 people are self-isolating.

So far 816,241 people have been tested for the novel virus, of whom 5,356 have been tested in the last 24 hours.

Capak said that 136,000 fast antigen tests had been procured, of which 80,000 would be distributed among retirement homes to test 40,000 residents and staff members. The rest will be distributed among emergency medical services for fast diagnostics.

Health Minister Vili Beros said that telemedical centres would be set up in all COVID-19 facilities to establish expert cooperation between all institutions treating COVID-19 patients. The central facility will be Zagreb's Hospital for Infectious Diseases and the goal of the project is to harmonise practice in the application of new information on coronavirus in the treatment of patients.

The head of the national COVID-19 response team, Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic, said that in the last 24 hours civil protection inspectors had carried out 2,442 inspections of businesses and public gatherings, issuing 544 warnings and a fine in the amount of HRK 30,000.

"A total of 1,778 checks have been carried out as well, 265 irregularities have been established and 92 reports have been made that will be submitted to the relevant institutions to decide on possible launching of misdemeanor proceedings. A total of 8,743 facilities have been checked and violation of epidemiological restrictions has been found in seven," he said, noting that 63 people had been found to have violated self-isolation rules and that three criminal reports would be filed.

Commenting on an appeal by scientists that was signed over the weekend by half of the government's scientific council, Bozinovic said that some of their recommendations had already been translated into decisions and restrictions introduced by the national COVID-19 response team as well as that measures would continue to be adopted.

"We are having discussions with representatives of the retail sector in order to limit the number of customers who can be in a shop at the same time. As for schools, (Education) Minister (Radovan) Fuchs will discuss possible corrections of initial plans with county heads today. We have already said on several occasions that all decisions are made based on the epidemiological situation, after we establish that the previous ones have either not helped reduce the number of infections or that certain increases have been identified," he said.

Commenting on the scientists' appeal, in which they presented their recommendations to deal with the current health and social crisis in the country, the head of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Alemka Markotic, said that opinions were different but that communication was ongoing.

"We have been in touch with our colleagues abroad and have been communicating and exchanging experience with them on a daily basis. It is important to ask questions and seek solutions," she said.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Parliament Amends Law Stipulating Fines for Not Wearing Mask

ZAGREB, December 4, 2020 - Parliament on Friday amended the law on the protection of the population from infectious diseases, making it possible to fine those who do not comply with anti-COVID measures.

Seventy-six MPs voted for and 53 against the amendments.

Parliament also tasked the government to report to it three times a year on the implementation of said law for the duration of the epidemic, with 77 votes for a conclusion to that effect moved by the ruling majority.

The government is expected to submit a report in January, June and September. Parliament rejected the opposition's amendments that the government report to parliament once a month on the implementation and effects of measures adopted under said law.

Two-thirds majority is necessary

The opposition insisted that the measures must be adopted by a two-thirds majority, with which the ruling HDZ disagreed.

We are in a state of emergency and Article 17 of the Constitution should be applied. We should and must have a two-thirds majority in parliament, said Tomislav Tomasevic of the Green-Left Bloc.

Branko Bacic (HDZ) said only the Constitution and constitutional laws were adopted with 101 votes, everything else with 76.

Arsen Bauk of the Social Democratic Party said the latest measures made mask-wearing mandatory and banned or restricted private gatherings.

It's time to admit that we are in a state of a big natural disaster from Article 17 of the Constitution, which requires a two-thirds majority, he added.

€65 fine for not wearing a mask

The amended law stipulates the obligation to wear a mask and bans or restricts public and private events and gatherings.

A person can be fined HRK 500 for not wearing a mask or wearing it improperly. Those organising a private party can be fined up to HRK 10,000, while the owner of a private property who organises or allows a private gathering can be fined from HRK 5,000 to 10,000.

Compliance with the measures will be overseen by police, civil protection, and state inspectors.

The government has reiterated a number of times that the point of the amendments is not fines but prevention and compliance with anti-COVID measures.

Offenders will first be cautioned, but if someone perseveres, they can be fined, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic has said, adding that the amendments will not give the police new powers and that no one will enter anyone's home, given that the home is protected by the Constitution.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Red Cross Provides Masks and Disinfectants for 23,000 Elderly Persons

ZAGREB, November 8, 2020 - Red Cross Croatia (HCK) has launched the "Let's take care of them" campaign to provide 23,000 low-income elderly people with protective masks and disinfectants.

The HCK hopes that this action will provide additional protection against coronavirus for senior citizens.

HCK's national logistical centre has begun distributing personal protective equipment to its regional centres, and during November and December the supplies will be delivered to beneficiaries above the age of 65 who are registered with HCK.

The association will contact its beneficiaries and inform them of where they can obtain packages with protective equipment, HCK said in a press release on Friday.

HCK executive director Robert Markt underlined that the current situation, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, was difficult for everyone and particularly for the elderly.

"We have been assisting for months now. We are visiting them at home aware that we all have to take care of them and enable them to have good protection," he said.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Masks that Stop Corona and Other Viruses Produced in Croatia

October 21, 2020 – Croatian company Splendor Tekstil has produced a new innovative product - four-layer masks that stop corona and other viruses, with 99 percent antibacterial and 99 percent antiviral protection.

As reports, after being the first in Croatia to mass-produce surgical masks in June, the domestic company Splendor Tekstil continued to do an excellent job.

This family company has locations in Klanjec and Sesvete and employs more than 50 people. Otherwise, they produce Gore-tex clothing, special functional professional clothing. In Sesvete they only produce masks – four million of them a month.



Their new mask is based on innovative nanotechnology. It is similar to a classic medical mask, but its nanolayer gives it extra protection against viruses. At the time of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, such protection is extremely important.

"We are now faced with a virus, and a medical or any other mask provides only bacterial filtration. We are working in that direction now because innovation is the foundation of our company's functioning," said Splendor Tekstil.

Namely, medical masks are only antibacterial and for their certification, the norm does not provide the testing for viruses, but exclusively for bacteria. Even a medical mask of the highest standard of grade 2R, in addition to having more than 98 percent bacterial filtration and protection against liquid splashes, has no protection against viruses. This prompted them to make a mask that would, in addition to antibacterial, also provide antiviral protection.


Protects, but does no harm

"Our product is incomparable to anything that can be found on the market now. We use special filter materials. Otherwise, all medical masks contain polypropylene, and here it is combined with innovative nanotechnology. It is not metals that are used, but polymer. That is why this mask is more affordable and competitive in the global market.

The polymer does not degrade and does not enter the respiratory system, it is completely stable, chemically inert and extremely resistant to high and low temperatures and UV rays, and completely harmless to health,“ explained Suzana Perčić, head of development at Splendor Tekstil.

“It’s good to note how important it is that the mask protects, but it’s equally important that it doesn’t harm,” Perčić stressed.

Masks crucial in the fight against coronavirus

The new mask has passed all European laboratory tests, and Splendor Tekstil has received very good feedback from relevant domestic laboratories.

The new four-layer Splendor Tekstil mask can be worn for 24 hours, and if stored in a hygienically acceptable manner after use, even for longer. Of course, when removing and putting on the mask, it is important to be careful and have clean hands.

Since production started only a week ago, the masks cannot be found on the market yet, but they can be ordered directly from the company.

It is important to know that wearing a protective mask has proven to be a key step in preventing the spread of coronavirus infection during the pandemic. Experts have determined that this, along with keeping a distance, is the main means of prevention.


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Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Wearing Face Masks in Croatian Parliament Mandatory as of Wednesday

ZAGREB, September 1, 2020 - Wearing face masks in the Parliament chamber will be mandatory as of Wednesday, and not more than 41 MPs will be allowed to attend per session, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said on Tuesday after a meeting of the Parliament Presidency.

"We have decided that masks will be mandatory for plenary sessions, and we will strictly abide by this. This will no longer be a recommendation, but an obligation," Jandrokovic told the press, stressing that the decision was made unanimously.

He said that the decision was made in accordance with the recommendations of the Croatian Public Health Institute and medical organisations because of the current epidemiological situation and the fact that one MP was positive for the coronavirus.

Any MP not wearing a face mask will first be cautioned by the chairperson and if they refuse to put it on, they will be asked to leave or face being escorted out by security. "We will not be aggressive, but we must protect MPs' health. We will not wear masks just for our own sake, but to protect others as well," Jandrokovic said.

The new parliament will return to the work regime that had been in place during the previous parliament, that is only 41 of 151 MPs plus the chairperson will be allowed to attend per session.

This number was arrived at by dividing the number of members of each political group by four, as a result of which the ruling HDZ party will be entitled to have 16 MPs present, the Social Democrats nine, the Homeland Movement three, Bridge and the green-left bloc two each, and the other groups one each.

"In that way we will ensure a sufficient physical distance," Jandrokovic said, adding that the option of electronic voting would also be used.

Parliament begins an extraordinary sitting on Wednesday which will last until the end of next week, while it will sit regularly as of September 16.


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Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Meet Kumi and Her Team, Making Fun, Personalized Face Masks from Porec

July 28, 2020 – If it's a “new normal“ to wear a face mask almost everywhere you go, let it be fun, catchy, and personalized. Kumrije Musljiu, known as Kumi, recently started to make face masks by order in her atelier in the heart of old-town Porec.

Kumi used to sew dolls, toys, and souvenirs, but she had to adjust to the new situation with the coronavirus and start sewing masks too. Her business, named „By Kumi“, located right by the Euphrasian Basilica in the center of old-town Porec, is a place where you can come and order your mask.

“We decided to start making masks to get something positive out of this situation. That is, when we need to follow the rules, these masks should be personalized and represent each person in some way,” says Kumrije, known as Kumi.


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Source: Private archive


More and more orders each day

All the masks are handmade and unique. It's not a surprise that these two-layered masks of different materials, washable in a machine, became so popular.

Their masks are recognizable by the variety of colors and motifs. As Kumi explains, customers mostly want their logo on a mask, something they like, or something that defines them in some way.

Therefore, you can pick whatever color you desire and put motifs or even a coat of arms on a mask, if you want.

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Source: Private archive


Kumi works with one employee and her daughter, who help her make all the masks ordered.

“We are a very good team and each of us has a job that we do professionally,” says Kumi.



Source: Private archive


First, they gave masks to their neighbors, close friends, city associations (Association of the Disabled and Nursing Home), and the mayor of Porec.

After that, interest began to grow, and with it, their business. They have more and more orders each day because customers are very satisfied and they continue to recommend them.


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Loris Peršurić, the mayor of Poreč / Source: Private archive


Recognizable quality

Even though this year’s season is different, and the attendance is not the same as usual, those who come to “By Kumi” atelier are always delighted with their products.

Apart from masks, Kumi says they “have a lot of products filled with lavender, so tourists fall in love with that scent”.


Source: Private archive


They also have baby products that are filled with anti-allergic cotton wool and are washable, which are great for children and parents. They have something for every age, which makes customers even more satisfied.

Due to the custom-made service and the quality, the price of one mask is 50 kuna, but Kumi says they are here for anyone who needs a mask and can’t afford it.



Source: Private archive
